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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. mark skinner


    Thanks for all the great comments and suggestions. I guess I'm getting past the "It's too bassy" comments I usually get. I've been leaning on Izotope a little harder. To Spak .. have a go at some lyrics. To Tom Deering .. Yes I'm playing the cello , I'm starting to get the feel of it. I've got probably about 40 hrs. total playing one and enjoyed every second of it. Thanks again ..You guys are great... mark
  2. Great guitar work and tone . I think some of the tasty licks around the 3 minute mark could also go into the section just before the outro .. Really enjoyed it . mark
  3. Hey , I really enjoyed both versions , I don't own one but I'm a big fan of a Jag , you had the tone dialed in great for this one . It was even better actually seeing you play instead of just trying to imagine it. Very nice .. mark
  4. David , I usually go to the main TTS synth page and click the preview button at the bottom under one of the instrument channels. They will all be set on piano by default. Click on "piano" in one of them and presets will come up. Select a new preset and click the preview button again to hear it. You'll be hearing a short midi performance of each preset instead of just one note. This is probably a 2 click way of previewing. mark
  5. mark skinner


    I wanted to get an 'Indian' feel on this instrumental without using the typical midi sitar type instruments. I ended up playing a cello an acoustic , a classical , a Tele and a dulcimer. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated . Thanks ... mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/brahma
  6. mark skinner

    Zoom region

    Hello , is there an option in CbB to enhance (zoom) the area around the mouse pointer icon. I'm trying to set up a monitor with pretty small objects. Thanks .. mark
  7. I've got "two guitars" there must be something wrong with mine .. That was incredible .
  8. Just make sure you have a vst or vst2 available ...
  9. Astral , If it's not real busy you can always copy the entire clip , then use the little keyboard to select a note and erase all of them at once ( in the copied track) , repeating until you only have the bass notes left. This actually is pretty quick. You can then use the little keyboard and select the bass notes and drop them an octave if you want. Anyway .. this is a pretty easy work around Iv'e done in the past. mark
  10. I think this was very well written and arranged . The style of the vocalist is perfect for this one. When your schedule allows you should definitely do a remake. This one could be made into a timeless recording that everyone thinks they've heard before from a movie soundtrack or a broadway play. Enjoyed it .. mark
  11. @emeraldsoul , I had so much low end stuff going on in the first mix , I kept the bass guitar eq closer to a slap bass sound. I guess I should have re eq'd it. I thought it sounded thin myself during the remix , but I'm not really trusting my ears right now. @David Sprouse I sometimes use a drum or synth loop but have started using a midi controller. I play everything else myself. Guitar is my main instrument , I only play the other stuff when I'm recording. I really Thank everyone for their comments. mark
  12. I think it's even cooler to get quick feedback from someone half way around the planet. Takk skal du ha
  13. I don't have internet in my studio , so I'm having to listen to these uploads from a laptop with cheap headphones. I think I'm going to start leaning on Izotope more for eq settings for anything I post. I guess I need to export a copy at 128 mp3 and listen closer thru my monitors. The suggestions are a Great help ! After listening to a song so many times , the bad mixing decisions start sounding normal .. mark
  14. I revisited the mix and started over. Pulled out some lows especially on the offending drum track. The cello itself was booming in a few places. The original link now is the remix. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. mark
  15. Check out RAUM reverb ! from Native Instruments , very cool and a different take on a reverb in general. Free until mid January . I believe this is one of the best free plugins I've seen in a while.
  16. Gary , The bass guitar sounds good to me soloed , there is a good bit of sub coming thru on one of the busy drum clips . I'll take a closer look at it , it sounds a little boomy to me also after the file conversion. Thanks ... good call. mark
  17. mark skinner

    No Clue

    This is another funk jazz fusion instrumental using my neglected cello . Thanks for the listen and comments. mark
  18. Very nice production and mix. I really liked the eq on the dobro and mandolin. I like the way the video followed the lyrics. The video itself was truly a work of art.
  19. Most of the instruments you can also find in the Cakewalk TTS synth. A lot of them are a lot more convincing but I normally end up tweeking just about everything . As far as notes cutting off abruptly you can usually fix most of that in your midi controller settings. If you are mouse clicking in piano roll view , adding a reverb to the Synth with a long pre delay helps with the abrupt cut offs. There are also a lot of free stuff you can find in the "free instruments" thread if need something different. mark
  20. Great song. I really liked the sparse mix. This is a direction I'm trying to go myself , I really like playing a lot of instruments on my recordings but sometimes simpler is better .
  21. Is this behavior the same if you split and slip edit a clip? I'm not on the latest build yet but a playing partner of mine just installed CbB for the first time yesterday .. Thanks
  22. CJ , Why don't you just try using some volume automation on a master stereo track. You can do a minor boost on the song beginning and slope it off more at the ending. With you levels a little more even your compressor can do a better job of taming the really loud parts without squashing everything . Even Izotope will set its' comp/limiter to one spot to give you an overall loudness for the whole song. The beginning would still be quieter. I do this all the time for really quiet intros that have only a few instruments playing.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions. I've only got the basic Kontakt player and free instruments on a laptop . and trying to keep the Big programs off of my studio ssd. I've downloaded a couple of freebys that are more convincing than TTS or Soundcenter. When I decide on one I'll post a link to the "instruments" thread. I'll check and see if I have dim pro on an old pc. I'm really liking the "Ample Sound" bass from the videos ... I may end up getting it later. Thanks .. mark
  24. Does anyone know of a free upright bass instrument ? I looked thru the free instrument thread but couldn't find anything. I'm using TTS and Sound Center but not satisfied . Thanks ... mark
  25. Scook , I found another .dll file in my x86 scan path. I wrongly assumed there was only one .dll per application. Telling me vst3 was not supported in this daw made me look further. I found the plugin in the plugin manager , clicked it and it showed me the file location. Are there different .dll files for vst , vst2 , vst3.? or are they copies of the same file ? Thanks.. mark
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