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Everything posted by simon

  1. simon

    Waves OVox

    As @cclarry always says: everyplugin.com for ANYTHING waves related, including upgrades etc etc etc you might be very pleasantly surprised worth an email.....just sayin'
  2. do you mean service center or native access ? I'm not sure service center is still supported. I ask because I find native access one of the best (the best!) of the downloader manager type things. When they introduced service center many years ago I was a bit hesitant but now i really like it. Only negative for me is all the auto-startup apps it installs without telling you - and you have no real idea what they are for. if you are running service center then definitively try native access
  3. I was being a little unfair ? - the consoles were $49 last year but as @cclarry and @Piotr point out, if you have a 50 or 75 voucher it’s almost impossible to get a decent deal - the situation is even worse for us in the U.K. as we have to add tax at 20% on top of that not finding them particularly crash prone though ? also if you are gonna buy just one - buy the lindell 80
  4. I picked up the Simon Phillips packs - but regret it sounds are reasonably decent but I forget have clumsy groove agent is compared to other drum samplers (superior 3). The downloaded clunky and the interface is pretty poor. Edrum/hihat support is circa 1997. Spend that money on S3 packs ....or (a buggy) BFD3 expansion just my opinion obvs but file under “things I will never actually use”
  5. haven't seen this posted before ? https://new.steinberg.net/promotion/?PROMOCOUP=GROOVE20#78371 anybody have the Simon Phillips stuff ?
  6. 12 months ago these flash sales were $29 - how times have changed
  7. here's the product page https://senderspike.wordpress.com/2020/01/21/sn06g-opamp/
  8. for those of us who bought the EW HWS at the intro price (sale still on !) - there seems to be an update available in the EW installation center can't find a change list - and the update took approximately 1.242ms so It' can't be much FWIW still waiting for an update to the NKS support to include HWS
  9. It might be in your account - you don’t get a an email
  10. good spot - it does say: "Voucher expires January 17th, 2020" but tried it anyway and worked
  11. simon

    revoice pro update

    (they even do a 32 bit version - for those still running windows 95 - respect)
  12. simon

    revoice pro update

    mac and pc Ver release notes * Bug * [RP4-203] - When editing level the reset command is not available. Fixed https://www.synchroarts.com/downloads/ to update (retro - like we used to do in the olden days)
  13. $29 in all seriousness it's a different market - I think its' a little unfair to apply the same pricing rules as we do to a simple "mass market" plugin ?
  14. sigmod is worth having too - quite useful that might take it over the limit ?
  15. I'm 100% with Larry on this (as always - it's where the smart money is) I think the $49 (?) spent on SEQ-S is the "sweet spot" for bargain hunters - although the stereo version SEQ-ST might be enough for most ?
  16. FWIW upgrade is £49 to the full version. If you buy something else (sigmod) then it comes down because it applies your voucher
  17. Bear mind it’s the “light” version. GUI is microscopic - not really up to the standards of the other nugen stuff IMO can’t complain too much considering the price though
  18. (gasp !) wait a couple of weeks and it should be down to $29
  19. it's another one of those small developers (looks bigger than it is) - they probably underestimated the amount of traffic FREE generates
  20. fwiw ISL stereo version is only £104 so you can get that £36 (with VAT) - if the voucher really was £100 it would be just over £4
  21. good giveaway seems the £100 voucher isn't actually £100 - more like $100 - but website in total collapse so hard to tell what is going on !
  22. was sarcasm zero incentive to upgrade (side-grade?) as far as I'm concerned. In fact a bit insulting considering the prices of their libraries ..just MO obviously
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