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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Steev , That sounded like "everybody" had a Great time. Very cool collaboration. I'm missing a lot by not having internet in my barn studio. Enjoyed it .. mark
  2. Hey Tom , this was solid. Great job on the vocals and especially the guitars and bass. I loved the breakdown and lead break. I think you nailed it. No overuse of the verbs. Great job .. mark
  3. You've Definitely captured that Honky tonk feel , that took me back. I thought the slide was Real nice , don't hear that much slide from you. I did feel the fluttering effect coming in around 1:46 slammed me away from the live bar feel you had going . It took me a couple of bars to get it back. Anyway that's just my opinion . FANTASTIC playing .. mark
  4. @eric chevrier Thanks my friend , You were actually on top of the list when I said I envy lead guitar players. Your approval means a lot.. mark
  5. John , Nothing but a Giant Feel Good vibe coming from this. You set it up well with the long build up in the beginning , I wouldn't have had that much patience. That was a Beautiful immersive airy mix and I loved the way you build it up the broke it back down. Fantastic synth work. 10+ Thanks .. mark - edit - ps. I try not to read previous comments before posting mine , and didn't here. When the build up ended , I too thought it was worth the wait. ms
  6. Hello again , I did some EQ work and some cut and paste on the beginning of a few of the the cello notes. I think I got back a good bit of the bow attacks. @Barry Seymour Thanks a lot for the comment , I was uploading the remix as you posted. I hope I made some improvement. Thanks .. mark
  7. That was awe inspiring and Very relaxing. You just lowered my blood pressure. Thanks .. mark
  8. That was hauntingly beautiful. Very immersive and stirring. You got some Great tones on the bowed instruments. The simple zooming in video worked Fantastic. I Really enjoyed listening to this one . Very Nice .. mark
  9. @noynekker That's the first time I've been accused of being too smooth , but I Totally agree. I chopped up the tracks quite a bit moving notes and lost a lot of bow attack using fades. I baked them in bouncing to clips and got too far ahead to start undoing. Big lesson learned. Thank You . @garybrun The middle section I used some pretty big fade ins , and It Really sounded more like a volume pedal used on a pedal steel. I thought the same thing . I may try and go for that sound in the future. Thank you for evaluating and your time. @Wookiee I'm researching to grasp the concept of using formants. Thank You for your comments and opinion. I Really appreciate you guys and your help. Thanks .. mark
  10. mark skinner


    Here's the latest instrumental I'm trying to finish up , no more in my hold file so , I'm finally caught up. Any crits and suggestions are welcomed. I felt it was a little lacking so I added cello tracks and tried to make them sound like a violin . I played my cello then in melodyne I raised everything up an octave into the viola range. The violin range got weird sounding. I'm not sure about a Lot of things on this one so whatever jumps out at you please don't hold back. I usually play clean electric but it sure was fun doing the overdrive guitar near the end. I Really envy you lead players. I really hope I can learn to pull off this cello/violin thing because I sure canNot play a violin. Thank You .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/elevator Link now reflects final remix.
  11. Lynn , there a Lot to like here and too much to mention it all. Great guitar intro , I wanted to hear more of it. Great vocals as well. Enjoyed it .. mark
  12. Jake , I listened on laptop with headphones. On monitors I'm sure there would be much better bleed over. With only a couple of instruments , I think hard panning (or near it) sounds less than ideal with headphones especially if the tracks are pretty dry. Just my opinion . mark
  13. Yeah , I thought for sure it was an E piano. I guess I missed "harp" in the main thread title. Even more impressive now. I've never known a Real harp player. Maybe the EQ boost on the harp Wookie mentioned would help. She's a human metronome .. mark
  14. Jake , I thought the acoustic guitar was Very well recorded. The song sure had a Floydish feel to me. Some reverb from each guitar feeding the opposite side of the spectrum would be nice . It felt too hard panned to me. Still nice .. mark
  15. mark skinner

    Agua Fria

    Very nice. I really liked the overall feel of the song and the main lead guitar melody. I do think the Yamaha could be boosted a DB or so and the lead dropped the same amount. Great song and Very nice performance. Enjoyed it .. mark
  16. Eric , you've sure been on a roll lately . Another Great one. I thought the piano sounded Real nice. Great playing and mix. mark
  17. I Loved the laidback held out vocals and especially the harmony when it hits the minors. This would be a great one with a haunting pedal steel in the breaks. Sounds Great ! mark
  18. Michael , I Really liked the walking bass , it sounded Great. I did think the piano could be a little brighter and less quantized. Overall Very good composition . Enjoyed it .. mark
  19. mark skinner


    Link not working Jack ..
  20. @Jack Stoner I guess I'm the exception. I also have and old HP with the same problem. I can actually see it arc from a bundle of wires with the switch hanging out of the case. But .. in fact the switch was the very "Last" thing the tech looked at. They fed power directly (bypassing the switch) and it booted right up and stayed on. Thanks for the comments and the help. mark
  21. The link now reflects a remix. I added notes and made some volume changes in the mix and master. I think it's much better now , Thanks for the direction. Let me know if I missed it. Thank You .. mark
  22. Yeah , I guess when your computer keeps turning on and off , you should check the First thang that turns your computer on and off. yay. ms
  23. Brad , back up all your Sonar projects from your XP machine. They'll open up in CbB. I took a Bunch of old projects from an XP tower running Home studio 7 . Some of the guys playing on these projects are no loner around.. mark
  24. Picked up my pc yesterday. He said they almost gave up thinking it was a motherboard problem , then found an intermittent short in the power switch. I'm back in business. The only thing I lost was my CbB activation. I had changed my cmos battery while troubleshooting , my 6 month refresh was surpassed by several years until I realized I hadn't reset my date and time. Thanks .. good for now. mark
  25. @Miguel Carzola @PhonoBrainer @Bajan Blue Thanks for the feedback and suggestion. I'm also feeling the bass is a little lacking listening closer after your comments. I didn't notice it at all beforehand . Thanks for pointing it out. I'll try and address it when my pc gets out of the shop. I'm down for the count right now. It has been nice though just sitting down and playing without recording. Later .. mark
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