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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi Steve, thanks for listening listening again I appreciate it and your commenting. I think I will post lyrics yes they are important to me. Nice to know what you thought was great and what suggestions you have, i have spent long months on this never finishing due to circumstances and I have no energy to take it on again at the moment! The pad you mention is strummed guitar and strings panned. I had the high hat and snare on a bus together maybe their balance was off. Thanks again!
  2. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi t, Thank you for listening and leaving your comment. Nice to know you enjoy my songs! I will listen to the ending with your comment in mind, I always enjoy making endings. Yeah, sometimes genres are easy to be terrible with... thanks again
  3. Very interesting composition. Nice changes. Enjoying the harmonies. Nice bass and guitar lines. The instrumentation is clever. I like the space at places. Mix is clear over here. It reminds me of a combination of lots of different songs but none specifically come to mind, but is reminiscent of songs and styles I have liked. Looks like it might be our Arizona senator in that capsule. Really enjoyed it !
  4. Hi Nigel, Enjoyed the video and the song, nice to see water scenery being a beach person landlocked in the arizona high desert! Good work on both. Checked out your website, it looks great, congratulations on your successes and many more to come !
  5. Hi freddy j, Had to chuckle at your "donotknowgenre" description on your soundclick. Enjoyed the storytelling song and look forward to hearing where you go with it. I enjoyed the guitar work a lot. As for the mix, I agree with some of the above comments about some eq to make it more clear and to add more definition to the various parts. I think the vocals could be more out front with a bit more highs for intelligibility. Like listening to the next few songs you have on your soundclick, the vocals are more prominent and clear in those. This song has more of a darkness to it almost sound like its on tape. I know how it is to struggle with a song but hang in there its a good one to spend time with when you are ready!
  6. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi freddy j, Thank you for listening and for your comments. Glad you enjoyed it and found it a pleasant song. Yes some songs are hard to put into a genre so alternative kinda covers those I guess? Appreciate your feedback !
  7. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi Nigel, Thanks for listening and your feedback, glad to know you enjoyed it and was interested all the way through. Now to check out what you have been up to.
  8. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi Lynn I appreciate you listening and your feedback. I can hear how you mean about the vocals (pun?) and always question my decisions about vocals in all their aspects! This one is certainly vocal rich and out front. I will keep that in mind for my next one. I have worked on this one intermittently for so long I don't think I can do more on it, I just want to go forward to the next one which is kinda reggae and not so experimental or washy. Not having a perfect listening environment its so helpful to get feedback about the mix ! So I get your point and appreciate the feedback !
  9. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi Larry T Thanks for listening and for your comments. I think your calling it a river of sound will stay with me, what a beautiful comment. I think bass is central to my heart as a former reggae band bass player. I appreciate knowing you find the mix very well done too ! Nice to have my work appreciated, thank you !
  10. treesha

    Sad Day

    Sadly beautiful, calm and tense, clear and complicated. I have a saying on my fridge for decades, from a Jungian philosopher who said psychology warns us not to try to be better than we are, it can build up an opposing amount of darkness and resentment within us. Like exceeding one’s innate capacity turns sour inside us and damages us and the one who we are trying to pretend we can be there for when really we can’t. It’s not wrong to know that. Like know thyself and thy limits. No doubt your decisions have been agonizing and deeply considered and at the same time it’s a good thing to know what we can and cannot do. Wishing all involved peace and wellness. Take care.
  11. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi noynekker, Thanks for listening and your feedback, I appreciate both. That's a new one for me, medieval harmonies! Usually my aim in harmonies is to help out, even hide some stuff in my lead vocals and to make them sound nice. Intriguing feedback ! Next stop, listen to some medieval music ha. I appreciate your feedback that the recording is sound as I said I worked on this sporadically for so long I didn't think I could be objective about how it actually sounded. And if it is fascinating to you that is very special for me to know. Thanks again!
  12. Really enjoyed this. There are some musicians where I live that like to do “old timey music” and this remind me of that type of music via the mood and the theme. Your voice really works well for this song. I would like to hear the horns more prominent. Don’t hear the backup vocals too well. (Female vocals would go great in here.) I don’t think you need any other instruments, or to change the structure, but work with the ones you have to give them their own space with eq and panning and levels. Fade the ending maybe with another meet the good lord phrase as a parting shot. I think the driven simplicity is great and it works well. Looking forward to what you do with this.
  13. treesha

