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Matthew Sorrels

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Everything posted by Matthew Sorrels

  1. Your right, but getting the upgrade from Mercury to Mercury + Studio Classics can sometimes be a better deal. It's the only "upgrade" path available to Mercury users. As a rule rather than WUPing anything it's almost always better to use a bundle sale and jump from one bundle to a higher bundle to get a new version of Waves. So from Gold go to Gold + Renn, instead of WUPing Gold. For Mercury that's the Studio Classics thing. After that though you're out of luck. Assuming you can do the upgrade for less than the $240 to WUP Mercury. NX isn't in any of the bundle's either. I completely forgot I had to buy that separately. B360 Ambisonics is the same. I suspect at some point they might make a bundle of Mercury and Inspire instruments. The Abbey Road stuff is very odd in the Waves thing, but as long as they keep adding one new Abbey Road plugin every year you can keep upgrading your collection bundle to re-WUP the whole collection. You shouldn't WUP lightly though, only do it if it gets you something. That said the two features V12 added are kind of nice.
  2. Mercury has all the H-Series and NS1. None of the Abbey Road plugins are in any other bundle though. To get everything you you need Mercury + the Studio Classics bundle (available as an upgrade to Mercury) + Inspire Bundle + Abbey Road Bundle + DTS Neural Surround Collection.
  3. I guess to do it right is a lot of work. It's a ton of samples (which is very hard to get ensembles to play). A ton of processing of those samples. A lot of scripting. And the synthesized/fake versions sound wonky. Spitfire has done it though, they know how to do it. So I'm really drawing a blank as to why they wouldn't at least include it. 10 mics but no legato. Crazy.
  4. The RAR is missing the HeartbrokenKalimba.nkr file. The author doesn't seem interested in fixing it either. Waste of time.
  5. Got this offer this morning from Tone2, I'm passing (have enough synths really) but the discount link looks open to anyone: We offer a time-limited discount for our synthesizer-flagship Icarus2. This discount is available exclusively to our faithful customers. Price: $199 $99 Click here to claim your discount! https://www.tone2.com/icarus2discount.html (link will be valid till November) Info about Icarus2: https://www.tone2.com/icarus.html
  6. That's weird, both my links to go the same page here on the forum. Even though they are different. Very strange. Update: the second link had different text and URL values. Must have been my error copy and pasting the "bad" URL in. I think it's fixed now.
  7. If you go to https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/ you get a blank page. If you go to something like https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube99/ you get a page not found error. Amplitube 5 confirmed. ?
  8. The Plus version replaces/is the only Nectar once you install it. Though oddly enough on the settings page it doesn't say anything about having being authorized for plus. Only way you can tell is the image/icon in the upper corner of the plugin is different. I have a feeling they were going to make this just part of Nectar 3 and then decided it needed to be a product/revenue generator and half wedged this whole plus thing in. Which may explain why they really don't "sell" or promote the plus thing on the website. And you can't really get much of a idea what is different about them. I think the way they did this is a mistake and of course now they can't fix it since some people have paid and upgraded.
  9. The improved unmasking is actually an EQ inside the Relay plugin (which I guess I didn't get at first). You put Relay on the music track and Nectar on the vocal and then when you turn on the unmasking in the assistant it listens to both tracks and adds a dynamic EQ to the relay plugin on the music track. I got the impression that the Relay thing and the Unmasking were only part of the Plus, but by the time I looked at it I had already upgraded (via the Post Production Suite) so I don't know what the non-plus Nectar 3 was like. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of using plugins to do routing though, things like Relay can mess with the timing of various tracks. They often make assumptions about how a DAW works, and since no two DAWs work the same way that's often bad.
  10. They are very similar. Morphestra 2 is the newer evolution. It's manual describes it as " 4,000+ morphed cinematic instruments & multis derived entirely from true orchestral recordings" vs CinemorphX which is an evolution of a bunch of earlier SampleLogic products based on ambience, bass, harmony, impacts, melody and rhythm. With more of a synth/electronic/world sound. Honestly they are kind of all interchangeable (SampleLogic has a few products all in this same area). If you have one, you may actually be good and not need more. Listen to the demo/walkthrough/samples and decide if the sounds work for you.
  11. I hadn't tried it on the synths but your right. It's a huge win for CODEX and Flow Motion. I don't think I even realized how many presets those had until now.
