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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. I already have them all, and it still was going to cost me $29.99. Don't really want to take the risk they will release any more, it will only be $29.99 on release so I'll just carry on.
  2. IMO, If you can go for nothing but MAX.
  3. Heath Row

    Melda 19

    Hey Stevie, you think these MeldaProduction plugins are alright to use? Yeah Ray, it's fine, we's already blind
  4. Ahhh, you're no fun, why didn't you let them expire, and purchase a Download Ticket thingy, it's almost like buying a new plugin, I 5hit you not.?
  5. If you have Jam Points it could be even lower, to a maximum of 30% lower. $35 give or take.
  6. Pretty much free for everyone now days for the prices we can get things for. The most it will cost us is $31. Compared to the old days and whatever the retail cost will be, that's close enough to free for me. Release day = purchased, or as Bapu would say, "installed"
  7. Heath Row


    Peter, you're needed in the MODO Bass 2 Release thread . . . wait a minute?
  8. I've had it for a while now, but haven't installed it, does it replace V1, or can you have both side by side?, wouldn't want to loose V1.
  9. Well the LRS Triple G is one fine beast, sounds awesome, some variations are just . . . . mmmmmm. I don't know how the presets sound, I never use/hear them, I always go straight for the Rigs from the Rig Player, always disable the cab, and run them into whatever 3rd party IR I choose at the time. Now days I use separate instances of TH-U with everything disabled bar SuperCabinet, basically using TH-U as an IR player. I use Studio Ones splitter to have two TH-U IR players, one each side (they of course come back in together) in this instance running Choptones Boogie 4x12 with Electrovoice EV12 speakers, there's a little bit of tickling before the 2 streams join again, but you know. I'm going to grab the other 2 as well, the Choptones Bogie DR2G34, LRS Acoustic Dream, tried out the later on an acoustic ditty, and that will do me, got something similar in one of the BIAS's which also works good. Tried the Boogie and it's got some good stuff in there, apart from Hi Gain. Talking BIAS, just picked up the Hendrix expansion for BIAS Fx 2, lol, man that thing surprised me, wish I had purchased it straight away, don't know why I didn't, I usually do, but I had drifted away from the BIAS's for a while. This I went through the presets first, hit straight in the face with the J.H. 45/100, basically a Marshall 100w Superlead Plexi, man did it sound good, as do the Fenders and Sunn, excellent pedals, they done a good job on this. Pick it up if you have BIAS FX 2, I doubt you would be disappointed. It's on sale now, don't be like me and forget the extra 10% off code, in yellow ribbon at top of page.
  10. Are they giving you $49 to use Guitar Rig 6? Even then it would be priced to high for me, I own it as part of Komplete 13, and foolishly owned GR5 and perhaps one previous, no amount of scrubbing could remove the fowl stench, no amount of soap in mouth could remove the fowl taste. But that's just me.
  11. Yes, This is what I am talking about, perhaps not clearly enough. For me, going the MAX way, albeit a little more expensive, calms my OCD mind that I do indeed have everything, even if it turns out that in the end going the other way, GB, you would be granted those missing parts. I'm happy
  12. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8422026#p8422026
  13. Not buying the GB. Just to show how much I am paying extra for MAX instead of GB MAX 104 - GB 50 = 54 (with GB using Jam Points which I forgot makes it a bit more), still nothing in the grand scheme of things. At least I know I have it all, as there is talk about some content being missing if you go the GB way, I don't know if its true or not, but I am happy with paying a bit extra and getting MAX and being sure I have everything.
  14. Yes, I would say there may be a rush towards the end, those sitting back waiting, seeing how close it gets.
  15. $149 - 44/45 Jam Points = $104 roughly $104 MAX - $49.99 GB = $54 (Roughly speaking) Group buy $49.99, if it doesn't make it, then $49.99 for every missing Synth. Plus there is the content that is only in Syntronik (Full or Syntronik MAX. I just play it the easy way, this way whether there is or is not extra content I'm fine, whether or not it makes it I'm fine again.
  16. I think I'll get the Overloud LRS Triple G, Live Ready Sounds, LRS, make some of the best Rig Libraries along with BHS, Marco Fanton, Antonio Porcelli (Caparezza), the later are , I guess you would say 'Boutique' amps. I'm not that into TH-U as it is, the standard stuff, but I get a few select Rig Libraries, it's also a bonus when they have "Direct" (no cab) rigs, as this one has, just run it out to your IR player of choice, or what I tend to do is just use the SuperCabinet, I use that as my IR player with most all Amp Sims I use, just have everything else in TH-U disabled bar SuperCab. That's pretty much all I use TH-U for, SuperCabinet and the odd Rig Library. (The Freidmans are awesome, Handwired 100W, BHS FRIEDMAN NAKED, LRS The Snake, a Marshall Brit '59 Bernie Marsden signature ain't no slacker either. Always use 3rd party IR's would be my advice, there is some awesome IR's available for SuperCabinet, the Jensens, The Amp Factory, Choptones. Of course SuperCabinet also takes your 3rd party IR's. I'll shut up and get me coat now.
  17. One of the best Bass Amp sims around. Awesome.
  18. Fix Flanger is for me one of the the best sounding flangers I have heard, unfortunately it can't be used in real time, to much latency. I read a interview with the creator who is/was well aware of the issue, but unwilling to the sacrifice sound for the performance. His plug, his choice I guess, it's not like the first plug ever that was not suitable for real time use. I just use a more performance friendly flanger, then when all is said and done swap in the Fix Flanger, a few tweaks and you have that great sound. The Doubler is no slouch either.
  19. Up there with the best of them, awesome sound.
  20. Whats $50, I'm just being sure to get everything, if the GB fails to reach the target, Win Win, either way its only $50 and a bit, zzz00m zzz00m ?
  21. lol, come on now, tell the truth
  22. zzz00m is abacab, Darkstar is a IK Forum Mod in the KVR link above.
  23. You may be right I may be crazy Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for Turn out the light Don't try to save me You may be wrong for all I know But you may be right https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8422026#p8422026
  24. I think I'll just go for Syntronik MAX, as abacab (zzz00m) is finding out in a discussion on KVR, there is/maybe differences in content between owning the full or MAX version and obtaining all the synths via the GB, and also there is a chance the GB might not make it all the way, probably will, but still . . . which would end up costing me more to buy the extra synths on top of the GB entry. Purchasing MAX now will only cost me $50 and a bit more than the GB entry fee. So MAX it is.
  25. . . . or just give me your log in details for the forum and I'll do it for you ?
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