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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Oh I was talking about sale prices.
  2. FX to V is 199, V to FX is 99. This is 29 from FX3 so everyone can stop saying it’s 29 for them now. Also yeah, first reports are saying CPU usage is stupidly high. Think Valhalla times 20.
  3. Might want to put "expansions" in the title because a lot of people don't care about sample packs.
  4. How is this not free or like $15?
  5. Was that the same glitch where you could get the Everything Bundle crossgrade for $199 without owning anything else? I got that, sold RX 10 for $199 and still got to keep RX 9 even though 10 was a free upgrade. Then I sold Ozone 10 for $149 and Izotope "transferred" it but forgot to remove it from my account. Made $149 and still got to keep basically everything.
  6. I'm on Mac, so it's deleting a file in some silly folder instead of a registry key. But yeah, I kind of exaggerated when I said huge PITA, but I just don't understand why they can't have an uninstall button in Native Access.
  7. Damn, Solstice is pretty tempting. I have no idea how I could possibly free up another 70 GB on this MacBook after CinePerc and CineStrings however...
  8. It is also very much worth mentioning they reset the voucher so you can now use it for a 2nd time.
  9. Their prices are certainly april fool’s day worthy.
  10. Instruments. Some of the best out there.
  11. But… the Originals are standalone plugins.
  12. I bought Mercury and it's fairly bland. Just have to steer clear from Spitfire entirely.
  13. I think that makes you literally the only person who's ever bought anything from these guys, congrats! None of their GS and KVR threads have any replies ever. I've always wondered how they can possibly make any money doing this.
  14. Wait what? Kontakt Player libraries are a huge PITA to remove.
  15. People on VI-C are going especially crazy for CineWinds and CineBrass. The caveat seems to be that you need Core AND Pro if you want all the instruments and mic positions, so even with the glitch discount, it’s a fair bit of money and out of no-brainer territory for non-orchestral composers IMO. CineStrings is a little less highly praised, but still popular. For the current price, there's probably nothing better out there. For non-orchestral, Solo is a fantastic library, but you have to be aware the instruments sound fairly old fashioned (people are saying „medieval“; I concur), making it not exactly suitable for more modern music. If you're in doubt this much, however, I'd pass. $80 on something you'll never use and can't re-sell is still wasted money.
  16. CinePerc is available again so all the bundles are as well. At this point it is pretty safe to say this is not a glitch, or if it started as one, they're sure embracing every bit of it.
  17. I have, actually. I did like a single preset out of all of them.
  18. Well, CinePerc is supposed to be the be-all-end-all percussion library, especially for orchestral work, but if you're happy with what you already have, why waste 90GB of SSD space? I will use it quite a bit but my only other major percussion library is Evolution World, so I am extremely happy with one of two purchases at least.
  19. I would ask if it's worth installing but unless you literally have nothing else of the same type, none of the LABS libraries are.
  20. I just got it, so take this with a grain of salt, but CinePerc isn't only cinematic percussion, but all kinds of percussion. Xylophone, Marimba, all kinds of clickety clack wood and metal percussion, fairly exotic stuff included. Seems totally usable outside of orchestral stuff, but I have only played around so far. I'd say it's EASILY worth the $80 and more.
  21. Turns out the Everything Bundle was only temporarily not available due to CineBrass having been sold out. They apparently acquired new licences and it worked again. Now the same thing is happening again because CinePerc sold out. BTW: I already regret my impulse purchase of CineStrings Solo. I was like OMG GLITCH!!! and jumped on it after hearing 5 seconds of a demo, but actually testing the library myself, it's pretty clear I will have little use for it because all the strings sound like they were recorded for the next BBC medieval drama. Buy responsibly.
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