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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. Thank You. The drums are three or four SI Drum loops I edited to fit the song????
  2. Greetings all. Here's another one, Velocity (alternative instrumental). Comments, critiques and questions welcomed???? link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/velocity DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, harmonica, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  3. Larry T.


    Good stuff. Agree when the drums arrive hyperdrive kicks in????
  4. Larry T.


    Hi Steve. Yes, I meant as a compliment, for a few seconds the chords sound a bit alike, happens to all of us now and then. Steve Wilson does incredible mixes. I do think besides having the technical resources ( great microphones, boards, software, equipment) and knowledge of how to use all of that he knows how to listen to a lot of different tracks and how to position them and allocate volume correctly for maximum clarity and effect. Thanks for Bandcamp listening, yes, instrumentals only at this time????
  5. Larry T.

    Stay With Me

    Very good production, playing, vox, mix. About 2 minutes too long for most of us but I'm sure your wife enjoys it and rightfully so????
  6. Excellent work John. Agree with Lynn, your composing/arranging skills are superb????
  7. Larry T.


    Nice!! Agree with jack, make it longer????
  8. Really good work. Nice clear production/mix. Electronic isn't my go to genre either but I do like some of Underworld's stuff like Skyscraper, Crocodile, Cowgirl, Sola Sistim and 8 Ball????
  9. Sounds worth pursuing, keep on it????
  10. Really nice work overall. Just my 2 cents based on my 2 ears....I do find this mix too bass heavy, I'd EQ up the snare drum/cymbals. Hawkwind is one band I totally missed hearing back in the day. But you guys do a great job with this song. Great feeling and energy????
  11. Well done. The final chorus works. The only thing I'd improve is the fuzzed electric guitar on the left channel around 2:20 needs more clarity, as what you play progresses the clarity improves. Maybe play with the EQ, maybe use 3 or 4 strings to sound the chord instead of 5 or 6????
  12. Great stuff, as always. Your music always gives me a lift????
  13. Larry T.


    Nice work. I can definitely relate to the feelings expressed. Passages remind me a bit of Porcupine Tree's Lazarus????
  14. So, listened for the first time today, May 10. The music is great, well thought out and played/produced. The collaboration works!! Nice melancholy atmosphere????
  15. Good work Keith. The composition and performances perfectly capture nostalgia and melancholy. Nice vox, piano, lead guitar work...the whole production works????
  16. Very good job Steve. Faithful recreation of the original. Excellent production and mix. I think there is value is both ways of doing covers. What you said about learning from the original and what Keith said about "making it your own" and creating a new sonic experience both are valid ways to learn and create music. Personally I've learned that there are no rules in music. What really knocked me out musically was figuring out Paul Desmond's main motif on "Take Five". It follows no musical rules that I'm aware of as the sharps and flats between notes make complete sense when listening but are not any type of scale I know of????
  17. Thanks so much. I don't disagree with your take on the drums. When I mixed this a few months ago I didn't know a few things I am now aware of to make them sound better????
  18. Thanks Tom. It was the best mix I could do a few months ago, could do a better one now as the last few months I've had a lot more time to spend on music and was able to figure out a lot more solutions to stuff????
  19. Thanks steve. Appreciate the kind words. It was nice to do this song, I tried to keep it loose and relaxed with a traditional song structure????
  20. Not bad at this point, as you say it's a work in progress. Curious to hear the final version????
  21. Larry T.

    4 U

    Well crafted, played, sung and mixed production. It's contemporary but not a constant barrage of vox. The musical interludes work. The vox really work. Would have liked a proper ending as the fade out was a bit rushed. Overall excellent work. Good Luck!????
  22. Larry T.

    June 21

    Well done. Interesting composition. A definite sci-fi quality. The drums and bass do a great job of moving everything along with, as you say, a deliberate bit of stress and intensity. The synths add a lot of stress and intensity with some melodic touches along the way. You did a great job composing all the individual motifs as they are radically different from each other yet sit well to form a unique piece of music. You have a lot going on there!????
  23. Larry T.

    The Open Road

    Very nice soundscape for a drive as you described. Ends abruptly though????
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