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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. Full version tomorrow Yeah?
  2. It is correct, and corrected you stand. In that case, unfortunately then you won't be giving InMusic one more penny, as it seems that is how it is going to be. I don't like it myself, and planned on staying on the pre InMusic version, then I realized I wouldn't be able to get any future Expansions, take advantage of any future features and fixes, and most of all, likely not be able to use BFD4 when it arrives. So in I jumped, which was fairly painless, as I said, I am offline, or have been offline for 2 months give or take after getting set up with no issues, and will just have to go online for a couple of minutes in another 30 days give or take, then back to offline again. A small price to pay to be able to continue using what to me is the best sounding drum vsti there is.
  3. Make sure to have the latest LM. No, you don't have to be constantly online, never have been as far as I know, I have been offline for 2 months give or take, no issues. You just have to be logged into the LM, in other words, don't log out of it, but no need to actually be online. Only need to be online for that once, then every 90 days. Similarish to the CbB practice, except for 3 months instead of 6 months as far as I know, I don't use CbB
  4. You best behave yourself this time, or you'll feel the sting of the HoRNet again.?
  5. Isn't that the thing that yorolpal has on his head??
  6. Heath Row


    It's getting close ?
  7. Yeah, but I think they'd be beating us in beating IK ?
  8. Don't worry about what it sounds like on a youtube video, have them on your PC, set up and rarin' to go. Face to face, in person as it were is the only way. After you've done that, leave them alone, and try just one the next day, and give it a good work out, then the next day try the other and give it a good work out. It matters not in the end, we all like what we like, it is what it is.
  9. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8433669#p8433669
  10. I think there could be a bit of community reporting/complaining going on, especially in the case of Studio One. Hmmmm, dear old John never even got a mention, ahhhh, he's probably still trying to figure out how to do it, you know . . .
  11. Well, as far as I am concerned, the AT5 version 5hits on this. Sorry it just does. I told myself last time I checked out one of their amps, never again, it's just wasting my time. I hope I learn this time, the old adage, "you get what you pay for" comes to mind.
  12. It's fine here, Australia. When reading your posts I started to think maybe they are getting ready for MODO Bass 2 ?
  13. Heath Row

    Melda 20

    Well dogie, now that there's what I'm talkin' about, as ugly as the day is long. You can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear, God knows Granny's tried
  14. I was being sarcastic. In house coffee = CbB, BYO = Studio One(In this case) Those who own the coffee house don't seem to want BYO, that or someone complained about your thread because it was about Studio One. I agree with you.
  15. Heath Row

    Melda 20

    Someone sure took to them here plugins with the ugly stick Pa Yeah Boy, I'm a guessin' they wore that there stick clean out!!
  16. Yes, but they like you to drink the in house coffee no matter how foul it tastes. No BYO allowed.
  17. zzz00m, zzz00m!! Got to be fast around here baby
  18. I was feeling a little that way myself, after purchasing ZDT yesterday I feel much better, I have a spare brand spanking new gen3 iLok in my draw, ready to go.
  19. Give it a try, it's been know to cure everything but cancer? No risk, only a little of your time.
  20. I'm not totally sure if I am getting what you are saying, I think I am, but try this, go to C\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus\Studio One If you have more that 1 Studio One folder, for different versions etc, make sure you select the correct one. Inside that folder you will see a folder named x64 Either rename or move, whatever you are comfortable with. Start Studio One, the first run through will take a fair amount of time as Studio One rebuilds what it needs, but from then on it should do the scans as normal. If you get paranoid and want to put things back as they were, just delete the new x64 folder, and rename to x64 the folder you renamed earlier or move it back from where ever you put it, which ever you did earlier. 1. C\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus\Studio One 2. Rename or move folder x64 3. Start Studio One, wait until it rebuilds, it will take a little time. When finished close down. 4. Restart Studio One and see if it is back to normal. 5. If needed or wanted to return to your previous condition, delete new x64 folder, either rename old folder to x64 or move it back, whatever you chose in step 2 above.
  21. Be careful activating your dongle, especially in mixed company.?
  22. Well this thread made me purchase Zero DownTime, I have 113 Licenses, and reading this thread made me a little paranoid/worried. One question for those with ZDT, did you enable Theft and Loss Coverage as well? My iLok never leaves it's comfy little slot, the machine never travels anywhere. I know it's included in the cost, but I am a little averse to turning things on unnecessarily.
  23. This is very nice, after demoing since release, it's a buy for me. Compared to IK's Sunset Sound Studio and FAME Studio, well, they are all different and all excellent, get 'em all.
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