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Everything posted by simon

  1. simon

    Where’s Lars

    welcome back - we've all saved a fortune since you been away
  2. simon

    NI updates

    I'm seeing update for Komplete Kontrol Machine 2 Essentials Massive X run Native Access to update (as usual I can't cut an paste the change log from native access but if you click on the product it will tell you) (edit) and it looks like some firmware updates too https://www.native-instruments.com/en/support/downloads/drivers-other-files/ at least the m32 and the maschine micro mk3
  3. simon


    audiodeluxe with their summer code ? or you might get audiodeluxe dollars ?
  4. simon


    I notice the design bundle is on sale too, which contains adaptiverb...might be worth it for those who don't have wormhole https://www.zynaptiq.com/design/
  5. simon


    it's available at jrrshop for $99 and they have a 20% voucher code because of the recent crash....not sure if it's eligible but worth a try ?
  6. simon


    adaptiverb isn't a standard reverb like the others you listed - there's a demo (I think) so give it a try.....may need ilok ? highly recommend it
  7. PA normally allow you to stack/add vouchers so should do...
  8. I also have that - it's a great sounding uni-vibe plugin - better than the one bundled with amp sims.
  9. simon

    IK VI Group Buy

    if it's NFR it's possible that it won't be eligible for upgrades - has anybody checked ?
  10. from 3.0.12 to 3.0.14 ...(13 is unlucky for some) UVI Workstation - Changelog 3.0.14 --------------------------------------------- - Sync engine features with Falcon 2.0.9 - OSX Core Graphics renderer fixes - Fix regression regarding Windows DPI
  11. ouch - that's bad, I'm pretty sure i installed vocalizer a few months ago and didn't get a major catastrophe apart from the crashes when using it.... but really I can't see any reason to buy ANY sonivox plugins !!
  12. quick newbie question - I've only a couple of ezkeys sound expansions....does this come with more 'hybrid harp' midi files ?
  13. pushed me over the edge - downloading now
  14. anybody bought this ? ...I'm tempted...
  15. RX7 Elements is great - especially for free. Sonivox Vocalizer is terrible - full of bugs and very crashy - hasn't been updated for years and years. Abandoned - if you do a quick google you'll find lots of people saying the same, not worth $10.77 (IMO)
  16. I'm a sucker for a good looking GUI - and this one is very good ....and so are the Arturia ones. I know it doesn't affect how it sounds but it makes it more like using a hardware box - as you say adds to the fun
  17. It's not the same as a tape echo - different kind of thing. Think 70s Pink Floyd Doesn't seem to be a demo of the Audiority one (?) but the Pulsar one does - give it a try and see if the idea of it works for you. Even if you miss out on the intro price on the pulsar the Audiority one is slightly better (again IMO) so you can still get a deal on that. (EDIT) the pulsar one is ilok which I know upsets some people (no probs with that here - in fact I prefer it)
  18. having a set amount of downloads makes way more sense. It's not like you are going to download it loads of times in the first few months. You probably only need to reinstall a few year later when you get a new computer
  19. maybe not something you use everyday - but it's fun and has a 'vibe' - I think the audiority one is slightly better (also on sale). https://www.audiority.com/shop/echoes-t7e/ The GUI is nice on the pulsar one - think it's the same guy that does some of the (excellent) arturia FX EDIT this link might work out cheaper for you? https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3920
  20. can you use the deal more than once...ie keep buying individual packs and amassing points - that would be better than the 6 pack ?
  21. think this has been out for a while ? and was much cheaper at launch
  22. yeah the IKM fix isn't a fix (IMO) - might work for some but if you look at their example it's for when it says there is an error message whilst installing NOT when it says "sucessfull", although foolish to exclude folders from your security system (again IMO). IKM just need to fix it.
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