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Craig Fowler

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Everything posted by Craig Fowler

  1. Decades is the obvious choice for jazz, depending on what you want it to do. I really wanted nice, smooth, snare swirls that were easily programmed, so I upgraded to SD3 and bought Decades. It didn't get me there, whereas spending $30 on Klevgrand's Borsta got me exactly what I was after. Decades is fantastic, but even though it has brush articulations, I think of it more as a big band jazz sound. I really like Rooms of Hansa. Fields of Rock is the other 'modern' SDX I have. Honestly, I wonder if SD3 is overkill for what it sounds like you want - the genres you mention seem better represented in the EZ Drummer line - Superior is much more tailored to acoustic drums that 'sound' acoustic. The Pop/R&B side of things has tons of EZD3 expansions.
  2. This is not helping! Stop enabling me! I also have been hoping the newish Premier Sound Kawai Legacy VI goes on sale...might have to wait
  3. Grrr. Have wanted this for a while. Must resist! Surely if I have Noire, Ascend, and Hammers & Waves, this is overkill, right?
  4. I like Movavi a lot, but my needs are basic - pretty much simple edits for online teaching that I do. It's not especially 'handy-holdy,' and I appreciate how fast it renders (compared to Magix, especially!)
  5. Echoing Brian's comments, Tonex isn't glitchy at all on my system. It isn't especially light on CPU, but it doesn't cause me any problems. I don't love the GUI and find navigating between presets and tone models + things already on your system vs. stuff you can download from ToneNet to be a bit of a chore. But they seem to be working on improving the interface. And more importantly, it just sounds really, really good. I have lots of the Nembrini, tons of PA amp sims, most of Kuasa's offerings, and the majority of what's available for Amplitube. I still really like Kuasa, but almost always reach first for ToneX!
  6. I'd say it's a toss up between this and UAD's Waterfall B3...but I'd give the edge to UAD ? Both are fantastic - what a time to be alive (for music tech - not much else mebbe)!
  7. Like Fleer said, there's a *ton* of content, and some of it is good...even very good. But very little of it (at least in terms of acoustic instruments) matches the level of dedicated libraries. The biggest problem is that actually *using* SampleTank is such a pain in the ***** that I just can't be bothered to fight with the tiny, user-unfriendly GUI. I really like some of the synth libraries, but working with SampleTank takes all the fun out of it for me. If some talented chap/chapess was starting from scratch, strapped for cash, and sufficiently motivated, I'm sure they could make amazing sounding tracks with ST4! But they might lose the will to live before they pulled it off.
  8. Pricing seems a mite ambitious given Sampletekk's regular and generous sales!
  9. 100% Now I have ToneX, I don't know how much I'll end up using 'traditional' amp sims, but Kuassa consistently make great sounding plugins that actually sound like the amps they're meant to emulate. Love everything I have of theirs, but especially Matchlock!
  10. I've had my eye on that pack. I've got most of the Tone Junkie ones (at 90% off, would have been rude not to) and three of the Sadites ones; Deluxe Reverb, AC30, and one of the Dr. Zs. Generally, the Sadites ones seem more consistent, and I'm pretty darn impressed with ToneX. There are a few of the Amalgam capture packs I'll pick up at some point, but then I'm done (famous last words!).
  11. Depends on the unit I s'pose...For the first time, I now have a keyboard without a 5-pin midi output! I was skeptical about plugging straight into the PC via USB, but it's kinda nice not having to go through my audio interface.
  12. I was going to post something snarky about how I was glad someone had finally decided to model this amp, but when I saw this was a free download I decided to bite my tongue ?
  13. I love Klevgrand too. Borsta has quickly become one of my absolute favourite VIs and Shaka isn't far behind. Borsta does what I bought Superior Drummer 3 + the Decades SDX to do! The creativity of these folks is amazing. One Shot is kinda in a different pricing tier, though, and I'm not sure what it gives me that I don't already have between their own products and the obscene amount of ToonTrack stuff I have. Gotta love the Swedes and their percussion! Kudos again to Klevgrand for their brilliant way of handling demos!
  14. Do you have the VSL free orchestra, Lionel? Worth picking up if you don't. All the VSL freebies are!
  15. Isn't this one of those libraries that people immediately regret installing? Or am I thinking of another string library that's often available at APD?
  16. If they bring back the Super Goldtones from the 90s/00s, that would be sweet!
  17. Does anyone know if you update whether this 'breaks' old projects that use earlier versions of Tonex? I'd assume not, but those assumptions have been wrong before! I like the sound of the updates but don't want to bork projects I'm working on!
  18. Folks! This Bapu is an imposter!!
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