    Just Bones

    Thanks Bjorn, I always struggle with my vocals and am really not even sure how far to take them treatment wise, (besides melodyne ha) I just have a small amount of reverb in Nectar on the lead vocal, with a second sung lead vocal on a different mic coming in here and there for accents with more treatment via gentle amount of Noise Ash Vocal Finalizer and of course the layers of backing vocals have valhalla going on. I'm glad you think it works well. It is an honest song for sure ha. Thanks for listening and for your feedback !
  14. treesha


    Hi Paul, Great job, nice mix, I like the vocals and harmonies, the guitar is very nice, pleasant song indeed. I like the way you go into the bridge part, very well crafted song all around. Don’t hide the bass ha. I appreciate that you posted the lyrics, your vocals are very clear but it’s a good idea (for me to do too!).
  15. Fun piece, interesting vocal tones. I agree I would like to be hit with more low end, otherwise just enjoyed it! Hope you get your music feeling back ! Life does sometimes get in the way....
  16. I find it very helpful when times are hard to indulge in making music to express what I am feeling, same for many of us I bet. This piece definitely is an ode to darkness within as you named it. It is very well done, the instrumentation is great, the abstract sounds are haunting, the rhythmic parts add to the tension and ground it. And then the spaces, yes sometimes when we think the dark feelings are past, they come up again. The mix sounds great over here. Great job of making something meaningful and darkly beautiful from your circumstances, and I wish you the best ! take care
  17. treesha

    In My Opinion

    Hi jack c, Gets right into it, with a great guitar pattern at the center, and the guitar riff out front strong behind your vocal, not sure I’m getting all the words in the more complex sections, interesting and unexpected changes and instrumentations. Your voice works well with what you have going on behind it. Like a collage, very interesting !
  18. treesha


    The mood change was unexpected, from pretty and floaty to something bit darker and back to pretty. I don’t have a perfect listening environment, for me the bass was a teeny bit distorted in contrast to how clean the other instruments sound. I like the instrumentation and tempo. Nice journey, Enjoyed it !
  19. Interesting to watch you play the keys being mostly a vst user myself. Looks like a fun room. I like the pressure of this jam, my favorite sounds are the growls. The spacy twinkling arpy stuff is nice too. I like the coming in and going out parts too they contrast the heavy main section. The mix sounds right over here. Hope things go smoother for you, keep jamming !
  20. Very nice ! Really enjoyed the song, the musicianship and the story. Yes if you remix it just boost the vocals a teeny bit which I think you said you did. They are so good I would like to hear the nuances better. You have an interesting voice. Great job!
  21. Hi John, Love the low keys, nice bass - enjoy the slides, glad it’s only a “hypothetical” heart break ballad. Like the arrangement, the different parts, nice strings entrance, unexpected horn, vocals express the words well. I like how you mix up the instruments in different parts of the song, nice variety and changes . The mix sounds really good over here. Enjoyed it !
  22. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hi John B, Thank you for listening and your comments. I do sometimes not know what genre to pick so I picked alternative for this one. The next one I am hoping to get going on is kinda reggae-ish so that might be more in a genre. I like to try new to me instruments and its always a learning experience too, so yes always experimental. The fearless part is posting it ha. I am glad you loved it ! Thanks again
  23. treesha

    Just Bones

    Hello Mark, I'm really glad to be here ha, thank you for your kind words. When times are tough and one can make music, that makes things better, when you aren't able to indulge in this wonderful world of sound, well that makes tough even tougher ! Thanks for listening and I am glad you enjoyed it and for you telling me what you liked about it. Much appreciated !
  24. treesha

    Just Bones

    So its been very many months since I had any real opportunity to work on music and I had been messing around with this during my distance and just finally got it to this point to share. I have heard it so much that I am not sure I can hear how it is, so feedback very welcome. The months have not been good ones, so this is moody for sure and reflects how difficult things have felt, from one to another to another. I hope to be more able to work on my songs and comment on other people's songs, I have missed being here. Thanks for listening and any comments ! I used kontakt middle east saz, the si bass, kontakt strummed acoustic and session strings, the drums are a mystery to me, forgot it was so long ago.
  25. How special that you had time with him and also his family. Im sure they all appreciate your presence and support. Losing longtime friends is hard! About 6 months ago a friend of mine for decades went missing on a solo wilderness short hike without a trace. Experienced lifelong outdoorsy guy backpacker hiker, knew the area very well, a true mystery. I never knew a person who vanished, it is a different loss than a “regular” death and probably a bit more troubling with a strange sort of mysterious drawn out grief. I have learned missing people is more common than I ever could’ve imagined. His family collected his things, tons of books and albums. RIP to our friends and peace to those who grieve them.
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