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Everything posted by RICHARD HUTCHINS

  1. Sorry for ignorance, but the other volumes are set to be about 8db average with the odd 12db, which is how we are told to set them to avoid clipping. Surely its the vocal track that's incorrect? Or am I off beam here..
  2. Hui, I have a completed track and am now adding vocals. On the meter the signal seems fine, no clipping, maybe reading 12 peak. All by the book. But on playback its far too quiet, drowned out by other instruments. But the other tracks are all set ok with no peaking or distorting. I can get the vocals louder but of course it is then in the red and distorted. Any obvious errors? ( I route the mike through a small Yamaha mixer MG82, and from there to a Steinberg interface, maybe that's a problem? I do this as my mike lead isn't a jack and doesn't fit the Steinberg input jack. ( Amateur hour I know)
  3. Yes, it seems to have nailed it that's the problem, thanks. I think the transpose button(which I used to stay in D major) has messed up the tuning. I'll play it in C instead, gives me something to concentrate on playing the same song in 2 keys! Thanks again
  4. Hi I have inserted the SI plugin to Cakewalk and I use my Juno synth as a trigger, ( I dont have a bass guitar) but some notes are sounding a tone higher on the recording track than the ones I play on the keyboard. . So a scale of D comes through as a nice bass sound but the C note is sounding as a B! I'm sure there's a basic reason for this but as a novice what am I doing wrong?
  5. Thanks, didnt see this post till today! Will check it out....
  6. Ah! That makes sense, thanks I'll try a few things based around that.
  7. Okay, its slowly sinking in. So, am I right in saying that my Juno is just used as a keyboard, a trigger, and that the output sounds must be from a soft synth such as Cakewalk TTS-1 from the menu? In other words I cant ( as I thought or hoped) use my Juno sounds, I need to use the soft synth sounds? All new to me...
  8. Hiya Okay, getting there but not quite. Ive attached a screenshot. I've added a new track ( instrument) and set the input to Steinberg Midi Omni. It now records from the Juno as a Midi track so far so good, I can see the midi notes. But I cant hear the resulting recorded track on my headphones. As to Output choices, Steinberg or New Drum Map are the only choices on the drop down for the output. So I chose Steinberg. And there my feeble knowledge base runs out!! I've a feeling I'm nearly sorted though!
  9. Thanks, I think I understand that, so I'll go and have another go...
  10. Hi all, I have a Steinberg UR22 interface set up as my input and output interface. I want to play my Juno as a controller keyboard for MIDI but I'm struggling. Preferences for Midi input and output devices show the Steinberg. No sign of the Juno? I am using a MIDI cable from the keys to the interface, not a USB. Obviously missing something simple as usual, so how do I get my Juno to trigger the midi? It all works when I use the virtual instrument in Cakewalk , clearly I havent grasped this at all!
  11. Hang on... all is working now! Perhaps it was that simple. Lets see how it goes but cheers, always best to check the obvious.
  12. Hi Just bought a new interface. Before this I used a Focusrite 214 and all was well with tracks playing in stereo through the 'phones. Now I just get one side through the phones with the Steinberg, and some tracks for example vocals cant be heard. Obviously a rookie error but what do I need to fix please? Help appreciated!
  13. Sorry, to give more info, I've just found what may narrow it down; it seems to relate to my drums track, using addictive drums. But the signal is ok at around -12 no peaking or red meter? Things improve when I mute it, and the crackles return when I un mute...but I dont see why this should happen?
  14. Hi, i am plagued by random crackles on my recording of a song. They seem to be at one spot one time and then a different place at another time. Its not peaking I learnt how to sort that using this ( super helpful) forum. No red peaks on the meter etc. But...there they are and they sound vile. Any clues for a novice?
  15. Okay, all is working fine now, thanks a lot for taking the time and trouble to help a novice greatly appreciated!☺️
  16. Thanks guys. Okay I was under a bit of a misapprehension. But I've bought the Vintage Organ package now so I need to get it sorted. I struggle with MID,l 'cos I I'm a bit of a luddite but I really need to get my act together and learn how to use it. The Juno DS is only a year old so its fine to use as a MIDI controller(?) I'll get started tomorrow. But really appreciate the help, and patience with a novice.
  17. Okay got to go for now, meanwhile, any ideas anyone why Cakewalk just told me "general error" when I tried to close it down for the night? Might be a question for a new topic. If its not one thing its another!?
  18. Okay, making progress here! Thanks. So...See screenshot, I'm up to the "good to go" stage! Big knowledge gap. Up to now, I use VST plugins for existing tracks for example a guitar solo, and simply open the effect within the track and the guitar solo is given the particular sound I choose. (THU plugin) All simple. But how do I get the vintage organ sound to alter my existing organ solo, which I recorded and originally played on my Juno keyboard? Or do I have to set it up as a midi controller? ( hope not|) Can I simply drag something to the Juno track and it alters the sound? Or do I need to do a new track with Vintage Organs set up on it? Sorry these are dumb questions its all new to me.
  19. Okay, so I have Kontakt downloaded and its in "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt\Kontakt.exe" But when I try to add this path to VST Plugins in Preferences, ( VST scan paths) the path doesnt show the final part i.e. the exe file kontakt.exe It simply ends at Native Instruments/Kontakt. So when then I do a scan it still doesnt add Kontakt to my plugins and hence I cant add it to the track by using the "insert" command or the drop down from the "add instrument" in Cakewalk. See screenshot
  20. Thanks for a very comprehensive reply, I will work through all of this and hopefully sort it!
  21. Just in case I sound lazy, I tried lots of things. The path seems to be c/users/public documents/vintage organs. I added this path to the VST manager and did a scan but still it doesn't see anything new. Obviously missing something here...
  22. Nope sorry, dont get it, complete novice. I downloaded Komplete Control, and somehow ended up with loads of their products I neither want nor need. I do however have Vintage Organ installed, having handed over my money to t em. But from here I am clueless as to what I do to get the darn thing into my project. How do I "insert" Kontakt? All I want is a decent Hammond sound, and then get on with making music. Any help appreciated!
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