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Everything posted by RICHARD HUTCHINS

  1. Okay, had an exhaustive look, and I think its a Melodyne problem with the upgrade. But my new tracks work fine when I open Melodyne 5, so I am simply going to move on, this problem track was mixed down anyway and I'll just accept the mix. I simply haven't the time to figure out what went wrong, but if it happens again obvs I will have no choice but to investigate. Its not ideal but I am so short of time i cant be going down these rabbit holes when I hit a glitch, and not writing or recording anything! I couldnt figure out how to delete melodyne from a track retrospectively, how is this done?
  2. Thanks for the pointers. I'll look at this tomorrow as its New year's Eve. But yes I agree, something is wrong and the problem now points to melodyne.
  3. Nope its okay on another blank track, Melodyne seems normal. .. back to the drawing board as to why its greyed out on the problem song
  4. Okay, working through the replies and suggestions; 1. Yes the master bus shows an audio signal. 2. The instances of melodyne show vocals, however the red and yellow "blobs" are greyed out. I'm thinking something went wrong with my upgrade to melodyne 5.1 yesterday and its effected the vocals. see screenshot. I will now try to look further into this.
  5. Hi all, Just when I thought it was safe to get back into the water and do some work without pleading for help from the forum yet again, disaster. Opened up the track ( see screenshot) and all of the vocals will not give a sound. Signal is there as can be seen, but in terms of sound output, nothing, zilch, nada. Obviously I have used melodyne and vocal thickening, but none of the tracks emits a squeak. Solo them all one by one and still nothing. Checked the buses etc. Everything was fine last time I worked on the track. I'm baffled. It seems every time this forum helps me out and I move on, another weird problem turns up out of the blue? I dont think I have done anything, never mind anything wrong, I simply closed the project and opened it again. Its the same for my three saved earlier versions. AAAAAGGGHHH! help appreciated....
  6. Thanks for taking the trouble to spell this out for me ( pictures too, always a bonus for me!) yes I now understand what I was doing wrong, its yet another thing learnt from this forum. Appreciated!
  7. ? Okay, I think I see. Basically open up the midi details and then make sure the clip is split where it doesn't interfere or break with the midi controls such as sustain am I right?
  8. Hi, Latest problem for me; Often I split a Midi clip, say a piano part, and delete a chunk I didn't like. But I've noticed that the remaining clip which I retain, seems to lose its "memory" and for example the piano notes no longer have sustain on them. I can fix it by opening the Midi and manually dragging the sustain controls upwards, but this seems laborious. I know I am doing something wrong here but what? It seems the deleted clip was the one that controlled the original clip before it was split. But how to stop this command being lost? The more I learn about CW the more I realise that all these little errors accumulate to take massive amounts of time out of the workflow, better spent recording! Thats a good thing in that I am learning lots but I still need hand holding, sorry!
  9. No sure! Time and again I mix a song down, sounds good on headphones, play it on my phone or laptop ( as many people do these days) and it sounds all wrong. So something deliberately "normal" I suppose.
  10. Hi all, I need some small speakers to listen to tracks after mixing to see how they sound on a normal setup, not headphones. I don't mean £££ Studio quality, this isn't a studio, just decent ones to stick on the shelf. Any suggestions? ( I'm UK based)
  11. Can I just wish everyone here a Happy Xmas, this is such a great forum. My questions as a novice have sometimes been idiotically simple but always I get helpful, measured responses and nothing rude or disparaging, even though everyone has forgotten more than I know. My recordings get better all the time ( from a very low start to be fair) A big thanks to all who replied to my posts over this year, even doing screenshots and little vids, wow, and somehow kept their patience. And a special thanks to John at Cactus Music for helping me, and doing those little " how to" videos. Out there, this is clearly a completely bonkers and often quite nasty World, but this little forum is a part of it that shines out as being pleasant helpful and , well...just NICE! So what I mean is all the best to you and have a lovely Christmas and new year! Rich
  12. This topic has been a fun one for sure! Okay, my Bagpipe story? 1000 years ago I was in a band and the guitar player had bought one of the first mini Moogs in the UK. He tried to get the bagpipe sound for " Mull of Kintyre" by Wings. Trouble is he was over ambitious and also wanted to get the "tuning up" sound as they fill with air before the wail comes out. We all know it and its a lovely (?) sound. Trouble beckoned. He used the tone wheel to do the tuning up bit, and you've never heard anything like it. The club emptied. I still smile when I think back to those happy days before digital came along!
  13. Thanks all, even for the inevitable bagpipe jokes! As a Sassenach I have to lay my cards on the table and say I still love them! Tried various things and ended up I mixed the Uillean Pipes from Kontakt with my Juno " Bagpipes" and the result was nice so a good piece of advice.
  14. That's very helpful, I'm doing a song about new Year hence the need for bagpipes!
  15. Hi all, No I haven't started the Xmas booze early, I just wondered if anyone could suggest a plugin for a decent bagpipe sound? My Juno tries its best but it sounds a bit false and i have a song that needs this! Not the end of the world if I cant get one, but this forum is pretty darn good at answering strange questions like this one!
  16. Ok I will play around with these suggestions thanks.
  17. Hmmm... I think there is a gremlin living in my DAW whose only job is to annoy me every other day; or maybe I'm missing something! I'll look again, its usually my fault at times like these.
  18. See screenshot, tried this earlier, I picked 1 measure and deselected record and playback, but nothing happens and still no count in?
  19. Okay, thanks, that is well within my capabilities! I just wondered if CW had a shortcut to do this.
  20. Hi all, Okay, I know its a dumb ask ( again) but I cant figure how to set up a 4 click count in on Cakewalk. I read the online help, and obviously I can set up a count in before recording, but what I want is a click count in and then no annoying click whilst recording or playing back, these being the 2 options Cakewalk gives in the metronome dialogue. Its for song writing rather than recording, so keeping it in time isn't necessary for composing, obviously I use a click track or drum track for keeping in time when actually recording. Rich
  21. And there she is! I tried dragging everything but that section. Thanks, appreciated! Saved me an hour of fannying around...?
  22. Hi all, I'm sure this is a simple fix, my console has gone blank. As usual I've clicked something by mistake, god knows what, see screenshot. Cakewalk is great but sometimes I'm sure it has a mind of its own and decides to annoy me just for the hell of it! Tried various "views" options , dragging, etc etc etc but to no avail. Can someone save me an hour wasted and tell me what the heck I've done? Thanks!
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