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Everything posted by Technostica

  1. Why report a deal for a company and fail to state upfront what you later stated; " I avoid them like the plague". It feels disrespectful to the forum to report a deal and withhold very pertinent info.
  2. Isn't it good to say that upfront when you are in effect promoting a company's products?
  3. At no point did he say or imply that they are going to only release simplified versions of the product in the future. So your title is pure speculation as you clearly acknowledged yourself in saying that that "none of us really knows". So why create a thread with a dramatic speculative title of "Studio One is about to get the Shaft". He clearly focussed on something very different to the full Studio One based on his quotes: ”So my belief was that we can take the talent and the brand equity of PreSonus and create the equivalent of Fender Play for recording - ie, a product that’s globally accessible and very intuitive to use.” “The brief, if you like, for an entry-level studio product, would be a digital equivalent of an analogue four-track recorder, right? And in fact, even that's too complicated because these days with digital, you can have a guitar and then hit one button and you'll get drums and bass, so you can sit down and just record intuitively.” "The simplest version of Studio One right now has a 150-page owner's manual, which I have said to the team is 149 pages too many,”
  4. It's pure speculation by a journalist and even they are speculating that a simpler version would exist as a new tier. You are the one person that is making a deal out of this and I haven't avoided it but called you on it. You are the sensationalist here, nothing to see as far as I can tell. If anything, extending Studio One downwards is more likely to help the product range if they get the branding right.
  5. He wants Garageband as well as Logic, not instead of.
  6. Use a burner email address or you will get spam from them years later. I blocked them and they started sending spam from a different email address over a year later. One to avoid I would say.
  7. Happy for anyone to post it as a deal. As it may be a glitch, I tend not to shout about it. But as it's direct from the vendor, no third parties will be impacted.
  8. Animation Station is $17.50 If you use this coupon: as20-bhavytne https://www.samplelogic.com/products/animation-station/ The coupon may well work on other things too but I didn't try.
  9. Whichever you choose, it's usually much cheaper to buy them from KVR, ebay etc as iZotope has flooded the market with these. You could probably buy all of them for $200 or the four cheapest ones for $50 in total.
  10. There’s a lite version available free with CM magazine; at least there was at one point. So what else does something similar to this?
  11. I have zero paid instruments left on my Arturia account, so they know I am skint or tight, so chosen to dangle a carrot for me.
  12. Works for me, not that I actually bought it.
  13. I believe it is only for people who bought the later Collection that was released a few years ago.
  14. Can you use that voucher for EXT products?
  15. (Note that PCIe 3.0 devices will also work normally on a PCIe 4.0 or 5.0 platform, thanks to backwards compatibility.) https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/gaming/resources/what-is-pcie-4-and-why-does-it-matter.html https://www.onlogic.com/company/io-hub/your-ultimate-guide-to-understanding-pcie-gen-4/#:~:text=How does PCIe 4.0 affect,to the PCIe 3.0 specs.
  16. I'm sure that both slots support 3.0 drives. 3.0 is only specifically mentioned for slot 1 due to the different PCIe support from the range of CPUs the board is compatible with. If you look below it shows the same specs for both slots when using a PCIe 4.0 compatible CPU.
  17. That might well mean what the maximum supported is as that varies depending on the CPU used. So slot 2 is always UP to 4.0 as it's linked to the chipset which supports 4.0. Slot 1 is linked to the CPU and some compatible chips are UP to 3.0 and others UP to 4.0. Hence the term M2_1 = 4.0/3.0.
  18. I thought that PCIe was backwardly compatible by default, so what makes you say it's PCIe 4.0 only? I looked at the spec sheet and it just says 4.0 for both. https://www.asus.com/Motherboards-Components/Motherboards/TUF-Gaming/TUF-GAMING-X570-PLUS-WI-FI/techspec/ Note: If your CPU is PCIe 3.0 then the slot linked directly to the CPU will be limited to 3.0
  19. I would use a heatsink if it's a particularly hot drive.
  20. Blossom is cheaper here and there two freebies one of which ends in 2.5 hours: https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/audiowarpc/blossom-audiowarp-kontakt
  21. A very handy tool and allows you to see for example, which naughty app has written a ton of data to the OS drive. So worth running in Administration mode after you have installed all your software and get it to scan the OS drive. It helped me when I was using a 256GB boot drive to free space as I was running low. It showed me that Spotify had a 10GB cache and this wasn’t for downloaded songs.
  22. Sleep and Hibernate are different things. Sleep keeps the contents in RAM which means it requires power to keep the session active and doesn’t write to disk. Hibernate uses the Hibernation file which is separate to the page file and it doesn’t require power as the OS state is written to file. So the Hibernation file will be larger if you have more RAM installed and can also be managed manually. If you don’t plan on using Hibernate or Hybrid Sleep, I would disable Hibernate to save disk space and reduce SSD wear. I do this on desktops but not laptops as Hibernate is useful due to saving power compared to Sleep. The page file will be small unless you don’t have enough memory, in which case the performance will usually degrade noticeably. You can also disable the page file completely, but it’s not generally worthwhile and it can be risky so not worth it.
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