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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. Not to mention that after using Melda Plugins for any length of time, the users eyesight would probably be to far gone to read at all, let alone a huge manual. ?
  2. Ditto, I jumped ship from SONAR Platinum to Studio One 3 Pro on September 11 2015, and haven't looked back. The only thing Cakewalk has for me is the 'Deals' sub forum.
  3. I still do everything the old, manual way, never fails.
  4. This came out Octoberish last year, still on intro price, that's one long intro. I skipped it back then and I haven't changed my mind. He's supposed to be releasing more modules/amps in this series, but it seems to be taking a while, there didn't seem to be much buzz about this first one, and personally I never thought much of it. But I'll keep checking out any further releases as they come just in case. I Had/Have all the previous Thermionik modules, never really liked them either, and never used them. I do however use Recabinet 5 (no longer available I think) and True Iron quite a lot, excellent stuff.
  5. Downloaded. Likely will never install it.
  6. Kuassa Rectifor updated to v1.0.1 Changes in Ver.1.0.1 – Recursive preset folder bug fixed – Missing IR Loader text bug fixed – Windows standalone Gate and Filter boxes position fixed Awesome Amp Sim, get it while it's still on intro price, and if you don't it's still well worth full price, in fact it's worth double that ?
  7. Changes in BIAS FX 2 Desktop Fix PC&CC MIDI command issue Hide the tone button on the Music page
  8. I don't have that option because I have everything. ?
  9. Oh, on thinking, you may be referring to if you already own the bundle, do future new releases get added to your bundle for free? I don't know, I owned everything up until they released A360, and they gave it for free, and I just purchase any new releases.
  10. I believe you get everything. Check the 'Here's What Included' (scroll down) on the following pager https://www.kuassa.com/products/amplifikation-360-bundle/
  11. The usual Kuassa goodness. Sweet.
  12. Yay, at least I don't have to pay again for something I will never use ?
  13. Be prepared to wait me thinks. Me, I'm going to wait until it's released
  14. You got it Euthymia, the REAPER of plugins
  15. Now included free of charge with all MeldaProduction plugins, by order of Workplace Health and Safety
  16. Funny, that comment suits this forum to a tee as well. Hey ho.
  17. ??? Couldn't agree more https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/trchiccarelli/ and https://www.overloud.com/products/voice
  18. Heath Row

    4EVER29 = CFV

    Ahhh, but did you check your Inbox? ?
  19. but like I keep pointing out, I just had no clue!! And my guitar, well it just had no glue!!
  20. Yeah these things rock hard, as they were meant to do. Bought them as soon as the cat was let out of the bag by a forum member a week before they were supposed to be. Drew took them off the shelf for a while when he found out, but then gave in and put then put them back on when members 'requested' he do so. ???
  21. From Drew with regards to having to go online every 90 days to validate authorizations. So lets see what he can do, if anything.
  22. No, but then I don't use CbB. I always use the VST3 version of IK's plugins, (and any plugin where available) and haven't had any issues. It's always been a point of bemusement to me when people say that IK's VST3 plugs are troublesome, anyway.
  23. Some of you kiddies need to lay off the Kool aid, seriously. Congrats to IK on the release. I'm super happy with the Pre Order, worth every penny. What can I say, awesome. After MODO BASS (1) I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with MB2, and sure enough no disappointment here. Well done IK ???
  24. Well it's there now actually.
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