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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Great song Steve ! I Really enjoyed the video as well. The slide rule really brought back some distant memories.. The subject matter will be Very relevant not too far in the future. I hope I'm still around to witness it. I like the way you put his feeling of isolation into a light perspective, without letting it get depressing. Now I Totally get your suggestion on my last song. Subscribed .. hats off to @DeeringAmps I think you're getting the ball rolling .. Loved it .. mark
  2. Sorry I'm so late on responding .. @garybrun , @daryl1968 , @KSband , different indeed I feel the same.. @Old Joad , @Kevin Walsh , Yes the blend of East and West is as close as I can come. I really wish I could get a bettter grasp on Indian and Arabic music. @subvibe , I take that as a Nice compliment as you have been there and know the vibe better than someone just watching a video. I've always been envious of you world travels. Maybe I should do some research on the Cuban vibe ?? You did a Great job of explaining ! and I get it. There are a few phrases in the song that sound a little too emotional. I totally agree. I will take your comment to heart in future songs. To be honest .. I think it was just my "weak voice" singing at 5am that was misconstrued as emotion. Working long hours and totally burned out afterwards, I got into the habit of doing daw work early in the mornings before work. Retired for 10 years , but still on the same schedule. I really need to do vocals later in the day. "Thanks" to all of of you that have listened and responded to this pretty much "out of the norm" and strange song .. mark
  3. Kevin , Great guitar work and treatment on them. I think you could bring the vox up a little. Especially during the sections with the high harmonys coming in. Very good job on the vocals. I Really liked the "airy" sound on the smooth lower sections. I think punching the chorus sections would give it more of that "Floyd" feeling. Loved it .. mark
  4. Hello , years ago .. I watched a documentary about giant river fish in India. They highlighted the creamation of a local woman on the banks of the Ganges river. This had a profound effect on me .. and knowing why it was included in the giant fish show, it had even more impact. This is only about a moment in time and her passing. This song was started in Sonar 8.5 and just now brought to completion in CbB. All comments,crits and suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for the listen .. mark - Final mix - Special "thanks" to Gary Brun for the excellent mastering .. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14761020
  5. Fantastic song and presentation of the lyrics ! I really liked the uplifting energy it had all the way thru. The ending was nice as well. I was wondering how you were going to pull that off. No crits or suggestions .. That was a Nice listen. Loved it .. mark
  6. Barry , I Love your vocals on this! They're nice , clear and have a lot of impact . Nothing is being lost on the trailing end of the phrases. I Think the sense of space in them is Perfect , and I loved the add lib parts late in the song. Great guitar playing and mix! I really liked the suttle differences between the left and right tracks, and the tone and capture of both of them. String squeeks either work or they don't .. They were a little excessive , but I wouldn't edit them out. They worked for me. Probabably a minor EQ cut where they live would tame them a little. Bass didn't work for me. I think a Lot more bottom end would work better. I'm looking forward to hear what you do this weekend. My first thoughts, (before reading any comments).. was the when the drums came in, they were accidentily sitting in the wrong spot in the timeline. They are definetely dragging and pulling the energy out. I'm sure you will find an easy fix. I'd just try to line the snare up with one of your consistant other tracks that are driving the beat. Fantastic song , and I Loved the tonal quality of the guitars and Vox. Enjoyed it .. mark
  7. Great collab guys! I really liked the breakdown after the killer lead break. Another thing that got my attention were the keyboards/organ. Nicely done .. mark
  8. Congrats ! Your work has been top notch for a Long time. Good to see all of the time and effort paying off. I've enjoyed your previews here and haven't heard anything I would change in them. Yes , the videos are icing on the cake. mark
