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Everything posted by RICHARD HUTCHINS

  1. Hang on chaps! I have just managed to get it to work! Of course I dont know what I did right or what was wrong but its working!
  2. So... I plugged my mike into input 2 on the interface , and then set the Cakewalk track for vocals to Steinberg Input 1 ( cant choose "2" as there isnt one on the drop down menu, right not left, no mention of input 2) but still there is no signal from the mike on input 2, input 1 as always is fine??
  3. Thanks. My confusion stems from the drop down that says Right Steinberg Yamaha etc Input 1 and Left Yamaha Input 1. No mention of Input 2.
  4. Hi, I use a Steinberg UR22 interface; on my console track I have it set to Left Yamaha Steinberg Input 1, which takes my guitar or keys. Fine. But how do I find output 2 on the drop down? It just sees and lists Input 1. I wish to have my vocals mike plugged in to the Interface through Input 2 so I can leave it all plugged in. Or am I barking up the wrong tree? And on that sort of subject I cant see how to set my defaults so that each track is correctly set, in other words I keep having to tell Cakewalk to use the left hand output, as it keeps defaulting to a stereo mix? Novice questions here I'm afraid...
  5. Hi, After much useful advice and help from this forum looking for a good MIDI piano sound, I chose addictive keys Grand Piano plugin, sounds nice and is fine. However when I record a piano backing track ready for vocals, the recording sounds quiet through the phones even when they are turned up full through my Steinberg UR22 interface. This is not the case when I record things like vocals or guitar so I assume its a MIDI thing. How do I get this to have more volume? ( Novice here obviously).It sounds fine but quiet if you know what I mean.
  6. Hi all, Mr. Newbie here again. If my learning curve gets any steeper I'll need crampons! Anyway I'm adding a few cymbal crashes to my drums ( Addictive Drums 2) by opening the midi in the inspector and using the draw tool to add a few crashes here and there. But sometimes it seems to shorten the sound, so instead of a crash there's a quick sound like a hi hat closing, not what I want. As usual this will be me being dumb but I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong?
  7. Thanks Its dawning on me slowly. Tonight just realised it happens when I change the cursor from "select" to "move" say when I'm adjusting when a track starts. oddly, it is all ok to start with, i.e. when I use the "select" setting for the mouse, but once I change to "move" it only brings up the ruler using "move" and refuses to do so for "selects" not asure why
  8. Also it happens randomly I think hence the problem pinning down the cause.
  9. Hmmm, I'm not too techy to say the least, sorry dont know how to do that!
  10. I dont think so, its very odd. I can move the cursor up to the timeline and click, and the ruler comes back. But obviously its easier to be able to click on the track you are working with, or anywhere amongst the tracks, to get the ruler to where you are starting from > but for no reason it stops doing it! I've tried checking what I do when this happens but there seems no reason..annoying.
  11. Actually, it changes the way it works, I'll give it a try later to understand what is happening, and see if this is a fix, didn't know there was such a thing as a shortcut...lots to learn. Very odd though, it seems to just stop working at random, and then later back comes the ruler if I click anywhere and on any track..irritating.
  12. Hi, This is annoying me now so I thought I would ask what I am doing wrong. I click anywhere on any track and the time ruler ( vertical line) appears where I click. so far so normal. I then do lots of stuff like open new track, record something whatever, ( not sure what causes this to happen ) and now it wont appear unless I click right at the top of all the tracks where the time is displayed. So I am doing something to cause this but what am I doing? Not the end of the world but irritating and it slows me up.
  13. Cheers all, yes I am I suppose, principally a piano player, but also guitar. I will work thru all of this bit by bit.. nothing else to do in lockdown!
  14. Thanks all, as usual v helpful. ?I will check them all, and yes I do have addictive drums.
  15. Hi, as a novice I am using Cakewalks piano plugin for MIDI, and its free so I'm not complaining but it doesnt sound very realistic. Are there any better ones out there? If so how much or are they free? Rich
  16. It does, but its glaringly obvious there's a skills gap at my end! I'll work through it all bit by bit, but it may take some time. I may call my album "voyage of the goldfish" as by the time I learn one thing I've forgotten the other...
  17. This is some forum. I will work through all of the above. I am learning but its painfully slow, and of course like most musicians I want to be playing not learning, which is not really the way forward, as its a false economy. Thanks guys.
  18. A quick look at creative sauce on buses and I am making progress, thanks guys
  19. All sounds sensible, if a tad over my knowledge, I really struggle to get to grips with it all...but I'll keep at it.
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