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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. Will they update the user manual periodically as they add new features?
  2. I don't need bandlab assistant, I thought it was necessary to get the updates to Cakewalk. I don't use loops. Good distinction, I've been calling it sonar but I'll start saying Cake Walk. And yes after being away from it for quite some time, I'm becoming aware they really are making an effort to make this a good DAW. So I'm doing a crash course in refreshing myself and also learning all of the changes since the producer version of sonar I'mmore familiar with. Thanks for your input.
  3. cakewalk/Sonar by bandlab. Thanks I'll edit my header.
  4. Sonar/Bandlab keeps updating. Is it important to update each time? thanks.
  5. Thanks very much! Very helpful! i'm slowly relearning Sonar after being away from it for quite a while.
  6. I am so used to using the scroll wheel but keep finding I have changed the volume or pan on a channel strip. How do i know when it will affect a control & when it will just take me to the top of the page? thanks!
  7. The global button in the inspector disables pro channel on the corresponding channel strip but doesn't affect any other strips. Also the individual modules in the inspector still show they are enabled, even with global off. thanks!
  8. 18i8, win 10, no messages. Finally i rolled it back & it's OK now. No idea why, even Focusrite tech support said it wouldn't affect my plugs, but it did. I don't think I'm missing anything by using an older driver in place of the latest one?
  9. I updated the driver for my focusrite Scarlet interface and lost the sonitus plugins or at least sonar won't recognize them now. Also FX chains no longer work. I can't combine FX in the bin into a chain and my previously created chains are gone. I can live without sonitus and probably without chains also but they are a nice way of organizing the FX bin. Anyone had experience with this? I don't know if I can revert back to the old driver or not. Thanks.
  10. What is the best way to raise the level of an audio track without increasing the noise floor? I have a spoken audio recorded on an iPhone, it's clear but I can hear the internal noise of the phone. In my old Sonar producer you could right click a clip and raise the gain, but it looks like that option now is to draw nodes as an automation. At any rate I'm not sure if that raises the noise floor as well. Any ideas? Thanks!
  11. I'm reposting a related question: I dnloaded the FreeG meter suggested in the Creative Sauce video... do I need to add this to every track & bus or is there a more efficient way to use it for more than one track? Do you use it both before fx for gain setting & also post fx? He uses the fx output level control or the blue cat plug if the fx doesn't have an output level & doesn't mention the faders. Where do they come in? Just balancing everything in the mix?? Thanks!!
  12. Another gain staging Q: I dnloaded the FreeG meter suggested in the Creative Sauce video... do I need to add this to every track & bus or is there a more efficient way to use it for more than one track? Do you use it both before fx for gain setting & also post fx? He uses the fx output level control or the blue cat plug if the fx doesn't have an output level & doesn't talk about the faders. Where do they come in? Just balancing everything in the mix?? Thanks!!
  13. Thanks John, I may have missed it. It seems OK now.
  14. I just watched the Creative Sauce video on gain staging. I hate to be dense ( I'm an amateur) but if I use the input/gain knob to adjust levels, when do I use the faders? Adjusting the final mix? Thanks!
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