  9. Yeah , I've been talking to the supervisor at the Alabama fish and game dept. Mr. Yakima ..?
  10. Thanks , Yes the cello is real. Not very good on it, but Love playing it when I need some fill parts. mark @steve@baselines.com Thanks for the feedback. I got some help with the Lush part. mark
  11. TC, Killer intro ! It immediately locked me in. Kinda gave me a John Mayer feel.. I'm always in Awe of your processing on the midi guitars. I Really liked her voice, especially in the lower ranges. Great job on the mix and master. Each time I listen, I hear more fantastic parts hiding in plain sight. Another Very Impressive production. Loved it ... mark
  12. Bruce , I think you've outdone yourself on this one! Amazing what you can get out of your Yakima. Everything is light and happy sounding. Great job with keeping the song going with such sparceness instrumentally.. Your vocals are Really Nice with Great delivery. Of course.. I can hear places where a full band mix coming in would take it to another level but, this is Super impressive as it is. Loved it .. mark
  13. Thanks sjoens. Using the advanced option in pref. is working now on my daw pc, (with the "none" workspace). I went thru all of the options 3 times. I never saw the option I was looking for until changing my workspace. ?? I guess I'm going blind or crazy .. mark
  14. I think the catagories listed in preferences available for edit, should be independent of workspace settings. I spent a good bit of time trying to get to a page I saw in a screenshot. I was trying to find an option I was Needing. It took me a while to realize it wasn't available using my "none" workspace. Switched to "advanced" and the settting then showed up in preferences. You should have All options easily available, regardless of your workspace setting. That would be the proper way.. Especially for new users. I am not a new user, and I still had a problem with it. ms
  15. @msmcleod I believe thats the way I'll try doing that part of the edit from now on. I was responding to John ^^ when you posted. Thanks for the responce.. ms
  16. @John Vere I actually went to your channel first, hunting for a tutorial with ripple edit in the title. I got the answer in the link you provided once I found the correct video. All of them were informative. Bringing focus to the "right "side of a split really helped. I've been making this way harder than it is .. @Glenn Stanton , I appreciate the suggestion. I like the insert time/measure advice. I also learned the havoc you can create by accidentely leaving the ripple edit on. (this morning) Thanks .. mark
  17. I'm wanting to repeat a 1 bar section on all 16 tracks, and move everything after it forward in the timeline. This seems to happen all the time on a new song .. I normally find the optimal place to cut each track, copy and move them one at a time. I rarely ever get a pop or click. It's efficient, but time comsuming. I'm sure there is an efficient way using ripple edit, but have had no success in the past. Looked online but have'nt found anthing relevant. Thanks .. mark
  18. As an EX trumpet player , I would like to confirm , you "definetely" used the wrong trumpet vst , or it was mangled to the point of changing the basic sound of the instrument too much. No "air" or proper attack. It Very much sounds "smooth" but not quite the sound to be going for to set the mood of the track to get your attention. I can get a better sound out of TTS . Just another opinion to be dismissed .. respectfully .. mark
  19. Very Nice ! Love the sparsness in this one. Great to take advantage of Real music produced by natural events. I think I would have tried to repitch the wind chimes though .. You've got the "Yes" vibe going in this one. It always brings me back to a time when everything was new and fulfilling. You Really got me with this one. I'm planning forward to recording the cicada insect emergence coming up soon. Don't have a clue what to do with it , but I'll have it. I Loved the song and production .. mark
  20. mark skinner

    Bad Dog

    Killer interaction with the bass and drums. Perfect Punch. I Always Love your Sax work. It seems like the instrument you can Really Feel without thinking about it. I really didn't pick up on the midi guitar. May be a Good thing . You can only feel it reinforcing the keys synth. Great relaxing production that brought me back to a nice familiar feeling. Loved it .. mark
  21. Yes , I was pleasently surprised recieving a new master from Gary. I transferred it to a new project and compaired the new with my old one. I was Blown Away by the clairity and tonal differences of the two using my monitors. Suttle things like reverb panned opposite of the track came thru that were lost on my master. The highs were pristine and brought out the reverb more , but not "too" much to make it washy. The lowes punched more with better seperation of the instruments. He mentiond he kept the low frequencys in mono using mid /side. A little over my head , I've lots of learning to do.. I guess this is one example of being satisfied with a basic Ozone AI master, against one done by a competent audio wizard using his ears. No comparison .. Thanks Gary. mark
  22. I made that assumption based on the statement that, all future releases will come from the new product center. Trying to downloaded it on win7 , point blank you are greeted with a notification stating "your OS is not supported" with no other options. But .. you know how assumptions are .. ms
  23. Thanks Mark for the conformation. I pretty much expected that. I couldn't install the new product center on my Win7 pc. So .. I'm guessing if there ever is a continuing free CbB , it will also have the improved vector graphics and unavailabe with Win7. Thanks .. mark
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