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Everything posted by antler

  1. If you subscribe and get to pick any X plugins to own, can you truly pick from any in their catalogue? or is it the limited 'any' that means just their old ones?
  2. This channel has some free sounds: https://www.youtube.com/@GravitySound
  3. It sounds small, but the one thing that truly drove me insane was the lack of seconds on the clock - I don't care about it on the taskbar, but I'd like to see them when I actually click on the clock so that I can sync up watches, etc.
  4. Highly recommended, though I am a bit biased; I do like the AC series.
  5. Odd... I can't seem to pay with PayPal; I'm sure I did previously. Oh well, just a sign I've stretched my budget too far and that I shouldn't push it any further this time around.
  6. When you get a chance, let us know what you think of these please.
  7. Fuse Audio Labs Flywheel, VCS-1 Best Service Era II Vocal Codex Bome Network Pro (5 devices)
  8. I'm not sure that's the best comparison to Tina Guo, as that's that newer (small) ensemble instrument. They've got solo instruments too; here's a demo of their solo Cello (at 13:32) They definitely need more work to play though (in that you'll need to control multiple cc at once for the various aspects, rather than having the performance baked into the samples).
  9. Just a thought - have you considered the AudioModeling SWAM instruments?
  10. Eternity Complete (Eternity Choir and Eternity Expanded) $499.00 (38% Off $799.00) Eternity Adult Choir $399.00 (20% Off $499.00) Looks like there's a further discount if you own some of their other products, but it doesn't seem much.
  11. As I understand, VI-C is the successor to the Northern Sounds forum (but I could be wrong on that). Back in the day, NS used to have a free orchestral scoring guide that was based on a Rimsky-Korsakov text. I remember following that course; they said they'd eventually make an offline version of it too, but that they'd always keep the online version available. Too bad it disappeared (along with NS) before the offline version became a thing: I don't in any way claim to know how to write for orchestra, but I did find the material there very useful.
  12. Get 53 premium sound effects from Slava Pogorelsky for free. https://www.asoundeffect.com/sale/#freebie
  13. Be sure to check your emails: I got a 20% discount code on an EZKeys Midi 6-pack. Not sure if they send one to everyone though.
  14. Have you tried Fluffy Audio's Dominus Choir Pro?
  15. Have you tried Alien Isolation? A different genre of game to be sure, but it is really atmospheric.
  16. You might be interested in this. Not saying I agree or disagree; just bringing it to your attention.
  17. Musio 1 is just the 2023 instruments; it won't include next year's. That said, it's still a good deal.
  18. I believe it was in 14 (though could be wrong). I remember having 6 for a while after 7 came out and waiting for the Summer of Sound to upgrade to the next Komplete (i.e. 14).
  19. Too bad. I was hoping there would be tiers, and that I'd got left out of the emails (like last year).
  20. Chances are their classic SDXs will go on sale (though not sure if it'd be classified as huge). For the newer ones, your best bet will be to buy the 3-pack serials. Personally, I'm a bit low on both disk space and wallet power to go for the new expansions.
  21. I got an email for this that went straight into my spam folder. I didn't recognise the from address either, so thought it belonged there until I saw Audio Imperia in the sender's physical address at the bottom.
  22. Potentially it's a case of not overpromising. It's a new player and they're still building it - they've only added keyswitching (I think), and I seem to remember some talk of different mics in the works (don't quote me on that though). I hope it goes well for them too. They make some great libraries. And if the aforementioned companies and others like EastWest can do it, there's scope for Musio to work out too.
  23. I think I've only seen one reverse of that trend: Toontrack drum libraries used to be so much cheaper than they are today. As with anything, you win some, you lose some; it all averages out over time.
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