  12. Doesn't look like telemetry. Seems to be/include Python and has a bunch of math libraries and AI libraries (OpenBLAS and TensorFlow plus a bunch of others). Their website's legal notices doesn't seem to reflect what they installed and are running. From first look it appears to be some way of leveraging Python open source libraries. Looks like it runs some local TCP server(s) on hard coded ports (6985) for talking to its plugins. I suspect if you kill it/disable it Waves plugins won't work correctly. Not really clear why it needs to be running all the time. Most likely they think it makes them faster to start up or something.
  13. It's not stupid, but it is a choice that could result in difficulties. The long term effect will be shutting you out of new products and updates. The mainstream media might also make a big deal about making you open to malware, but that's mostly over hyped and not really true. You may also enjoy not being able to buy new software/instruments/plugins. I'd definitely recommend demoing the Roland VSC. I was all set to buy it but (smartly) decided to try the month trial of the whole cloud thing. After playing with it for a while I decided it wasn't worth it at full price. If they put the permanent license on sale I might consider it again, but not for $150. Honestly it hasn't aged well.
  14. I see a drop down with a choice of V10, V11, and V12 in the new Wave Central. V9 is still the crazy extra thing.
  15. While image resizing isn't as good as true vector resizing, it's still better than nothing. The preset browser is also better than what they had. They certainly could do some work though on making plugins that could use more work space not just resize the smaller GUI but rather resize the app. I played with a few Abby Road plugins and it was nice to make them larger on my 4k screen. Not worth paying more money for though.
  16. My main WUP was expiring Oct 28th, so I just got in on this, which I guess is good because I wasn't planning to re-WUP (at least not without a good reason). It seems clear now that Waves has changed their update model. That long period (many years) of v9 minor updates without a major version change is gone, replaced with almost clockwork yearly major version updates. I guess this is one of the costs to the $29 plugin model.
  17. Here's some tech support on how to remove a library from Native Access: https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009167093-How-to-remove-a-library-from-Native-Access-Windows- Another thing you could try.
  18. Native Instruments has a uninstall tool that will remove and clean up all sorts of install/authorization issues. Of course after using it you will need to re-install everything (though you can usually keep the libraries/data files). I consider the tool a weapon of last resort, but it has fixed a bunch of issues for me: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003509269-Fixing-Software-Update-Installation-Issues-Windows- (download link is at the bottom of the page) As for getting TTS-1 to run, I suspect the answer might involve soemthing like update Windows, update your video card driver and re-install all the Microsoft C++ Runtime libraries. I've used these two before: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_runtime_installer.html The one in this review might be decent (but I haven't tried it): https://www.ghacks.net/2018/01/02/visual-c-installer-uninstaller-review/ Or you can do it the hard way using direct downloads: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Also don't skip the rebooting steps. In fact after you have installed everything reboot one more time. Then you may want to reinstall Cakewalk.
  19. It was my understanding Native Instruments had fixed Native Access to once again authorize these old libraries that they were planning to discontinue the authorization on. I haven't had to try this though (all of my products were authorized before the May server shut off date on this computer). But I thought you could authorize those discontinued products. If it's registered in your account on the Native Instruments website you should be able to start Native Access and it will show up as not installed. Bandstand I believe (I don't own it) will work inside Kontakt Player if you have the files (install from disc?) and an authorization. You may not be able to use the 32-bit vst plugin though. Here's a VI thread with some info about various other Bandoneon libraries. Perhaps one of them would work for you? https://vi-control.net/community/threads/best-tango-accordion-or-bandoneon.58209/
  20. The deals forum isn't the best for this (you might want to open a thread in Instruments & Effects). In order to be able to send MIDI to the MIDI Chorus plugin you have to enable MIDI Input to it using the drop down above the plugin in Cakewalk So basically put it on a audio track. Enable the MIDI input. Add a MIDI track and route it to the MIDI Choir (which will now be a choice in the MIDI track's output drop down).
  21. T&S does seem like the best deal since you can pay in GBP without VAT (if you live in the US). Best Service doesn't seem to let you do that anyone, they no longer let you pick the currency. I do seem to remember these 6 packs being cheaper in the past than they are now though. And they never really seem to go on sale like other Toontrack products.
  22. Where is the best deal on a Drum MIDI 6 pack these days?
  23. It's not the first uninstaller to do this. I've seen a few where the demo version's uninstaller decide it needs to kill the whole VST2 directory as part of the uninstall Those are worse, since lots of people uninstall demos.
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