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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. SOLVED (kind of). Thanks to @David Baay for his suggestion (see the linked thread below). TLDR: turning on *hide muted clips* under View menu in PRV is an acceptable work around. It has limitations (you have to keep hiding/unhiding clips and speed comping is harder) but it gets the job done. I posted a thread about this in the Sonar Forum: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/83995-feature-request-or-am-i-doing-something-wrong-take-lane-note-overlap/ Working with Comping Take Lanes when Midi notes overlap is very difficult. It would be great if there was a toggle button that would hide all the unselected take lanes so you only see (and can easily edit) the one in focus (similar to the track "Auto Focus" and "Auto Lock toggles")? Example: I'm trying to record a piano Intro and am comping. Since the takes are very similar, I end up with takes, when viewed in Piano Roll View (PRV), that have lots of notes "stacked" on top of each other - making editing very challenging. I know that when you select a take lane its notes get "highlighted" (white notes in my screenshot), but there are so many other notes from other take lanes that overlap. Seems like it would be easier if there was an option to "hide" other takes, so all you see is the selected take you that you want to edit. This is what I get with 3 takes of a very similar piano part. Due to all the takes being displayed at once, editing is nearly impossible.
  2. Thanks @sjoens, my tired brain got confused by "mode". Yeah, the Inline PRV is not useful at all. The comment by @David Baay made a lot of sense. Still, it would be nice if there was a way to "hide" the notes from the other comp takes. Maybe I'll make it a Feature Request.
  3. Haven't watched this in a while (and need to do so as a refresher!), but IIRC this was a good guide - and I think he has others as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwwNlOaGZbw
  4. Thanks @David Baay I’ve got to do more research and have a lot to learn!!
  5. Thanks @sjoens I tried recording each take to a new track. Kind of works but it seems like being able to “filter” takes so you only see those notes would be better. What is “track view notes mode”?
  6. Probably me... but I'm having a hard time working with Comping Take Lanes when notes overlap. Example: I'm trying to record a piano Intro and am comping. Since the takes are very similar, I end up with takes, when viewed in Piano Roll View (PRV), that have lots of notes "stacked" on top of each other - making editing very challenging. I know that when you select a take lane it gets "highlighted" (white notes in my screenshot), but there are so many other notes from other take lanes that overlap. Seems like it would be easier if there was an option to "hide" other takes, so all you see is the take you want to edit. Am I missing something? Has this been discussed before? Here's an example:
  7. Not sure why my pictures disappear… hmmm Edit: Nevermind... must have been an iPad thingy. I'm on my PC now and I see the image. 🙃
  8. Could be an issue with the video. but looks like he is lip syncing?
  9. I have RTX3060 and it handles 3 4k displays (one 55* and two 48”) flawlessly. Not a gamer. PC is dedicated music workstation.
  10. Thanks @Glenn Stanton. Will take that into consideration. Appreciate your help!
  11. Thanks @Misha! I will give your procedure a try.
  12. I'm going to try that ASAP on a song of mine. Want a guitar solo section but I'm a keyboard player. From your description @Glenn Stanton, looks like that might work out great! Any pointers or tutorials you can point me to that go into detail on the process?
  13. Maybe the plan is to update the 32 bit to 64 bit and overhaul the look of the plugins? That would be great!
  14. Rather than that blanket setting you could just let the page load, then just delete the “s” from https
  15. Following this thread with great interest! I splurged on the 2025 BiaB Audiophile OmniPak (i.e., EVERYTHING they offer). Admittedly, I'm a relative newbie with BiaB, but it seems to be a great tool and it looks like they really improved the DAW integration. I look forward to learning a lot about BiaB. Keep this thread going!
  16. I've got (3) 4k Monitors and I definitely noticed the difference with a dedicated GPU. This is the layout (from an older post). PS - I would still love to see the ability to have multiple Console Windows!!
  17. Can't log in... Guess their Servers are overloaded...
  18. I've been reading some good articles / tutorials about the Sonitus Suite of plugins that are (currently) still included with Sonar. Sound on Sound (SOS) magazine has some great articles. Groove3.com has wonderful content on them included in their (old but still very relevant) Sonar X1, X2, etc. tutorials. And, as always, Mike @Creative Sauce has some fabulous content about them (and about Cakewalk in general). Of course, there are also many videos about them on Youtube as well. I'm experimenting with the Sonitus Suite and must admit that, once you take the time to learn them, they are really powerful and sound great - sometimes rivaling other more "sophisticated" plugins. Since they are DX plugins my question to the Bakers (and I am tagging @Noel Borthwick here, since he may have some good insight) I'm wondering if they will continue to be supported as Sonar evolves. Will they be updated? Will they be converted (or whatever the correct jargon is, as I'm no programmer) to VST? Will they be deprecated? Comments please!!
  19. If you're using a Focusrite 2i2 you need to remove ASIO4ALL and install the Focusrite ASIO driver from https://downloads.focusrite.com/focusrite/scarlett-3rd-gen/scarlett-2i2-3rd-gen (assuming you have a 3rd gen model).
  20. There are many more knowledgeable people on the forum than me, but from what I know, the dedicated graphics should be OK for a single monitor setup. Dedicated graphics card would be better once you get into multiple monitors, 4k and higher resolutions, etc. Dedicated graphics will also take some strain off of your CPU. Now, let's let the experts chime in!
  21. Instead of using a Send, make the Output of each drum track the Drum Bus.
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