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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. tracked the vox today, with my somewhat recently damaged pneumonia-addled voice... new song title: Lost Dream
  2. well THAT is pretty bad @ss! heheh thanks john!
  3. hey paul! thanks for listening.... rock on!
  4. so glad you like this one wayne, appreciate the kind words.
  5. last bump before i take this one down
  6. aw man, that's so cool!! let me know what you think about them.... they were sequenced to work as continual listens, like the old classic rock albums were typically laid out...
  7. ha! alternative.... i guess i just pick that genre, because it's kinda generic, covers many bases... but yea, for instrumental like this, maybe another genre is really required! hey, thanks for checking it out, and commenting on it. metal fusion!
  8. hey douglas! thanks for listening you know, wah was my very first effect i ever got, and i was so into hendrix at the time, just playing along with electric ladyland, and trying to figure out how to make my guitar talk like that! i'm still dialing in the low end, so eventually it should sound tighter and more modern.
  9. it's good to know... i did a hard rolloff at 45hz, it helps make the low end more clear for my kind of mix, but if i extended that down to at least past 40hz, i could get some of the 'deep' back. i have sub kick track, that peaks at 55hz, i've experimented a lot with much lower sub (35) and it just doesn't work for my mixes. with a more wide open mix, like the "pali face" mix, i could probably get away with it. thanks man, this is good info.
  10. hey daryl thanks for listening! on all the higher end playback systems i've listened to this on, there is plenty of low end. what system is your playback? yes, the drums are busy in the breakdown spots, i've already re-programmed those things, but during the verses and choruses, it's full on~
  11. i feel upside down most of the time. LOL..........! I JUST LOWERED THE PRICE... on the cd's, so your timing is great! appreciate the support! got a new one on the way.....
  12. hey john! it will! (or, a cd like "The Time is Magic", or on a cd like "Stay")
  13. too many variables to a good bass sound, to put a 'preset' mentality to it.... in my case, i go for different bass tones on every song, so i'm always chasing this issue. as others have said, starting with a high pass filter (low end cutoff) is a good place to start. i like to use an EQ that allows for a sharp rolloff, 48 is my starting point for the Q take the freq control, and while the bass line is playing WITH THE MUSIC (don't ever do this with the bass solo'd), roll the HPF up until you actually hear the bass start to drop off.... then roll it back down until the bass thickens back up. this is your starting point. then, look at an eq that shows active freq range, and find the one freq that always sticks up way above the rest of the freqs, and drop this freq down the same amount as it sticks up (4db, 5db, 6db, etc). use a Q on this freq that starts around 2, then spread it out or sharpen it til you get what you want. a lot of times, dropping these freqs makes the bass sound weaker at first. just bring up the fader! using a nice compressor to help with balancing overall levels is pretty typical as well.
  14. hi kakku, thanks for listening. i try to do more melodies, with my guitar lines, than riffs, tho i do love me some riffs!! LOL
  15. last bump on this one before it's gone
  16. hi freddy! so glad you dig this one, it's a direction i'd like to explore more, so maybe your comments help fuel that interest! as far as the instrumental stuff goes, i kinda feel like it's a bit of a lesser achievement, because i can just solo over almost anything, and get something out of it. but, it IS a good backing track to solo over, because it's so simple... feels a bit like a cheat! LOL
  17. you are very welcome bill! thanks for listening
  18. hey daryl! good ear, the snare. that is actually 5 snares stacked on top of each other, ala superior drummer x-drums. i may try adding a touch of verb on the end of one of the snares, to let the tail hang out a bit.
  19. thanks so much paul! glad you liked this one
  20. hey douglas! thanks for listening.... inadoddadavida, a bit before my time! i don't know what kind of fuzz they used on that, but this is a clone of a couple of different fuzzes, a jumbo bender, and a classic triangle. it also has a brilliant little switch called 'sludge' switch, that allows you to dial in exactly how much low end you pass thru the circuit, which lets you really tighten up a phatty fuzz. i used all settings of the pedal on this demo.
  21. thank you wookiee! hey lynn! this is the album version. it was a tough arrangement
  22. hey lynn!! yes, textures-r-us with this one, i'm doing a lot of experimenting with this new fuzz pedal i got, and i'm using some songs that i'm in the middle of writing, to throw down some 'textures'. i'm also playing two keyboards on this one, so it sounds different than my usual guitar centric stuff.
  23. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/pali-face this is another active song i'm working on, that i applied a fuzz-driven solo track across, just to experiment with the new barber exacta fuzz i recently received. njoy
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