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Craig Fowler

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Everything posted by Craig Fowler

  1. Seems like Komplete 15/16 is getting more appealing ?
  2. Blimey, there's a lot there for $300! The new Sound City plugin looks like it'll be an Ocean Way Studios on steroids!
  3. The IK is top notch, PC - don't pass it up. It's also worth keeping an eye on UAD's sales - I picked up their waterfall organ for $24, and it's fantastic. I can't say whether it's 'better' than the IK, but I find the presets a better starting point.
  4. Musical Sampling do really good stuff. I have several instruments from their Atelier series (trumpet, sax, and clarinet) and they're all excellent. Great sound, and very intuitive - just noodle away on a keyboard and the scripting does the rest. Especially at the intro prices, they're no brainers if they cover ground you don't have covered elsewhere.
  5. Thanks Marc! I bought a few of those tone junkie packs but couldn't load them in the free CS version as I had already used my 20 spots!
  6. I've never been disappointed with a Relab product, but I've told myself that the only EQ I'll let myself buy is Kirchoff!
  7. Sweet deal for those who got in on it, though!
  8. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UAPlugBunU11Up--universal-audio-uad-ultimate-11-plug-in-bundle-upgrade Requires having five paid plugins or a heritage edition Apollo product. UAD rep at their community forum seems unsure where it's 'meant' to be running or is an error, but people are getting their codes!
  9. @Peter - IK Multimedia Does the IK online shop ship all over the world? This looks like my cheapest ticket to ToneX SE. I'm asking because I can't seem to update my address with IK to my non-USA country of residence.
  10. It's a better deal if it gives you what you want or need ? If you're already overflowing with Pultecs and LA-2As, it might not be for you, but it's hard to argue with the price. Both those emulations are really good, the Century channel gets overlooked as a vocal strip (lots of nice tube colour + really simple operation), and the oxide/plate reverb are cut-down versions of excellent sounding plugins (Studer / EMT140). I can't see you getting a better entry point into the UAD world, and as all these are native, why not give 'em a whirl? With a bit of luck, they'll start porting the other reverbs over to native soon and then you'll be really spoiled!
  11. Can you use the ToneX packs with the free version, or do you need a paid one for it to work?
  12. I'd definitely get the Lancaster.
  13. That Kuasa Lancaster is a steal! I think their amp sims are about as good as it gets. With that said, I can't bring myself to buy another Boogie sim even though I'm sure it's great.
  14. I like all of them. I'm the opposite of Fleer, though, the compressors would be last on my list - I just don't have good enough ears to make me choose them over the other compressors I have! The Lex reverb is great, and I prefer it to the 480. The channel strip is probably my favourite all-purpose strip, and I'm enjoying have the Studer because it gives me an option to my super CPU-hungry IK tapes. It gives just the sort of sound I'm after when I abuse the settings (again, not golden ears here, so subtle is wasted on me). I just got the Fairchild for $14...it almost seemed rude not to. I don't think there's really anything else I want or need (famous last words).
  15. Simeon, I just want to hear you make a piano VI sound bad ? Would make like a lot easier!
  16. Interesting move from IKM. As much as I love some of their other instruments (B3) and effects (Sunset Sounds Studio Reverb), they're pitching this at an odd level. Before I'd bite on any of these, they'd have to convince me they're absolutely light years ahead of the Sampletank pianos, because even the add-on ones aren't any better than OK.
  17. Agreed; there's a *lot* of power packed into that channel strip. I don't know exactly why I prefer it to the PA version, but I do!
  18. I wonder if it's a single use code. Used it earlier and can't use it now.
  19. Mine does too. And what bugs me is that I'd set aside money for this pre-order when they'd actually said it would be ready to pre-order. I.e., about two years ago. It's a laughably narrow pre-order/intro price window after stringing people along for so long with 'it's just around the corner.'
  20. I really like the century channel! Lots of flexibility and colour, but not as overwhelming with controls as some of the other channel strips.
  21. Agreed, and hopefully it's a cycle where you can keep combining the thank you voucher with the next $50 off $89. And the native option makes things *so* much better!
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