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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hey tom! thanks for listening, and commenting. yea, two passes on the main rhythm, front end and back end..... the first half, i used a custom built strat that has these really nice position #4 sounds, and then for the 2nd half rhythms, i used the same strat with the humbucker bridge on the left, and a Ibanez Artist 2618 for the other rhythm track, that worked well, i like that blend!
  2. hey harry! thanks for listening, glad you dig it... i just got some brand new sennie's, getting used to them now........
  3. 3rd mix on this one, i'm about finished with this one, depending on comments and suggestions the soundcloud playback sound deeper in the bass, than it does on my playback, low end may need taming. i'm thinking about adding some grind to the bass that isn't there, and maybe that will bring out some upper harmonics without adding clang. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/on-your-way-3eq
  4. hi paul! thanks for checking this cover out, it was so fun doing it, because i was learning sonar as i went along...... and the discovery was fun
  5. ok, took these down now, gonna start tweaking this weekend
  6. thanks lynn! i like the funk kits, but the rock kits have those great room sounds on them......
  7. funk snare, check. wonder if the funk snare would work with the rest of the rock kit? funk snare does have more body, that's for sure. i'm gonna try the funk snare in the rock kit, just to see. i'll look at the pearl default, i can't remember which kits i've tried now, so i'll check that one out for sure.
  8. so i've got superior drummer 3, and i'm demo'ing all the kits, trying to whittle it down to just a couple of kits for my latest projects. here's a song, recently posted, with two new kits dialed into each mix.... which one do you think works best for this song? https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/middle-rock-kit1 https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/middle-funk-kit1
  9. ok, i'm pulling this one down, i've already done another mix session since i posted it, maybe i'll post the last mix. thanks for the help.
  10. heheh.... i don't know about 'finely tuned'.......... the wifey reminds me all the time that i don't hear her. LOL
  11. wow david, thanks for that..... and no, it's not easy to do, but seems to be what i do, whether i want to or not! LOL
  12. HEY WOOKIEE! yes, you are allowed to crank it up. but if your furry ears bleed, maybe too much. but see how far you can go until blood. that's rock.
  13. hey thanks lynn! speakers and headphones, check. did you hear any sibilence issues?
  14. i could play around with a few stop/gos, the arrangement is not locked into stone, tho it is late in the game now... the original idea for this was that it would be a bit of a juggernaut, so the stop/go scenario would take it in a different direction, not sure if that's a better direction, from the original vision of it. i'll play around with that a bit.....
  15. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/middle-of-nowhere-2 getting happier with the mix, now i'm hunting down any translation issues.... how is the frequency balance of this mix on your playback system?
  16. yea, i've said that same thing before! LOL
  17. ultimately, the daw just needs to get out of the way, and be invisible to good songs. that should be the focus, not the beeps and glitches and buttons stitches.
  18. bats brew

    Demo mode. Why?

    sorry about the car situation, that does sux, and makes it a different matter. bottom line, bum a ride, download the update, smile.
  19. bats brew

    Demo mode. Why?

    just move it to have web access, it's just a computer. no big deal just do it.
  20. just saw this. hm. no headsup from cdbaby, of which i have 3 full length albums with.... wtf?
  21. THANKS SO MUCH KEVIN.. for the kind words, they encourage! i'm working that bottom.... i'll post a new one in the not too distant future.
  22. thanks so much harry! appreciate it
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