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Everything posted by RICHARD HUTCHINS

  1. Hi all, Quick question, I wish to have a small chunk of a vocal track at a much lower level than the rest. I've split the vox track into separate clips. ( see screenshot, its "record 47" of the Main Vox track. But adding clip automation seems to effect all of the track, even though its split into smaller parts. Is there a way just to lower the volume of a small discrete part of the track?
  2. Thanks John, I reckon I'll print this advice off and refer to it as I go / learn!
  3. I got those parameters from a tutorial, ( creative sauce I seem to recall. ) I set the audio interface output for various instruments and the vocals to achieve average -18 and peak -12. Is this what you mean when you say its way too low?
  4. Thanks John I understand now. ( I think) I'm recording a song at the moment and it all sounds very "quiet" on playback, after I have made sure there is no clipping and everything is within a sensible range of say -18 av and -12 peak. In other words the vocals sound far away etc. Is this when I need to lift the master gain up or am I barking up the wrong tree here?
  5. Yes that's what is happening. The tracks feeding into the master are all set as I think they should be, so average -18 and peak -12 or close to it. So I cant turn them any higher and at the same time stay within the recommended levels.
  6. Hi all, This is probably annoyingly simple to answer but I cant find it on the forum, probably using wrong search keywords. My master knob is reading a gain of -8.9, ( see screenshot) but is set to the default half way mark, the one you get when you double click it. others are all reading zero at the same mark. Obviously when I gain stage at the end these get adjusted up or down but why is the master reading -8.9? Sorry but I don't understand why! Shouldnt it be zero at the mid way mark. I don't really understand what the master volume knob does anyway I never really touch it, but if something is wrong with my settings I need to know. It may ( or not) help me get to the bottom of why at present, as a complete novice, often I get poor results in terms of getting a good mix of voices and instruments, always a problem for me. This is either a great question, or a really dumb one, I reckon I know which it is!
  7. Just watched your video John and re-read the other comments, it makes much more sense now, thanks again to all.
  8. Thanks everyone, good tips and I will look at your video John for sure.
  9. Hi all I am soon to update to the latest version. So I am busy backing everything up as CWB files. Up comes this message, ( see screenshot) but I cant understand what I've done here, as its a bit new to me. Cant recall stretching times, stretched date or audio snap markers, or anything fancy. But the track is old so I may well have done something and forgotten exactly what I did! What do I look for to trace the problem? Rich
  10. Okay I'll have another go! steep learning curve... thanks
  11. Okay, that seems to work. Thanks. Next mystery; ( I'm pretty sure I asked this before but cant find my post so please bear with me) I deleted 4 tracks of vocals with melodyne adjusted Vox as I didnt want them in the song till later. Hit delete and hey presto they are not visible but they STILL PLAY! Anyone got an idea what is happening here? How do I delete them permanently? I love melodyne but also it drives me nuts!
  12. Thanks all, I think I understand. John, are you referring to the latest update? I havent updated yet but I will soon.
  13. Update; sitting here trying to figure it out myself, I highlighted the full timeline and this time it exported the full song not just the fade out. But still doesnt answer my question as to why did I suddenly have to do this? Never had to before??
  14. Hi If I've asked this before please forgive me. I know its happened before but I cant remember what the fix was. I have a full song ready to export. Done this dozens of times, convert to MP3 etc etc. all with no problem. Only thing different is that this time I used the master fader to fade the song out this new song at the end, ( I usually draw the fade out on the tracks with a mouse but figured this was a quicker method) but when I try to export, it quickly processes the song and just exports the last fade out. So I know this is the problem but what am I doing wrong? Richie
  15. Hi all, I am using melodyne to alter some vocal tracks and harmonies; all is fine but when I try and copy and paste the sections to another part of the song which needs the same harmonies, I just get the original voices not the corrected melodyne notes. I could do it all over again but that would take forever, my vocals are a real problem as it is and I need loads of takes to get near a decent finished line.( With no melodyne correction ouch, you dont want to hear that!) Does this mean I need to add melodyne to these pasted parts again? Or is there a way of pasting them together with the melodyne alterations?
  16. These sound great. Trouble is... pricey! I dont mean not worth it, I just mean for a totally unknown song writer its a lot of cash for one song. That comes across as a bit mean to be honest, but its not the same as say drums or guitar, these are essential on all of my tracks, sax for this song, its a one off. I'll have a ponder. The Juno Alto sax is okay ish and free ( obvs) but not really in the same league as the ones you can buy.
  17. Okay, got the right sound for the bass, thanks all. Can I be a bit cheeky and now ask what is out there for a decent sax sound? I didn't ask earlier because I only just thought it might be a good thing to accompany the bass! If I was a bit pretentious I'd say it was the creative process, but maybe I better not push my luck!
  18. Yes it’s something I’ll look at tomorrow as I’m off to bed! But thanks for the advice yet again, so pleased I don’t have to start it up i reckon it’s Melodyne the culprit so I’ll be careful from now on when using it
  19. Thanks John. Yes I found it in the folder, "phew" I missed the "recover" label amongst the other versions. I didnt save as I went, got so wrapped up in what I was trying out, lesson learned. The recovery version looks different, can I simply go back to using this or is there something I should know about the recovery version?
  20. Hi After much work on a song I was using melodyne and the program crashed big time. I seem to recall pressing "yes" for it to save a copy but its nowhere to be seen. An afternoons work lost if I cant find it. Ideas anyone, its a new one for me! Very very annoying to say the least, I actually was almost happy with my vocals for once!
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