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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. bats brew

    Work It Out

    alright jack! a vote for not re-arranging it! i like it! heheh these guitars were recorded using a tube amp head, several different 1x12 cabs with different drivers, and a good ole sm57 on the cone. all effects came from the guitar pedalboard. in otherwords, standard studio stuff, no tricks. the mastering was originally done in Sonar, and i used Waves Plugins for mastering. LPMBC, L2 Limiter, LPEQ, and that's it. yea, purple.... it's a good thing to listen to before tracking the 2nd part!! thanks andy
  2. bats brew

    Work It Out

    hi 53mph (that's just a bit too slow for me on the highway) heheh... faith no more, wow, haven't heard that name dropped before, i liked their early stuff. in my opinion, the good stuff was the beginning... the 2nd half was almost like a toss off!! but i appreciate the comments, i'm glad you checked this one out
  3. bats brew

    Work It Out

    hey wook! i don't think the intro is too long... i think it's just right!! but yea, the idea that a song like this jumps in, hits quick, and gets out, works in relation to the song that is before, and after it, on the album. listen to it as a whole, and it makes perfect sense. and that's how it was written to work.
  4. bats brew

    Work It Out

    thank you nigel, for listening, and commenting i think the intro is perfect the way it is, it sets a mood... when you first hear it, you don't know where it is going, that intro could have been the whole song, repeated, etc, wash, rinse, repeat... as it is, it's short, like the body of the fast part is... and without it, the song is only 2 minutes long!! heheh, but i said everything i had to say in those two minutes, so there's that. the 2nd section is fun to play, you just keep rolling those scales, riffs, whatever, they just keep rolling, then you hit the big chord and let the solo rip. a really fun tune to track
  5. hey, i missed this one!! nice... love the groove. nice drum track too!
  6. bats brew

    Work It Out

    hey noynekker! thanks for the comments, glad you dig this one. it's off of my 1st album, that i re-released back in 2018. it's called "Trouble", you can find it here: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BMJPWCQ/ref=dm_ws_sp_ps_dp itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/trouble/1362105017
  7. bats brew

    Work It Out

    well thanks for that kurt!! i've been playing long enough that i should have it down by now.... work it out, seems appropriate now for our days and times.... but i actually wrote this a long time ago, about a break up with a girlfriend... and it's been a long enough time back, that i don't even remember her name!! heheh, shameful.
  8. hi paul!! yea, heh, slide on this was fun to track. once i got the first part down, the other one just fell into place so easy.
  9. hi tom! good to hear from you, thanks for listening yea, click beaters on kick drums, is not something i'm a fan of. sometimes, it makes sense... but this drummer's kick sounded exactly like this, so i went for an honest capture, and didn't tweak much.
  10. this song, is from the album called "The Wild Animals" you can get it here: Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-wild-animals/1486273667 Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/Wild-Animals-Bats-Brew/dp/B07ZZKRR6K/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Bats+Brew&qid=1574699997&s=dmusic&search-type=ss&sr=1-1
  11. HOWDY jack C thanks for listening, joe said 'give me my riff back!!" LOL hey mark!! the last group of songs i posted, where the demo's from the album i just finished. it will be on sale in about 2 weeks, i'll post some links. it will be available thru amazon, itunes, or direct from me, either thru paypal or a nod and a wink. ?
  12. bats brew

    Work It Out

    https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/work-it-out could be the side effect of 'world goin' down'
  13. hi gary! yea, i've been super busy, between work and recording the new album (i'm done now, just got to get it to distribution) there are 2 slide parts, that mostly call and response each other... sometimes they're unison, sometimes harmony, and sometimes just goin' off! i tend to not use as much treble these days, because i find it fatiguing, listening to entire albums from front to back, if they are not mastered properly. i never mix songs on an album, too bright, because my intent is to make it an 'album' experience. most songs are mastered too hot, too bright, too everything, for any extended listening. unless of course, it's background music, in which case all bets are off!! heheh hey, thanks so much for listening and commenting
  14. hi Nigel! thanks for listening... yea, the guitar was fun on this one. it's cool to jam along with as well. hello sir wookie! i DO have some new toys, but not on this song. the kick is strong on my playback system, either i'm getting room nulls, or i just hear kick too good and back it off. nnot sure which i got new stuff to post soon
  15. hey kurt, thanks for listening! yea, there's a lot going on, but i try to arrange it so everything has a moment to stand out with out stepping on something else. i don't do slide a lot, but it is fun! thanks david, for the note about the harmonies. i work on those the most.... i def listened to CSNY growing up, but i think my harmonies are more in the beatles and queen camp, without the exceptional voices! LOL yea, protest music. i think people are too worried about alienating potential audience members, but i think that is a bit weak. i have several 'protest' type songs in my catalog.
  16. hey lynn! yes, timely song, that's why i posted this one. i wont stay away, i've got LOTS of stuff to post. plus a brand new album being released in about 2 weeks. more on that later.
  17. heheh, that made me laugh mark! it's funny, just like some folks don't like it at all, and others dig it, i honestly don't know what to do with it! heheh, it's already cast in stone, but i'm remixing a few to repost on utoob and social media, and since the rules have changed for streaming audio, and i never mastered this for that, i need to redo a bunch of my already released material, so that's what i'm starting on soon. i have lots of irons in the fires right now. thanks so much for listening
  18. still digging my RME Babyface Pro. only has 2 preamps, tho
  19. i've only ever used this: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/RedEye3D--little-labs-redeye-3d-phantom worked great. went into a amp sim, reamped thru a marshall. a bit of an experiment at a bud's studio. i mean, it works great, but i have no need of reamp, so never bought one.
  20. expensive monitors do not fix a badly tuned room.
  21. 10% is teaser money. not decision money. ?
  22. https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Audio-Science-Bob-Katz/dp/0240808371
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