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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Hello , the link now reflects a remix. I balanced the L/R signals with a lot of tedious envelope adjustments. Thanks @Wookiee for the heads up. I also added a few guitar fills and a short vox track near the ending. I think I said all I wanted to as far as the vocals go. I tried to shorten the song a little but nothing I did felt right. I'm pretty satisfied with it now , but let me know if you have any issues. Thanx for the listen and the comments .. mark
  2. Gary , the link wouldn't work for me until this morning. Went thru the facebook link yesterday 👍 I'm sure you are Very proud of them. Looks like musical talent sure runs in the family. Thanks for posting. Impressed .. mark
  3. Keith , I think you are being a little too hard on yourself about this one. You've for sure been raising your own bar lately. I like your thick lower vocals on this and for sure your guitar work. I'm sure you'll make some minor changes and be happy with it soon. I Like it .. mark
  4. mark skinner

    De Dronner

    Very Cool! I Really liked the dulcimer like synth parts . The pulsing kick drum was also a nice touch as well as the creative ending. Great job , I Really enjoyed the listen. mark
  5. Thanks @bjornpdx, "mournful" was the description I was actually looking for when describing the cello. It never came to me so I just left that part out. Thank You @Wookiee. I was hearing the difference a little also. Watching the master meter it was pretty obvious. The main guitar playing the repeating chords is panned left. It was done with a large condenser mic as opposed to DI for the other tracks. I backed the volume off on it and moved some of the panning on the other guitars further to the right. I obviously didn't get the job done. Thanks for the screenshot , that made a good visible impact. I also used the legacy "tempo delay" on quite a few tracks. The "L/R/C on the beat" preset also hits pretty hard on the left side on the end of the phrases. I'll see if I can get this resolved asap. I Really appreciate your help. Thanx @DeeringAmps I'll probably see how far I can take that flutish cello sound before too long. Appreciate the SC comment.. Thanx @Keith Wilby I Appreciate the listen and comment. I for sure don't think you learned any new chords on this one 😁 I'm just walking down Am/G/F/E. I am tuned down a half step and keeping the high E string open on the F. Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll have a short vocal section at end before I repost this. Later .. mark
  6. Hello , here is an acoustic instrumental I'm trying to finish up. It's Pretty simple and almost ambiant sounding. I'm using my Godin nylon strung guitar and cello for the most part. I had a nice time with the short cello part dragging the bow across "chime" locations. I need to work on that . I got an almost flute type sound in one quick passage. Any suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated. Thanks .. mark -Remix 3- 10/11 https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14861009
  7. Cool ! I Really like the "almost" gospel feel you got in this version. Fantastic collaboration by everyone envolved. I Really eenjoyed this one .. mark
  8. mark skinner

    Late Night

    Thanks ! I got them. I'm sure I'll use them on something in the future. I normally don't like drums with such a "ring" in them , but they sounded Great in this type of genre. They cut through everything nicely . mark
  9. mark skinner

    Late Night

    Nice mix. I really like the guitar tone early on in the song. The drums sounded Amazing thru my headphones , especially the snare . What did you use for the drums , if it was a synth ? Enjoyed it .. mark
  10. Congrats on the well deserved coverage of your song! It's Very energetic and I see why they chose to use it. The Megatrax site looked well laid out for this. Was the MLB specifically targed for this song ? Enjoyed it .. mark
  11. Nice .. Love the synth bass and kick and the laid back feel of this song. It sounds like you did a Lot of vocal manipulating in this one. Cool harmonys and midi guitar as well. Enjoyed it .. mark
  12. Brilliant ! For me .. you covered All the bases in this one. Very creative and well captured . Enjoyed it .. mark
  13. Thanks guys. I do go thru both the off and online authorization about every 3 weeks without any issue. It's pretty cut and dry. The last time I used the the offline process though , I did pick up that countdown screen again about moving to the new Sonar . This time around , I never got the toast screen about needing to reauthorize within the next 13 days. It just de-authorized without any notice. Thus the reason for my OP about any changes in authorization. I would think at least "someone" from the beta team (or the bakers) would have a spare "offline" pc to test the results of using the new Sonar on it for an extended time. Then make the results public. Being offline is a PIDA but my studio building is just out of range for a cable. mark
  14. Totally agree with jack c. All of your song cover art is quite impressive as well. enjoyed several tunes. mark
  15. I guess everyone (including me) is Tired of hearing about this subject .. I'll just drop it. I would like to hear from someone "though" who uses the new Sonar Offline. Not going to upgrade until I find out if I'm going to have the same problems.. mark
  16. My pc has been "offline" since my last monthly authorization. I've been expecting the toast screen to pop up any day now . This morning I started up in No save/export mode without ever getting the normal upcoming needed authorization screen. Has anything changed that I'm not aware of ? I failed to make note of the last time I re-authorized so .. I can't be sure of how long it's been. ms
  17. After a windows update (shortly after going from win7 to 10 on a normally offline pc) I also lost the ability to use the "play" button or spacebar for transport. This was in All of my projects. I tried everything I could think of and also posted about it here (and did everything suggested). Never did figure it out. I finally gave up and did a "system restore" a few restore points back. Everything went back to "normal" and the next update didn't bring the problem back. May not be your issue . I had put my PC online to re-activate CbB (again) , and it updated windows during the process. ms
  18. They are at 160 kbs now. At least it's a little better. ms
  19. Cool , Headphone/laptop listen sounds good. On the fence about the vox volume. Some sections sound a little hot. Maybe just the high harmony ?? . I thought the bass sat pretty well. Out of curiostity , have to tried a test mix on Sound Click? I for one would like to hear your opinion. Only you know exactly what your material sounded like "before" the upload. I think it sounds better than SoundCloud. I know the streaming rate is higher. mark
  20. Great immersive mix , (headphone/laptop listen). IReally like the bass guitar in this one. All of the low end sounds Great. Fantastic video as well. You captured the magic of being a child Nicely. I'm going to have to pick up the LP from Itunes to play in our car. Enjoyed it .. mark
  21. mark skinner

    Fall Apart

    SubVibe , Cool song and the structure was Very creative. I absolutely Loved the section with the chord change and horn solo. Nice jazz sound coming across. Enjoyed it .. mark
  22. Great job Steve. That looked and sounded like quite a production ! I really enjoyed the visuals and I am for sure going to look up the old stop action original flic. I enjoyed the light and very Beatleish sound of this . Enjoyed it .. mark
  23. Got this in my Email a while back. I recently had to refer to it for a screen that I needed while editing a vocal track. I thought it might be a Good one for this section of the forum . mark
  24. @bjornpdx , @Old Joad , @Alper Karamahmutoglu , @Wookiee. Thanks guys for the listen and Great comments. I'm calling this one done and surrendered as I have no plans on officially releasing covers . This was done for my own pleasure and a learning experience. @steve@baselines.com , I appreciate your comment and will for sure keep it in mind the next time I use my Tak LTd in a song. I did keep grabbing the highs and cutting the lows in that track. I too wasn't very satisfied with it , and I had a hard time getting it to sit well in the mix. I had a "high strung" acoustic guitar on the right side . I was hoping the middle electric guitar even thing up a little. Anyway .. Thank You All.. mark
  25. That was some Fantasic vocal control. Impressive how the vibrato was timed on different phrases. Great job on the instrument tracking as well. There were some spots that I thought the backing could have been brought up a little .. Enjoyed this Very impressive cover .. mark
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