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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. "Sail on silver girl" is a reference to his wife as far as I know.
  2. Such a hidden gem. At over 7 minutes it was probably considered "too long" for mainstream. Bleh. As much as I love Elton's playing/singing, it's Bernie's lyrics that really shine. What a great story.
  3. "Ticking" by Elton John / Bernie Taupin. It's an obscure one but I love it. Lyrics - AMAZING! Piano playing - GREAT (Elton is rumored to have sung / played it in one take live!?) The lyrics paint such a great story, and the (solo) performance by Elton is top notch as well. Give it a listen if you've never heard of it...
  4. Salvatore Sorice


    Nice mellow feel to it and I also liked the sax. Good job!
  5. I agree - the new "scrolling" FX Bin should be an option - not the default. Was this scrolling thing a popular Feature Request?? I'd like to hear from the Bakers what the rationale was behind this,
  6. Great song and cool video! As a newbie to all this YT stuff - @whoisp did you make the video content yourself, or is it stock/royalty free stuff, or did you have a video creator make it for you? I've got so much to learn...
  7. Very nice! Gave it a thumbs up on YT.
  8. @Max Arwood - looks like an install of V2 leaves V1 intact. I ran your script and it worked perfectly - a great time saver!!
  9. I bought my Steinway B from the Dealer that was in charge of all the Steinways at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (mine came from the Victoria Theater). My teacher was well acquainted with the Manager, and I got to know him as well. I love the action of a true grand, and love to practice early (about 4:30 - 5am) - but needed to find a way to give my wife a chance to sleep! Since so many of my teacher's students had bought from the Steinway store I bought from, and they were one of the top performing Steinway stores, the Manager had enough sway and connections to get me an action (that was in perfect condition) from a 1928 Steinway that was brought to the Astoria, Queens NY factory for refurbishing - before the action was trashed. Steinway, per policy, would always cut up / destroy removed actions - seems they would sometimes "disappear" and end up in third-party refurbed Steinways. Used my background in woodworking to build a case to house the action and installed felt on the inside of the cover. The hammers produced a gentle "thump" when I play my "practice" Steinway - it is actually pretty quiet, soothing to play, and has the true feel of grand. Hearing just the rhythm of what I'm playing is also pretty cool. Plus, my wife is able to sleep past 5am!
  10. Thanks @Max Arwood!! I have auto hotkey V2. I’ll try and tweak the script to run but I am clueless when it comes to programming.
  11. Agree 100%. I think the Steinway B is their best. The D has more bottom end but you'd need to be in a huge concert hall to notice. The B has the perfect blend of nuance, power and subtlety. I love my piano... But I love my wife more (don't want to get in trouble... :^)
  12. @Bass Guitar, I'm not concerned with opening or rendering - I'm trying to come up with a (shortcut) way to REMOVE a Melodyne Region FX.
  13. I know CTRL+M will create a Melodyne Region FX. What I'd like is a shortcut to remove the Region FX but can't find a way to do it. That command does not appear under Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts. Also can't find that command in the Custom Module of the Control Bar. I know you can bounce to clip, but that would preserve any edits, which I may not want to do. I was thinking maybe an Auto Hotkey script, but I'm no programmer :^) Any ideas - or am I missing something obvious?
  14. Hope you find a good home for it! I've not played any high-end digital pianos - have an Arturia Keylab 88 mkII whose action is OK - but it pales in comparison to my Steinway Model B. I know I'm biased, but it is one of the best sounding pianos I've ever heard :^) If anyone is a northern NJ resident (I'm in Summit, NJ) and you want to come try it out PM me!
  15. Yes @sjoens - if you insert a SmartLoop clip you can drag it out of Sonar without stopping the Engine. But if you bounce it to a clip (so it is then not a Groove Clip), dragging that new clip out of Sonar stops the Engine. Looks like Noel found the cause and fixed it.
  16. Interesting... Maybe it is a Midi issue within Sonar and not related to third-party Midi?
  17. Just to be clear, I'm talking about dragging Midi, not audio. > When I drag an audio clip out of Sonar all is good > When I drag a "Sonar" midi clip (e.g., SmartLoop clip) out all is good > When I drag a third-party midi clip out from a track (or from the Media Browser) the Engine stops.
  18. @Noel Borthwick, I don't see that setting in Preferences. I'm using Focusrite ASIO driver if that makes a difference.
  19. Hmmm. No idea how/why, but it's only certain midi and certain drag/drop actions that cause the Engine to stop. Example: > In Sonar Media browser, I can drag a (built-in) SmartLoop Midi file out to my Desktop, or into a track and then drag the clip out to my Desktop Engine does not stop, > However... if I browse to a third-party folder on my PC (tried with EZ Drummer, Groove Monkee, Modo Drumes, etc.), I can drag a midi clip out to my Desktop or into a track and the Engine does not stop. But if I drag the clip from the track to my Desktop, the Engine stops. No idea why. Maybe @msmcleod can see a pattern/cause?
  20. Must be something odd / specific about my configuration and @David Baay's, as we have the same symptoms. I'm clueless on how to troubleshoot. Maybe David will find something in the AUD.INI file.
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