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Niky Serrano

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Posts posted by Niky Serrano

  1. 5 hours ago, Zolton said:

    For anyone potentially interested in Boom's micro packs "Skate" or "Black Powder", those are two of the prizes you can exchange the Boom Coins for (assuming the prizes are the same for everyone, which I suspect they are).

    The odds of picking up something interesting each day are pretty good, too. The wheel has 10 slots, with:

    4x free sound
    2x Boom Coin
    2x discount vouchers (one 10%, one 15%)
    1x 1 free spin
    1x 2 free spins

    Even if you can't immediately use a voucher (they expire two weeks after winning), there's a 60% chance of getting a sound or coin, and another 20% chance of another spin.

    The individual free sounds in particular add up over time if you spin every day (10 days in a row gets 3 extra spins); I've picked up a couple of hundred over the course of a year or so. Worth an open browser tab and 30 seconds a day, if you're looking to beef up an SFX library.

    Yes, I confirm you that the prizes are the same for all people, and I think that the free sounds too

    I have an interesting collection of sounds too

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Eduard Telik said:


    I wanted to tell you, that the link to the thesis is on the webpage, but after checking, it seems that I have forgotten to add it. Sorry for that, now there is a link in the "History" section of the webpage, unforunately it's all in a strange and peculiar langauge called "german".
    The thesis basically deals with the exact issue that you are putting out here: What information do we get from sample library creators, and how do we deal with aspects of the production of a sample library, that are not mentioned anywhere. If for whatever reason the information detailed in the thesis are not enough for you, feel free to ask me! After all, the purpose of research is also to enrich public knowledge.

    About that peculiar language called "german", don't worry, I will use my friend Google Translator, and If I have any doubt, I will ask you.

    Thanks a million Eduard!

    Kr from Spain

  3. 7 hours ago, Eduard Telik said:

    ... for the first release candidate had to be done in 3 months, from the conception, preparation of the instrument, recording, de-noising and editing of samples, Kontakt integration, scripting, GUI design, ect ect...

    Hi Eduard, first all... thank you so much for your time and the final product you have done!

    Thanks for all your comments that help us to have a better idea about some decisions and the work done behind the library

    According part of you comments, and if it is interesting for your thesis, I am very curious about the flow you followed and how to do that from the concept/idea until to put all in value with the instrument finally done

    Other people that create libraries, hide part of the process or tell it a little, but not in dept. For me, the part about recording, de-noising and editing of samples is the most interesting

    If you decide to put this in your thesis or you publish it, let me know to learn how could I do this in a future if I take some of time in my life

    One time more, thank you so much Eduard!

    • Like 1
  4. 909 Lab

    Regular price $30

    Offer price with the code myerror (added in the link)... $3

    The offer is valid until next Tuesday, August 29th


    909 Lab lets you play with the sound of the TR-909 as a chromatic instrument. Each tonal sound of the 909 has been tuned to perfection so you can play your favorite 909 sounds in key with your track using your piano roll! You can easily create punchy 909 basslines with it.

    Unlike the original machine, you have full control of each drum sound: easily shape and modify their tonal quality with the easy-to-use interface. Just select the sound you want, shape it and you're set!

    Famous musicians like Jean-Michel Jarre, Aphex Twin, BT, Orbital, Air, Astral Projection, and the Chemical Brothers have used the 909.



    • Like 1
  5. Update

    The author did a video yesterday talking about the plugin, and he confirmed that it was a joke

    After more than 3000 downloads, he wanted to use this experiment to confirm that there is a marketing wave that is hitting us

    Sometimes, we tend to think that buy plugins give us more powerfull in our works and workflows, improving our creations, when the reality is that sometimes, these plugins... give us more dB only... (like this one), and we say... "OMG, this is amazing", but it does NOTHING really, only up the volume and we think that is wonderful

    He wanted to put this in value, and said "I'm sorry about this, but I wanted to advise about this wave"



    • Haha 2
  6. 5 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    I have a couple of this developer's paid libraries and think he's quite creative and talented. But once again,  while I get his emails, I would never have noticed this one, so thanks again,  @cclarry. You rock!

    I have some libraries of this developer too and I received the email from him

    Anyway, check the spam folder

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

    Btw. you can find coupons for their shop on couponbirds.com. Some are even stackable.

    They killed my account that was banned after use coupons found on the website of Karanyi

    They refunded me part of the money after discuss with them, but for me, the worst company, and the worst customer experience

    (Note: I am not talking about the products. That is for another thread)

    • Like 1
    • Sad 6
  8. From its introduction in 2004 until 2023 Synful Orchestra was a copy protected commercial product. It has been used by many concert composers, jazz and rock musicians, film and television composers, electronic musicians, and amateur music creators. Now we want to make it available to everyone without the need for licensing or activation. We hope that it will bring joy and discovery to many

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