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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hey freddy! your too kind, man. these demos i've been posting, 5 so far, are all going to be on my next album. i'm almost finished with 7, and just started #8 yesterday. they will all be different from each other, and mostly instrumental.
  2. hi bjorn! you know, i don't really have a camera, and i fairly detest the phone videos that clog the interwebs these days, plus i have giant hairy feet and a 3rd eye, so i don't know if folks would want to watch me mangling a guitar. Heh.
  3. hey andy! yes, the prog vibes are strong in my brain palace. LOL (sherlock reference) the keyboard solo, YES, got to have that, i so rarely get a chance to do it in my typical writing, this one was just begging for it.
  4. hey man, it's cool to prog out every once in a while, i think...
  5. heheh, illegal.... that never stopped anyone, ever. thanks for checking it...
  6. hey douglas! yea, this is a kinda go for the throat thing... while still trying to be groovy bass was done with two paths, direct thru a sansamp bass di, for the low end, and thru my strymon Iridium marshall model, for the high end, ala geddy lee style. i roll off the marshall around 400hz, picking it up again with the sansamp for the low end. it's a bit tricky finding the sweet spot.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/shakedown i've written 3 somewhat mellow melodic instrumentals, two somewhat rowdy rock grooves, now something unapologetically progressive. smoke em if you got em, and crank it up.
  8. hey douglas! yea, i'm finding the new delay pedal to be an exceptional purchase, a lot of bang for the buck, and not very complicated. i've re-written the drum part now, with more open space, and less syncopation, more gliding... i always wondered about how much room sound was needed for this, so i've also remixed the drums, and put more of the two ambient room mics i have available into the picture.. i think it sounds much more dialed in now.. i've pulled this one down, will post the new version again some time later. this is the 4th of 6 i have finished and have posted here, i'll post the other remaining two soon
  9. hey tom, yea, i've been busy, this will be album release number 5 for me, my first instrumental album, so i've been working hard, it will be 10 tunes in all. thanks grem! i've always recorded instrumentals, since i first started with a 4 track tape machine, but i've never officially release an album of them, so i'm leaning away from too prog, or too heavy, this will be more melodic, so hopefully more people can enjoy it and buy it.
  10. i was inspired by the story of that battle, it seems so bittersweet, an unnecessary battle vs the end of the war... that's why the tune has that bittersweet feel to it, almost like a wake.
  11. Boca Chica Highway is the location of the last official battle of the American Civil War. this one features two rhythm guitar tracks, that have a cool effect on them, supplied by my new Boss DD-200 delay unit, that has a setting called "Shimmer—Pitch-shifted delay for lush, heavenly textures." sounds like i've a keyboard part, but it's just ambient effect off the delay pedal. it's cool. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/boca-chica-highway
  12. definitely had 'the floyd' in mind when i did this... not sure where my slide influence comes from, i like a LOT of slide players...
  13. i'm re-mixing this one right now, so it's good to get some feedback. Tom wants lots of drums, check. ?
  14. does this tune even need a drum track? i kinda like it sparse.. but was thinking of adding some cymbal work....
  15. i think i eq'd this a bit bright
  16. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/the-apollo-18-conspiracy-theory the Apollo mission that never was. this features a Taylor 414 acoustic, paired with electric slide on a custom USACG strat.
  17. thanks douglas!\ this is one of 6 instrumental demos i have finished now, that i want to post for comments before i finish them i will have a new album of all instrumentals soon, 10 in all, under the BATS BREW moniker.. i'll post this again, one last time, once i get it finished.
  18. hey david! so glad you dig this stuff, batman?! you mean the fact that he slaps robin when robin doesn't understand why that guitar only had 4 strings?! hehehh
  19. hi wookiee! that's nice to say man, thanks. andy, i have played a lot of genres, from country to metal. but i try to make those styles my own IF i go into that territory, this tune being a prime example. love joe walsh. i have other tunes where i've channeled my inner walsh! thank you for the comments
  20. hey T! glad you are a fan, for sure, bass tone, i worked quite a while to dial that in, but once i had it, it was pretty much a one-take thing. you almost play to the sound of it.
  21. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/poppin-tight long time ago, i used to play in a road band, and we covered a lot of funk... r&b, fun stuff, and this kinda what i took from it all. all guitars/bass thru the strymon iridium. the bass also has a 2nd input from a sansamp bass di, that was on bypass, just for the clean lows.
  22. i really appreciate that comment barry! you get my mixing, for sure. i have a 2nd version now, if you are interested: see if you can tell what changed...... https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/headin-east-west-ver-2-eq
  23. hi barry! thanks so much for checking this one out, even tho it's still in the demo phase, i hear the blend a certain way from the beginning, and i just chase it till i get close. thank you wookiee! i'm working on the new all instrumental album right now, i have 6 tunes almost finished. want to go around the block again with me?
  24. hey andy, so glad you dig this stuff. thanks. hey paul! i like satch, he does great stuff. always pushing forward, i think my favorite of his, was the 'crystal planet' album. but there is stuff off of every album of his that i like, all the way back to 'not of this earth'. satch was never an influence tho, i just dig what he does. i was playing the way i play all the way back to 1980, i just have figured out how to leave more stuff OUT, than i put IN. heheheh
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