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Niky Serrano

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Posts posted by Niky Serrano

  1. @Zolton this is the response I have received from Boom

    The Lucky Wheel has been temporarily disabled because of the high serverload


    Updated information about "when it will be back online again":

    I cannot say when exactly the Lucky Wheel will be back

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  2. Yes, I totally agree with you @Zolton

    In fact, today I asked them about this with your exact comments, because in the past, the lucky wheel would suddenly disappear, but after 2/3 days, it was back online

    However, this time we get a 404 error, but there is no information about it on the blog. Strange

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  3. Venn Audio offers their Free Suite with 9 plugins

    Completely free, performant, light weight, resizeable, zero fuss set of cross-platform audio plugins. All the tools needed to fully mix a track to professional standards. No registration needed, simply download and enjoy! Free Suite is available for Windows, Mac, Mac M1 native, in VST3, AU and AAX formats




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  4. 5 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Info from D-Fused Sounds:

    Hi you all music peep, my name is Marco and I'm the co-founder of D-Fused Sounds, unfortunately today happened that the GForce M-Tron Pro IV was wrong priced €12.99 instead of €129.99, I understand that it is completely annoying because, like you, I am a consumer but unfortunately I can't blame the collaborator as a human error can happen (and we will do everything so that it will not happen again). We are refunding all the purchases of the M-Tron Pro so you'll receive it during the day, again, I'm really sorry for what happened but hope you all can understand.
    Thanks for your patience and comprehension.

    It's normal and it's a correct decision IMO

    • Like 5
  5. Well... I have seen a system requirement that has broken my heart :(

    There are many people using macOS 10.15 (Catalina) with Intel processors

    Very disappointed with this... I think that we (macOS 10.15 users) should have to continue with Ableton Live 11 Suite

    To purchase a new computer only to use Ableton Live 12 is not an option,... for me and for other people


  6. 17 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    My wife,  daughter and I are driving home (my wife's driving) after visiting my son at college and we're listening to Cory's recent music. And I thought maybe we could use this thread to share how he affected us.  

    Cory was brave. When I saw how vulnerable Cory made himself by publicly sharing his mental illness,  I was moved by his courage and also worried how vulnerable he made himself, because of how society stigmatizes mental illness. 

    Cory was a disarmingly kind, sweet and open hearted man. He was extremely vulnerable. I had first  learned of Cory after becoming a fan of his videos when I saw him do what no influencer should ever do if they want to keep the freebies, sponsorships and money coming, he told the unvarnished truth. I've long been outspoken on ethics as a marketer.  And Cory was honest and really knew his stuff.  Unlike 99.99% of influencers, if Cory saw problems with a sample library, he told you exactly what it was. I really wish that was the way all influencers were,  just a talented,  honest person telling the truth, not shill pitchman posing as a "reviewer." That means turning down or missing out on making cash. That took serious integrity. I enormously admired that. This man was not a shill. Cory was the real deal, with a huge heart. 


    I love your words!


    • Thanks 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, MrFigg said:

    I just got this sent by PM. Guy's got to be kidding right? I wrote to his customer service at least five times (both email and web form) regarding a bug in a plugin I bought and never got a reply. Completely ignored. So what the hell is it with this? Anybody else get one?


    I got the same DM

  8. With the freebie purchasing something at Plugin Boutique

    If you have SynthMaster 2 Player, this is the best price to get SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2:



    In other case, SynthMaster 2 directly (29.25€ instead of 34,4€ for both):


    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    That sucks. You've always been a cool person in this forum.  Have you tried shooting them an email to see if you can work things out? Some small developers can be quirky and unprofessional.  Keep in mind they may act more emotionally than they should as business owners and I'd try emailing them again if you want their libraries. 


    (Thank you @PavlovsCat )

    Yes, I wrote to them.
    The short story is that on their website, there was a page that I found on Google and that after logging in, it gave me vouchers.
    That way, I acquired some cheaper libraries.
    I mentioned it in this forum and another user warned me that this could be a mistake, so that user and I decided to write to them to tell them.
    Instead of thanking me, they banned me, but since I had paid for several libraries, I responded that they should give me access or refund my money.
    At first they did nothing, but after threatening them, they returned the money I had paid on their website.
    About the libraries that I had paid through other stores, I had to talk to those stores and fix the situation with them.
    An incredible story that makes Karanyi the worst company in the sector that I know of.
    For me, that company sucks

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  10. I've shared with everyone here in the past that this company does weird things behind the scenes

    I'm banned, my account is blocked when I try to log in, but I can get/buy the freebies

    Banned, but I'm still subscribed to your newsletter, they didn't unsubscribe from me and I can't unsubscribe either. They do not respect data protection, and I think they are not respecting the laws with this

    Freebies are a blessing to all of us, but they do strange things for a company like this and in short, they are a company to avoid in my opinion and experience

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