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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. I know this is probably a reach but... Id like to see a Jukebox feature for this forum. Possibly a place to enter our music to be put in playing rotation.
  2. I'll also throw this out there incase you didn't know... Clicking on the "H" key opens the track manager shortcut
  3. The Track manager has never been a realtime operation. It has always been a selection/execution command. I do like the idea though. it would be nice to have in the multidock.
  4. Doesn't really matter to me. I had 13,000 posts on the other forum but I was always more interested in how helpful those posts were to other people vs. the actual amount.
  5. Happy new year to all. 2018 was a great year, hope 19 brings you joy and happiness.
  6. Bryan Adams possibly gives you a B+ on your test (probably more like a B actually/but that over lapping vocal in the last chorus really just fits
  7. Good job. I would have liked to have been able to hear the drums a little louder and more defined (phase relation, exc). I checked out another one of your videos as well ($170 Suhr Classic T Pickup in a $150 Bacchus Telecaster). Great stuff.
  8. The Sonitus plug ins are not the prettiest looking things to stare at but if I were to die tomorrow and was given a chance to take one plug in suite (Not talking waves bundles) I would have to take the Sonitus plug ins. I've learned to carve out frequency's and do things with those plug ins that I haven't been able to do with others. They do remind me of a vintage guitar.
  9. It really has little to do with the song writers and more with you and your styles. Great job on the recording and the mix.
  10. My opinion is the people who created this forum have intended purposes for each and it may take a few rides around the track before they decide to make some carburetor adjustments. You know I sound old when I say the word "carburetor". I probably should have said fuel injected
  11. I was under the assumption that "Q+A" is all about Bandlab software (Not debate opinions/just answer questions) And "general" for everything else (Hardware/Bandlab, Computers/Bandlab, exc) because we did lose a couple sub forums (compared to our old forum). However, I have wondered if they probably should be combined into one sub-forum. I could go either way really.
  12. Do you have any Region FX in this project ? And have you bounced down those clips ? It could also be a backwards compatibility issue. are these projects created in Sonar ?
  13. Try backing the mic off the grill. As leadfoot mentioned, an SM57 pointing right on the grill is indeed great for live situations where bleed is everywhere but in an isolated cab micing situation, back it off a bit and kill a little of the distortion then see what you get.
  14. Where are you loading the plug ins from ? Using the browser or insert synth menu ?
  15. One thing can be said about those keyboard stickers, they don't always stay put. Then your left with sticky keys where labels once were. If you can, go with pre order (painted). I believe they are still out there but costly.
  16. I would ask your hardware question here: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/2-cakewalk-by-bandlab-general/ It does say "Discussion focused on all things related to Cakewalk by BandLab software, the DAW formerly known as SONAR Platinum." As long as your hardware question is focused on Bandlab/Sonar then I cant see why not.
  17. You still are the MC guru. Who did I message when I was buying my Mackie Control ? you. Who did I message when I had a problem with scroll lock ? you Honestly if I had a problem with my MC unit right now I would probably be messaging... You Your not only a good guy but also a good resource when it comes to these units. Thanks for all your help. Best thing I ever did was buy an MC unit. I don't know how I would survive without it.
  18. Don't think X-T One has a function for Track/Bus/Mains selection. The bigger X-Touches have what's called a "Control group" that houses those buttons which you speak of. Looks like its back to clicking a few times here and there. I do personally like the X-T One. Great little controller for the value too. But for another 50 - 100 bucks you could land yourself a Mackie Control MCU (original version) with all those features plus 8 more (don't forget the master fader) motorized tracks. I see them used for 150 - 200 bucks all the time on guitar center.
  19. Yes I totally agree with you. My work flow stems from long time Cakewalk use (Cakewalk Pro Audio 9). There was no browser back then. Old habits never die.
  20. To add on that.. you can click on the insert FX chain and choose from a directory (your last opened file location) then Hold CNTRL while dragging the FX chain to new tracks (this copy's said FX chain to new track). your other option is to create a new directory with a letter (A) or number (1). This will assure your directory stays on top of the files in the browser so you want have to scroll looking for it. I have a few FX chains directorys as I make my own FX chains on a daily basis. Hope this helps.
  21. Not really sure to be honest. I suppose the coffee house might be suitable but I haven’t seen a forum for hardware, plug in deals, Computers either. Maybe they are trying to simplify things, focusing on bandlab software. Not sure
  22. Good tune blades, I learned to respect you a little more today . Seriously though, This song is cut in the same vein as one of my favorite bands..it has strong Beatles influences. Doesn't sound like any of their songs... just has influences, and good ones. The only thing I could see helping this song is cutting down its length. 3:46 is up there. I thought everything flowed amazingly, the chorus only 25 seconds.. the solo only 15 seconds then after that it dragged just a bit and I believe it was because you doubled up the chorus which equals a staggering 50 seconds. That one double chorus equals 1/4 of the whole song length. The outro solo was very tasteful, I loved it. To be honest I really loved all the guitar work.
  23. None of us are, I don't even use the browser for FX chains. Instead I click the arrow on the FX bin (to insert FX) and then choose > Insert FX chain.
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