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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. one more for today....by all means, carry on.... CbB, pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric guitar, bass guitar, boss rc-5 loop pedal, boss flanger pedal, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab lite, CbB effects.
  2. Thank You jack c....that's very kind of you ????
  3. Yes, this worked!!!!....here is how: 1. Select all tracks by clicking on their numbers so as to highlight them (as i had noise on all the tracks at their beginnings so, all needed to have that noise deleted). 2. Go to Options. 3. Click on Ripple Edit All. 4. Drag the Record Head from start of tracks to where you want to do the edits (i dragged it from 1 to 7). 5. Use the mouse on the Clips Pane and drag from 7 back to 1 thereby highlighting the areas on all the clips panes. 6. Press Delete on your keyboard. 7. Voila! The edits were finally done. 8. GO BACK IN TO OPTIONS AND DE-SELECT RIPPLE EDIT ALL (thanks for that Andres!!!! ????)
  4. here is latest mix of ionia....this is the first CbB, indeed, DAW, project i've ever done....so don't expect much....still a work in progress...a Big Thank You to all of you who said nice things about this tune, those who have helped me with my questions and to you tube channel Creative Sauce by Mike Enjo without whose videos this would still be weeks away from being anywhere near close to finished....by all means, carry on....???? CbB, pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric guitar, bass guitar, boss rc-5 loop pedal, boss flanger pedal, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab lite, CbB effects.
  5. Thank You....i will try that tonight....the reason i ask is because when i export by using the File/Export way the .wav file created has 17 seconds of silence at the beginning, not the 2 seconds i created at the fade in....so, it appears i don't have to clear the first part of all the tracks (maybe 12 or so) but, maybe i will....Thanks again ?️???
  6. greetings all.....getting ready to post a more or less final version in a few days so this version will be removed....prepare yourselves for Pat Metheny meets Ralph Vaughn Williams.....by all means, carry on ????
  7. i tried it last night but since this project is already under way it appeared to be an option that would not load....not positive as i am finishing this project (my first), finally, and will be able to try your advice soon....????
  8. Thank You....that's about the only thing i didn't try....just about finished with this project and i really didn't want to make a mistake and lose it....can't get back to it till later today....Thanks again ????
  9. I can't locate an answer for this one? How do I remove the box in read? Any help is appreciated....
  10. Yes, Thank You!!!! I was getting ready to do a search in the CbB PDF to see if there was a way to enable the interleave in Track View ????
  11. I'll check to see if Focusrite has an ASIO driver because my software won't play the audio with the Focusrite driver currently installed (not at home so can't look at my DAW PC). Thank You. EDIT:I called Focusrite Tech support (they are the best I've ever seen). Told the tech my DAW was CW and I had to switch drivers to hear what was correctly recorded by CW. He advised that since I don't have a pair of speakers plugged into the Scarlett Solo that this is what happens, it's not a driver issue and their is no other driver for me to download that would correct it. So, long story short, I'll just go get a pair of speakers. I don't see an interleave (Mono/Stereo option) in Track View box, only in Console View (not at home so can't look at my DAW PC). Thank You.
  12. The acoustic I'm using is an old Lyle from early 1970's, so, it doesn't have a pick up. The weird things I noticed last night regarding this Scarlett Solo: 1. in track view the acoustic guitar which was recorded by mic, in stereo on left channel only, cannot be heard during playback after I changed the driver back to asio from focusrite so i can hear all the other non-mic recorded tracks unless, in console view, i change the interleave from stereo to mono, which then plays it in mono (the left channel shows fine on the meters in track view and console view but needs the focusrite driver to be heard....?). no problem, that's acceptable. 2. i decided to use the Scarlett Solo's right channel which is Direct Injection (electric guitar plug....no mic) to record some electric guitar. This played correctly, on the right stereo channel. 3. so, what did i learn???? this is a never ending battle between humans and technology....in other words, business as usual lol!!!!
  13. outstanding....great writing, playing, recording, arranging....morricone, herrman, "pictures at an exhibition", bernstein.... Thanks for the music ????
  14. Larry T.

    Gas Giant 2?

    outstanding ambient sci-fi....Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune if they were songs this would be one of them....i love sci-fi....before i got into CbB and recording a month or so ago i listened to podcasts by Sean Carroll who i'm sure you know of....if not, i'd recommend his podcasts as he covers a wide range of topics including black holes, string theory, quantum physics...to quote from his site: "science, society, philosophy, culture, arts and ideas". Here is a link: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/ Thanks for the music ?☀️???
  15. overall, very, very well done....production, arrangements, sounds, mixing, vocals...the crunchy guitar reminds me of Porcupine Tree, who, if you haven't heard of, may want to give a listen to...hope it's ok to post a link to one of Steven Wilson's pieces (mod's please delete if not allowed):
  16. yes!!!!that's it....i tried panning the track right but it wouldn't as, i now see, it's the whole stereo left channel....many thanks ????
  17. very interesting listen....i like it....film score use for sure (a touch of elfman in there i think....)....my nerves are too shot to listen to that style normally. To quote Lee over at guitar-chords.org.uk : "Ionian, Lydian and Mixolydian all have a major flavour. Dorian, Phrygian and Aeolian all have a minor flavour. Locrian has a diminished flavour and this makes it a bit unstable sounding which is why it isn't used as often". you really captured the essence of the Locrian mode....well done
  18. the scarlett solo is set up to record on the left or right side of a stereo track or both at the same time....so, it is a stereo track....on playback it's only playing on the left channel....the scarlett set up is a 3 pin live mic plug in for 1 (Left) and guitar plug in for 2 (Right).....so, my problem is i want to use a 3pin live mic on the 2 (Right)....i wonder if the scarlett software will let me swap them????.....i will check on that and post back....thanks ?? edit: not at home so i can't check the scarlett....called their tech support and left a message for a callback. edit: wow, that was quick....so, per focusrite tech support the solo inputs can't be swapped by software....he recommended using the DAW to get what i'm aiming for: a recorded by live mic acoustic guitar on Left and a different recorded by live mic acoustic guitar on right.
  19. Larry T.

    Isla de Vieques

    very nice....really enjoyed that....Jobim lives!!!! ????
  20. excellent....love the pedal steel and guitar solo....rockabilly will never die ??
  21. Been a Beatles fan since 1967....the music is excellent in creating the mood you wanted as are the vocals, really like the singer....the playing, percussion, riffs and production are all great....it's just, imho, the music is not in agreement with the lyrics...which is, i assume, exactly what you wanted. so, as a long time Beatles fan i would pass but this being the 21st century the zeitgeist is not what it was 54 years ago.
  22. I recorded it that way as the scarlett has only one live mic jack....thank you for the info ???? also, wanted to do different effects on each of the two channels.... edit: looks like the easiest way is to use Channel Tools to swap the tracks, then i can go back to the track and record another left channel....thanks very much again ??
  23. Larry T.

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    overall, excellent. pet shop boys meets frankie goes to hollywood. i would use this version as the album track and do a tightened up edit for radio. and, the video is excellent as well....early mtv
  24. Greetings. I got a Focusrite Scarlett Solo and used it to record, on a stereo track, acoustic guitar on the left. What is the easiest way to copy that left channel and paste it to the right channel?? Or, just copy the left channel and paste it to the right channel of a new stereo track. I did a number of searches on google and here on the forum but didn't really get a useful answer. TIA. cheers
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