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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hey steve! thanks for listening eq thin? hm, not sure how/where to correct that, or even what freqs to look at. now, the guitars , especially during the first part, use a 'thin' tone to start with, without a lot of drive, that is by choice... maybe eq'ing the vox could thicken things a bit? here's the curve of the song: song curve
  2. hey steve! thanks for listening eq thin? hm, not sure how/where to correct that, or even what freqs to look at. now, the guitars , especially during the first part, use a 'thin' tone to start with, without a lot of drive, that is by choice... maybe eq'ing the vox could thicken things a bit?
  3. bats brew

    "On Your Way"

    https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/on-your-way-2 this is the 2nd mix i've posted, I am close to wrapping up 6 tunes, this is one of them. i know i need to tweak the vox levels in a few places, seems too loud in spots, too soft in spots. questions: 1. is the bass too loud? 2. how is the EQ translation overall?
  4. oh yea, i moved on. took it down tuesday morning. i've already re-mixed it, and i'm waiting for head to clear on it. i'm doing final mixes on the 5 other tunes i have finished now, then i'll post those, come back to this one. see, when i post stuff, i'm working on them. i don't dwell on it, i just get busy. doesn't make sense to leave obsolete mixes up.
  5. tired furry ears can be problematic...........! LOL yes, in the first half, i think the vox are too loud. in the 2nd half, maybe just right, maybe too low a few spots. i might just delete the vol envelope i have now, and start over! sometimes, that new perspective is better than painting into the corner. thanks wookiee
  6. my instincts!! LOL well, yes, i'll try. and yes, SD3 on this one... someone else on another board said they sounded fake and plasticy... and of course, they are 24 bit samples of pro sets played by a pro player, so, hm. i was even considering changing the set...
  7. hey michael! thanks for the feedback... i'll work on the vocal automation a bit, and get the levels balanced out. seems the band gets a bit more intense as the song moves on, and not as much at the beginning
  8. this is what i currently do. i finish mixes, and export them as stereo wav files at 24 bit 48khz I'll load in, and check the balance in Har Bal, and make any EQ tweaks there. then bring them into s1p, project page, and finish them off at redbook format. i master all my songs in an album format, and level them to work in the order that they appear on my albums. working on album no. 4 now.
  9. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/michaels-house-1 here's a first mix of the vocal version of this song. this is an uptempo, but groovy rock thing, lots of fun guitar stuff, some pretty wide open vocals. i think the vox level needs to come down, to match the guitars, which i think are more in line with the drums and bass. bass line might be a bit too upfront, but the louder you play it, the more it seems right. guitar rhythms might be a bit too light. being first mix, i'm kinda on the fence with it, open to suggestions.
  10. HEY JESSE! glad it's like decadent chocolate to you! heheh. alright tom, thanks so much for the kind words. got another new one on the way.... mr wookiee! yes, sd3 on drums. i've decided to NOT select just one drum kit for the entire album's worth of tunes, i'm hand selecting individual pieces of kit for each song, and after the album is assembled, i MIGHT choose one kit to be my 'go-to' kit. i've built 7 kits so far, each one is unique. it takes some time, but if it's what i need to happen, so be it. i'm just now starting to dive into the keyboards available (meaning, synths and key plugs), there are so many in just the stock availability!
  11. heheh, i've had a temple ball or two, and it definitely helps. LOL hey, thanks for listening, glad you dig this one
  12. heheh, go ahead, i wont tell! ?
  13. so nice of you to say those things, freddy J, this tune, was an instrumental i wrote some years back, but when the lyric came to me, it just fit this song. i didn't really try to arrange it, it just kinda happened the way it is.
  14. hi paul! you are the 6th person to mention 'eastern flavour' and i never even heard it myself!! LOL, now i most go into Introspection mode. heheh
  15. hey lynn! exotic, eh?! well, maybe i should start wearing snazzier clothes! heheh, hey, thanks for listening, glad you dig this one, it's a bit of an experiment arrangement wise, maybe i'll head this route more often!
  16. very clean recording, and a purely pop genre fun vibe tune, really dig the mid 8 sounds like it could be part of a movie soundtrack
  17. wow, thanks daryl! this one is a bit of a stretch for me, because even tho i wrote it on guitar, i started by learning and playing it on keys. my keys chops are rusty! cheese. good point , i was quite sure i had fondue that night.
  18. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/lost-dream i wrote this one some time back, as an instrumental. i got the idea for the lyric, from a very strange dream i had, and the music just seemed to fit. this is a first mix, curious to know if there are any translation issues, or mix ideas you might have.
  19. LUFS does nothing to your mix.
  20. i have come up with a mixing/mastering scheme i really like, and it's a bit different than i have done in the past (which was to take a 24 bit/44.1khz stereo file out, and back into a dedicated mastering suite) i have been mixing into the MASTER bus at -18 LUFS, and running a limiter on my MAINS (master runs into mains) set for a ceiling of -3db, and lifting the level until i hit about -14LUFS on the Mains.... the ceiling gives me plenty of headroom for any mastering tweaks that might come later, tho i am mixing to have what sounds like a 'finished' product directly off the mains. at this point, i have my dynamic range where i like it, and i can export the mix directly from the mains and leave it undithered, and have a 24 bit 48k high def finished song... or, i can add dither at the limiter, bit rate to 16, push the ceiling up to -0.3 db, and export the mix as a 'streaming service' ready and redbook ready song... or i can export the mix with the limiter bypassed, and take that file and put it thru my mastering processes and make it as hot as a commercial cd.
  21. CBD oil? a little mild thc-imbued snack? works charms for...... a trillion other people. good luck, would love to hear some clips of the band.
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