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Everything posted by simon

  1. simon

    ProjectSAM - TFO11

    not sure they send an email reminder ?
  2. simon

    ProjectSAM - TFO11

    Larry's post about the new SA labs reminded me to check the ProjectSAM site Number 11 is out since the last time I looked https://projectsam.com/libraries/tfo-11-tongue-in-cheek/ Assume that 12 should be out soon as there are only a few December days left edit and it's FUN
  3. I have an top of the range XPS laptop as my 'everyday' PC for just over a year - It's a great pc but I'd strongly recommend you stay WELL AWAY from them for audio use. google XPS "acpi.sys" and latency - it's long saga and very senior people got involved and promised fixes....but they never materialised. essentially mine is useless for audio - Dell are claiming they have fixed it in the latest generation but I'd be very wary. YMMV
  4. fwiw I passed on it - not sure what i'd actually use it for plus I don't do social media
  5. gforce do a m-tron demo - why not give that a try first ?
  6. neither do I https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hatefish-rhygenerator/ it's only 6 euro, If plugin alliance did something for 6 euro we'd be all over it ?️ I' really not trying to be patronising but I think Saverio seems pretty decent and we should support him - plugin alliance on the other hand are evil
  7. it's a bit mean spirited at christmas ? His stuff is always very reasonably priced. It's the season of goodwill etc
  8. a good price I suppose - still don't feel strongly enough to pull the trigger ? anyone else bought it ?
  9. simon

    Jamstix 4.4.6 update

    problem I'm having is very specific, and cubase 10.5 only - but according to Ralph the update was just "support files" doesn't seem to be a way to roll back either so IMO might be worth holding off - although it's entirely possible you'd be ok - looks there is very little to be gained doing the update
  10. simon

    Jamstix 4.4.6 update

    fyi - this update gave some issues in cubase 10.5 - working my way through them with Ralph's support. you might want to hang on if you are windows/cubase user
  11. simon

    Nothing to see here

    teasing ...but that's against the rules apparently ? ? ? ?
  12. run Jamstix Manager to update (if you haven't bought Jamstix then BUY IT ...... then run the Jamstix Manager) Changes in 4.4.6 KIT: fixed issue with kit pieces being loaded in MIDI-only mode even if sound files are present when 'Use AI Only' is checked in the manager tool HOST: improved data load/save performance in DAW especially for larger song sheets
  13. simon

    Nothing to see here

    (hangs head in shame!) it was the first deal on the top of their "reminder" email ......... I was suspicious when I saw you hadn't posted anything
  14. edit Larry corrected me ☺️
  15. FWIW mac only - long thread here: https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=286&t=172999
  16. it took a long while for me - you've a few days yet so bear with them. I'd drop them an email too
  17. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    not even a good price on it either ?
  18. ouch - that's a bit annoying, I hadn't noticed that. It might not be an auto update though as I don't think arturia normally do that. You update via the arturia software center normally ?
  19. me too - hopefully this christmas
  20. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    always best to err on the side of safety (IMO) - live to buy another day - but where's the fun in that ? strictly speaking, not something I'm good at remembering
  21. ?thanks Jim. FWIW some DAWS such as Cubase have support (kinda) built in. So zero config needed
  22. apples/oranges without talking about the actual sounds (!?) I much more impressed by the GUI and documentation of the Sonikinetic stuff. It works in the free version of Kontakt too. 16/24 bit options. What I'm saying it that I hope that Tutti Vox is better
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