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Everything posted by antler

  1. I tend to ignore his videos now. They are good for showing the ins-and-outs of a plugin, and I might watch for that aspect. Though maybe it's also because I've recently realised I already have many plugins in many different categories already.
  2. I've edited my post to reflect that they are good people according to others on here, and that I have no personal experience with them to agree or disagree with this statement. I noticed that too, and it seems to add evidence to the first quoted statement of this post. Agree. When Dear Reality (semi) parted ways with PA, they offered a free licence transfer (as someone here already mentioned). DR later released a reverb, and a distortion effect. In truth, I have 'need' for neither as I already have plenty of plugins in those categories. But they seemed cool, and I thought they sounded pretty good. So I bought a copy of them both. I also don't know what the admin fee is about. I bought several library from Time+Space. When they packed up, it meant I could no longer (re)download any of my purchases. But, every single company that I contacted (so far) with proof added me as a customer free of charge, regardless of whether I used a T+S voucher or not. That includes developers that very rarely/never go on sale, and developers that prioritise their own store much more over reseller purchases. I bought GP with a voucher from PA. I didn't particularly need it. I bought it because of a combination of hearing good things about it, having nothing else I wanted from PA at the time, and my PA voucher expiring soon. Had Deskew accepted the purchase, I probably would have paid for the next upgrade even though I hardly use it. But they chose not to. And as I don't really use it, I don't think I'll crossgrade or upgrade. And their sentiments seem to indicate that we'll both be ok that decision.
  3. Do you have everything from Toontrack too? ?
  4. So from what I've seen: Deskew don't discount. They want everyone to pay the same price for Gig Performer (with exceptions for education). Deskew receive a certain percentage of sales-income from PA when people buy Gig Performer (from PA). Deskew is a small company and want to be fully compensated for each sale. According to others on here, they are good people; I have no personal experience with them to agree or disagree with this statement. When people buy GP at a discount from PA (sales, vouchers, etc.), Deskew receive a certain percentage from the actual amount paid. This amount is less than full price, and thus conflicts with (3). Deskew want to detach from PA because of the conflict in (4), which has only now been realised. Gig Performer's been available for purchase for a long time from PA - at least a few years. I'm not sure I understand: did nobody at Deskew check their income stream/s to see that the income from PA was lower than expected?
  5. Interesting. I've heard of and read about the Nyquist frequency, but this is the first time I've heard of Claude Shannon. I wonder why his name isn't part of the (Nyquist frequency) term. As for subjective posts, I seem to remember someone used to claim that the Cubase(?) engine sounded 30-40% better than the Sonar one, despite never sharing how that measurement was qualified.
  6. To be honest, I expected that my account might disappear when Cakewalk did. I'm surprised (and happy) that Bandlab has kept it alive. I wasn't so lucky when Time+Space shut shop. (To be clear, I'm not blaming T+S for their misfortune and have no ill-will against them.)
  7. '42', 'Becan': universal answers... So... 42 Becan?
  8. Wait... Are you telling me that no soldier could actually carry out what happens in the DOOM series of games? This is worse than learning about the Easter bunny...
  9. It didn't for me at first, but does now. Trying a different browser worked for me initially.
  10. Love the sound traps. Truly egg-cellent.
  11. Good for you! Be sure to take a look at these accessories too. I'm not sure what makes a stand £949, but I'm sure there's a good reason.
  12. Nice analogy. The (unrelated) lifetime deal that I once got confused over was for a circuit breaker. Back in the day where everything was corded, it was commonplace to need a power cord to plug lawnmowers into. I saw a power extension cord with built-in circuit breaker for sale once, sold as a lawnmower accessory; its description said it came with a lifetime guarantee. I'm still not overly sure to which party the lifetime refers to ?
  13. Whenever I see MultiDynamics, I always think it's one of Melda's plugins ?
  14. Didn't know that - I thought they only used it for the UI. Well, I learn something new every day - thanks.
  15. But 3D games offload to the GPU. It's a bit apples vs. oranges as CPU instructions are different from GPU instructions, but here are the specs of NVidia's GeForce 40x series cards. (from https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/graphics-cards/40-series/)
  16. We skipped the light fandango Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor... Oh wait, we're talking about a paler shade of orange aren't we? Sorry, wrong colour... ?
  17. Fair enough. I had my share of emacs back in the day, and then some VI (some people swear by it, some people swear at it ?). They weren't for me, but I appreciate that old habits stick. Tools are tools; use whatever's most comfortable I say.
  18. As you say, it's a modern marketing technique. By not letting someone have it immediately, it's supposedly making the audience think about it subconsciously: 'Won't it be great? I wonder what features it will have... I have to have it... I must have it!'. And then when it's finally available, people are more ready to buy. At the very least it helps initial sales numbers as those interested have some notice. Or at least that's my understanding of it. I'm not a marketing person though; I'm sure @PavlovsCat would be able to offer a better insight of this technique.
  19. VS Code is better. I can't think of a single time in recent years where I've though otherwise.
  20. Most probably; this came out after 14, so that's a good reason why it isn't in 14.
  21. Not sure why anybody would be allergic to Kontakt Player 7 - it's free, and there are no intrusive copy protection systems (you're free to shut down Native Access after the installation too). But yes - avoid it if you don't want to run Kontakt Player 7.
  22. I thought VS looked interesting, so I watched a few videos on it a while ago. Note that things may have changed since those videos were made, but VS is (or was at that time) aimed primarily at live performance - there is no way to export a video synced with your song. I seem to remember that one of the suggested workarounds was to get a screen recorder and record a real-time playthrough.
  23. Most companies (say they) will provide all users with an unlocked version of their software if they pack up. I remember Accusonus did when it decided to discontinue their product line. Whether other follow through if something unfortunate happens to them will (probably) be dependent on their circumstances.
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