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Everything posted by simon

  1. I've been working out what works in the free player .... and I think you'll basically lose access to the drummer stuff. This seems to be only accessible via EDIT mode (not easy mode) and I think you lose access to this when your "demo" times out and MSoundFactory downgrades to the free version... that new Piano will continue to work however (I think!)
  2. FWIW the sonivox one is very buggy - best avoid
  3. Does that work in the free player ( oh no it’s the kontakt player problem all over again ?)
  4. As you probably know - their upgrade offers are pretty useless - I’m the same and I have everthing, including exponential stuff but they still offer weird, overpriced upgrades to stuff I already have PS stutter edit 2 has a resizable gui at last - all Plugs should have that IMO PPS - dunno what your rant was (none of my business !) but I’ve always found them pretty good if you email their sales direct - they can normally give you a good deal
  5. If I used that as a yardstick .......?
  6. £68 at pluginboutique about $83 at xe.com conversion - you get about £5 in rewards $71 at audiodeluxe - with code summer2020 - but they're not happy about selling to the UK
  7. JRR code "group" brings this down to $83 odd that they aren't as competitive as izotope - I suspect this will come down a bit when the dust clears :). I'll keep an eye on audiodeluxe and pluginboutique
  8. seems pretty pricey for an upgrade showing as $79 in my izotope account - hopefully the discounters will bring this down...
  9. didn't see anybody post this ? run the xln audio online updater to update https://www.xlnaudio.com/support/xo-1-2-0-updates-may-26th-2020- https://www.xlnaudio.com/support/addictive-keys-1-2-0-june-15th-2020- https://www.xlnaudio.com/support/addictive-drums-2-1-11
  10. wasn't it free before - direct from audiority ?
  11. simon


    I picked it up it's basically a Waves Tune copy (kinda) Waves Tune is cheaper and has less bugs...(sounds better too IMO ) - let's see if the issues get resolved - for now I'd visit: https://www.waves.com/plugins/waves-tune
  12. simon


    actually looks quite good 10% off with code REKKERD10
  13. (and the excellent arturia ones....!)
  14. FWIW - it's ilok (dunno if you can use the cloud version ?)
  15. +1 on it being an excellent reverb
  16. simon

    Free choir

    also as others have mentioned, check out the other freebies - I think his piano is very good
  17. familiarity mainly - I've been with Cubase since the Atari days (and pro24 before that) - but despite SB saying that cubase/nuendo were in step, cubase still has new features first. Nuendo 10.3 is just out which brings the Cubase 10.5 features to Nuendo several months after cubase. To be fair though, it was a free update. It's fairly rare I need the extra features of nuendo (Very rare indeed!) - also I have 2 cubase licences but 1 nuendo so it's more likely I'll be sat at a PC with a cubase licence. If it's more cost effective to buy Nuendo then Id go for it....but it wouldn't be surprising if we saw a Cubase update sale in the next few months. It's fairly insane that you have to give up your cubase licence when you upgrade to nuendo...can't see why they don't let you use both ...it's only one licence on one dongle.
  18. I think the export function arrived with version 10.5 ?
  19. yes you can do this - but export options are limited...and it's windows 10 only
  20. https://cinematique-instruments.com/pages_instr/page_klang.php
  21. same company - the freebies are the stuff from the Cinematique Klang releases https://cinematique-instruments.com/index.php
  22. and starts charging for Klang instruments
  23. not sure - the developer said (months and months ago) "I've been suddenly getting a lot of reports about this" but that was the last I heard It's still a good delay BUT just far from perfect.....
  24. FWIW - has a bug on the VST3 version in Cubase - bypass doesn't work when you export...so you get delay wether you want it or not ! developer aware but seemingly not interested in fixing....fine for $25.81 but less fine for $300 I noticed that the free "width knob" also wouldn't bypass at all in Cubase ..YMMV
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