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Everything posted by simon

  1. the Sptifire downloader is normally pretty solid ? it's all a bit odd - wonder what's going on. I know the LABS stuff is free but most of their product line is pretty £££.
  2. there is a "repair" function if you click on the product icon ? and I think optimise does the lot ....not just the one that has optimise text on it
  3. tried that larry - also tried the logout/login technique that "I thought" worked last time - wonder if they stagger the rollout to reduce server load ? who knows
  4. I feel victimised ! - I'm going to demand my money back....oh hang on
  5. another not showing for me ? even after logging out and back in oh well....
  6. as TheSteven pointed out previously - a fire sale ?
  7. simon

    Free SFX samples

    This probably hasn't been posted for a while but here are some free(ish) sources for SFX samples https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/audition/free-sound-effects.html (actually looks like that link is dead...but fear not....) https://offers.adobe.com/en/na/audition/offers/audition_dlc/AdobeAuditionDLCSFX.html - described as "royalty-free audio sound effects." think there is about 15 gig plus the BBC sfx library (not strictly speaking free but ok for personal use) http://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/
  8. yep - stored in my foley samples, probably never to be seen again. slightly off topic - but adobe has a load of free SFX https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/audition/free-sound-effects.html and another here https://offers.adobe.com/en/na/audition/offers/audition_dlc/AdobeAuditionDLCSFX.html think there is about 15 gig plus the BBC sfx library (not strictly speaking free but ok for personal use) http://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/ ------ edit - I'll start a new thread with these in case anyone doesn't know about them
  9. you gotta get up way, way, way earlier in the morning to beat Larry - the dealster that never sleeps ! (strictly speaking this was orginally a focusrite offer) - either way don't bother IMO
  10. it's not really fair to complain as they are free BUT it would be nice if they had given the samples useful names..... Foley FX 1,wav Foley FX 2.wav etc isn't so helpful IMO
  11. blues EZX back up to full price at JRR - without actually ever being for sale
  12. hopefully up at bestservice soon ? also JRR say "out of stock" on the blues EZX
  13. I have a couple of their plugs - really like the Wah-Wah
  14. ahhh - good to have something you can rely on in these topsy turvy times
  15. got it - had to log out and back in again - suddenly appears (paging @TheSteven) edit: one more thing then I'm getting on with my day the original (v1.0.3) version was around 700MB - the latest one is 113.8MB according to the installer. There is actually around 650MB of data in the LABS dulcimer folder(s)
  16. I had the optimise on a few libraries (I think one click does the lot ?) still no 1.0.4 via cloudfront CDN or direct(?)
  17. just did a repair on it and it redownloaded - still on 1.0.3
  18. thanks Larry - did think about doing that but probably that would be a large sledgehammer to crack a very small nut. It might fix itself
  19. yes, it updated itself the other day
  20. does seem odd - first world problems ?
  21. didn't know that option existed (and thanks ?) - still no update though ?
  22. not showing as an update here ? I'm on 1.03
  23. just an FYI - this is another one of those apps that thinks it wants to continue to run in the background all the time you are using your PC - adds itself to the "auto start" group - sits quietly in your system tray - i'm not gonna bother I think also, on windows, also installs quietly installs a separate midi driver that you might want to uninstall
  24. In that case....downloading now (and thanks !)
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