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Everything posted by simon

  1. wonder if this will turn up in Komplete 13 ?
  2. I'm still getting SQL errors when I try to look at my order history so things aren't back to how it was...which is what Eric is saying in that thread.. TBH I shouldn't need to search out a thread on KVR to find out - his communication has been terrible
  3. and don't forget the older ones https://cinematique-instruments.com/pages_instr/page_klang.php
  4. more or less everything has an update V-collection Pigments XB-XA V etc example fix for the B3: First notes are no longer missed when starting the DAW playback No more CPU overload when opening Cubase projects Program changes are no longer crashing Live when rendering audio Opening a standalone no longer resets the sample rate to 44,1Khz Preset name is now properly displayed when browsing presets from KeyLabs Audio Unit state is now properly recalled when reopening a project hopefully this fixes my backwards compatibility with old cubase projects
  5. seem more available than I would have expected https://reverb.com/uk/item/34798365-2-wendel-labs-drum-replacement-with-2-cartridges
  6. they claim it's a "complete redesign" although the design is definitely different it's not 'that' different. Haven't had chance to play with it much to tell if it sound better but the $9.99 upgrade price was too good to pass up on.
  7. you still have V1 installed and running though ? So you don't lose anything...or am I getting the wrong end of the stick ?
  8. ^^^ (cough) Riot Audio not Rigid Audio
  9. is that the 1.5 update ? (and no email here either)
  10. yes - this is the june update...which broke some backwards compatibility. I still have a support ticket open on this...they've promised to fix it but have gone radio silent
  11. pretty slopping editing of the samples here (IMO) making it a bit difficult to actually play !
  12. @facets not meant to be a complain....but (!) you've only recently joined (welcome ) and all you have posted about is pasttofuturereverbs productw..which, strictly speaking, aren't actually on sale...including one about a name change. in the interest of transparency are you "pasttofuturereverbs" ? just asking ?️
  13. (fixing the the link) https://gumroad.com/pasttofuturereverbs $15
  14. well I downloaded it........will I ever use it ? (download is about 5gig compressed)
  15. simon


    I picked this up in April (at 19euro) - was the April release unofficial ? (confused)
  16. just bumping this as it's been 3 months....admittedly a very peculiar 3 months ? maybe there is still enthusiasm behind the scenes but no updates or news of any kind....the fxpansion forum is still full of spam...the public betas have dried up..... end of the line or the calm before the storm ?
  17. that's probably what broke them
  18. probably went to an old backup ? - I'll let somebody else try to log in before I do
  19. bumping my own post (!) - any reason you don't email us saying there is an update ? (edit) - now, everytime I start it up it nags me to download an update...even though it's on the latest version
  20. ^^^ who is this new guy ? (glad to see you back Larry ) >
  21. where is Larry - he wouldn't want to miss this !!!! ( )
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