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Everything posted by antler

  1. Wrapped up in Spitfire's own proprietary player though. I don't have any of their upper-end libraries so I can't say if they offer any advantages over Kontakt (other than being in-house). I was trying out some of their LABS instruments for a project but found the interface didn't quite click with me.
  2. antler

    TD 1

    Nice evolving soundscape! Are the swishing sounds synth patches, or samples? Either way, they work really well.
  3. Wow... I'd hate to see how long it takes to start up Sound Forge with that plugin count
  4. Maybe another good poll could be how many pianos do you have? ?
  5. It's not exactly the same thing though. YouTube reviewers aren't putting a link to their channel home page and saying 'watch my videos - you'll get a discount from any of my affiliate links'. By watching the videos you get to see the product's UI, maybe hear some presets, and hear about some good points of the product. It may be rose tinted and ignore any bad points, but the video is about the product - not the reviewer: it's not a direct advertisement of themselves.
  6. Just guessing, but could it be that MSD was using feedback from this forum to actively build a middleman website that makes profit from affiliate links from multiple resellers? That would make it different from e.g. Plugin Boutique, who you buy from and create a user account with, etc.
  7. I think my favourite is Bassroom - it's an EQ specialised for low frequencies. I've seen videos for MixRoom. I'm not sure if it's any different from any other EQ apart from the novel UI.
  8. Didn't you report it? I thought VI was fairly well moderated.
  9. That probably wasn't the best move from the 'reviewer', or the dev for accepting. Bugs are best resolved with recreation steps and a debugger attached. When you're sitting there watching your program fail in real time with no diagnostics, there's actually very little that you can do.
  10. But... if it's ultrasonic, how will we hear it? ?
  11. I suspect convenience - they don't have to buy server space/bandwidth, or mess around with user authentication to ship their libraries. The only other main contender I can think of is Continuata. It's quite convenient from a user's perspective too if you buy multiple libraries over time - they're all listed there for (re-)download. Hypothetically speaking, if I could choose between using Pulse and having my IK downloads timeout every 180 days, I'd choose Pulse; but that just my preference, and purely hypothetical as I'm sure IK are perfectly happy hosting their own downloads. Pulse isn't particularly intrusive - like Native Access, you can tell it not to start up with your computer. You only load it up when you need to download something. P.S. It's not just audio libraries that Pulse can distribute - Audio Brewers (and I'm sure other) plugins, and some ISW presets packs are downloaded from there too.
  12. Hi Denis Thanks for the update Am I right in understanding that 2CAudio is effectively dead as it is now? You mentioned that you suspect the listed products to get no further updates, and that they may eventually get taken down as a result of legal action?
  13. Nice - looks a bit like SoundYeti Revelation in concept, but different
  14. You know, I love Arturia but their website falls over every time they announce a new product.
  15. A few years ago, Cinesamples were doing back-to-back sales for around a year. They then suddenly had a website redesign, streamlined their product range, upped their prices, and made all libraries Kontakt Player compatible. I suspect they had a cash injection and may have collapsed otherwise - though this is just my speculation. If so, it's better that they've raised their prices than to be non-existent in my opinion.
  16. I just got the email from APD about this - I have no idea how you manage to get these posted so quickly ? Welcome back, Larry!
  17. He was apparently quite active on Facebook. I'm not on there so I can neither confirm nor deny.
  18. Very nice - orchestra can be difficult to write and make sound good. Was this for some kind of score? It's very atmospheric and sounds like it would be for some kind of (either real or imaginary) movie scene.
  19. Sounds good to me. The mix of the main vocal and the background vocal/whispers is good. The vocal effect that does the stereo ping-pong, e.g. at 1:06, might be a bit too loud; it took the focus away from the main vocal for me. Also, as Nigel mentioned, the vocal might be a tiny bit upfront. Maybe try turning it down a bit, or adding a bit of compression to help glue the vocal and the music together. Great mix overall though - well done!
  20. I understand modes but had a hard time understanding this thread. Here is a summary of what I understand this conversation to be saying, combined with a bit of my knowledge. A mode defines a sequence of tone and semitone intervals in a scale. Let's consider this interval sequence (1) Starting on the first position of this sequence, we have the Ionian mode. This matches what we typically learn to be a (Western) major scale: This is the Ionian mode. However, you don't have to start at the first position. If we start at the second position of interval sequence (1), we get interval sequence (2): Note that we have looped the sequence: the final T in interval sequence (2) is the first T in interval sequence (1). This is similar in concept of how after a B note, we go back to a C note. If you play the white notes ascending on a keyboard starting from D, you will get interval sequence (2): This is the Dorian mode. Just as we started at the second position of interval sequence (1) [and looped when we ran out of intervals] to get the Dorian mode, you can start at other positions from interval sequence (1) to get other modes: Phrygian (position 3) Lydian (position 4) Mixolydian (position 5) Aeolian (position 6) Locrian (position 7) The intervals between the notes we play determine the mode that we are playing in. Playing different chords as a backdrop to your mode may cause it to sound like a different mode (when taken out of context and held in a context itself), but it doesn't actually change the mode that we are playing in.
  21. Sounding good! Definitely lives up to its name - it certainly calmed me down. Great work Larry!
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