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Everything posted by antler

  1. Hope you had a great time Larry, and welcome back!
  2. Well, I can't prove it now, but I do remember feeling disappointed that my soon-to-expire points were still there after the purchase (and have since expired), and another pool of points was deducted from. I don't know; maybe it was a glitch, or there was some special circumstance - water under the bridge, and all that...
  3. Also be aware that using JamPoints in a purchase doesn't necessarily spend the ones that are about to expire. I had some with only a few days validity remaining so decided to make a purchase; it decided to deduct from my fresher ones instead.
  4. Just a heads-up - Polyverse have a new free filter plugin too. https://polyversemusic.com/products/filtron/
  5. Right here: https://sugar-bytes.de/aparillo Not on sale, though ?
  6. I know what you mean, but that's a little harsh - the classic (green) Shadow Hills is on offer, as are the channel strips. Bass Mint's pretty cool, and lots of people say good things about the Elysia Alpha.
  7. Free until 3rd August. Severed Steel is also up for grabs. Don't expect much of a storyline, but a fun (and intense) action game.
  8. Looks like some of their instruments changed between Kontakt vs Mirage. Phoenix Kontakt has six instrument channels: https://frozenplain.com/product/phoenix/ Whereas Phoenix Mirage only has three: https://frozenplain.com/product/phoenix-mirage/
  9. On my system: Analog Brass & Winds: 14.2 GB Analog Strings: 18.4 GB Signal: 19.3 GB
  10. I'll trade you just one minute for 60 - yes 60! - whole seconds. ?
  11. I use Pianoteq mostly these days, but Addictive Keys used to scan ok for me in Studio One. The only 'problem' I would have with it was that it'd unauthorize itself after some Windows updates. It wasn't a problem to reauthorize though.
  12. Not sure if they're what you're after, but Pianoteq have some EP modules: https://www.modartt.com/electric https://www.modartt.com/hohner_collection Or maybe Soniccouture? https://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/
  13. The Chinese series use iLok; the others use online authorisation - I believe it's a one-time operation to activate. They have two free lite instruments to get started with: https://www.amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=7 https://www.amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=19
  14. The developer (SL in this case) might be able to revoke it somehow. All of the codes from my Time+Space purchases disappeared when they packed up.
  15. Historically, 30% is as high as I remember them going. But, you get a 'dynamic discount' style system - the more items you buy, the bigger the additional discount on your overall purchase.
  16. If you go to the Manage Devices page, it looks like there's a button under the Global Activation section to deactivate all your licences with one click.
  17. Where did you see that? I did a search and came up with this (below), but it looks like they'll be happy to reset your limit if/when you come to it (I'm just guessing, but I'm interpreting it to mean if it's spaced out over a certain period of time?). Things may change once it's all rolled into Native Access anyway.
  18. Only because I'm broke ?
  19. It's probably more like 20% of the remaining 20%. 20/5 = 4%. So, 80% + 4% = 84% total discount.
  20. I found this in iNate's (fairly) recent post history.
  21. Does that mean you can actually use your plugins now?
  22. Ah, ok. I found a post referring to a 1.4.3 update for Massive X. I've only got 1.4.2; maybe it's time to upgrade...
  23. Any ones in particular? There was a 'missing' Kontakt update a while back, but I think it was just taking its time to roll out - I can see Kontakt 7.4.2. there now. On the other hand, there very well could be some updates that I'm missing (but don't know about).
  24. Native Access 1.14 still works fine for me (I never upgraded). You can get it from the legacy installers page: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000407909-Native-Access-Legacy-Installers-for-Older-Operating-Systems It probably doesn't work if you have any of their subscriptions though (I don't have any, so can't confirm).
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