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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Have you checked the Dim Pro presets ? I thought there was one in session drummer 3 as well.
  2. Im using build 70 and CV is there. Possibly a corrupt installation, IDK. Have you tried a different project ? or a new project ?
  3. Im glad they did this. Im a fan of the old way/previous versions worked but there may come a time in a project where I could use this new preference.
  4. The new "Selection markers" seem to be a tough one for new users. I think its a great feature (could possibly be even better) but its been asked about here quite a bit.
  5. This is a loaded question with many variables. A better explanation of what your trying to do would help your cause and produce more in-depth suggestions. For example. Are you trying to record 2 audio tracks or 2 midi tracks ? Im guessing 2 audio tracks. How are you sending the signal into Cakewalk ? You need to insert 2 audio tracks into a blank project. You need to make sure the inputs are set to your device (soundcard) although they should default to your device, that soundcard path needs to be set up in preferences. Your tracks must be armed and possibly input echo engaged if your using Amp sims. Another note- you might not need 2 audio tracks if you are only simply trying to make a stereo track. Cakewalks Audio tracks are stereo compatible.
  6. Is there really that much of a difference ? I only ask because im still using drivers from 2016 with my Focusrite. The way I look at it is, if there isn't an issue, don't upgrade and I haven't had any issues using the older driver.
  7. Im not sure I would totally agree. Sonar 8.5 didn't have Region FX, which is a huge leap for people who work with Audio. but you do bring up good points about virtual instruments stuck in a 10 year old vacuum. +1 I do totally agree.
  8. Right click on the 4 bar loop and choose "Groove clip looping". Now the clip has been turned into a groove clip. now you can hover over the end of the clip and grab it / drag it out for as many bars as you choose.
  9. When I went from Sonar 8.5 to Sonar X1 I was lost. I was upset because I was basically learning a whole new DAW. I didn't want to interrupt my workflow. However, there were things in Sonar X1 that I knew would improve my workflow like the Pro channel, Sky light interface, Inspector and the Multidock. The control bar I wasn't as accepting to, but as time went on...I have learned to love it. What I did was finish projects in 8.5 and when I had time, opened up Sonar X1 and experimented. This turned out to be a fortune but was a work in progress. You are running into the same situation right now. My advice is to watch some YouTube videos. When Sonar X1 there was some videos for it, but not like now. Most of my research came way of reading the manual and more importantly, this forum (the old one).
  10. The Sonitus FX are DXI. Not VST. They are almost as old as the dinosaur itself. Released first in Sonar 4 in/around 2001. The developer isn't even making these plug ins anymore. Cakewalk purchased a license to bundle them in the software. The first time I used them was in Pro audio (Windows 98 I believe). With all that said, I love these plug ins. The delay is one of my favorites, as is the gate and compressor. They have been one of my "go to" tools for many years. However, I think its unreasonable to wish for these plug ins to receive a facelift or upgrade of any kind. I don't think Cakewalk has a legal means to do so. All we can do for now is enjoy them the way they are. I still use them now.
  11. Nice to see you came back and explained your situation. Its appreciated and helps users in the future. The Q+A section of this forum has massive potential for Cakewalk users looking for answers in site searches. The problem is, most users don't select "best answer" or even come back to their questions once they have found a solution. Thus making it difficult to sift through multiple reply's to find the answer. Glad you did
  12. I read this yesterday but couldn't think of a reasonable response to add. I wasn't even sure Dell had ASIO drivers till I did some research. It appears to be for their soundblaster soundcards and/or dedicated soundcards. Personally I would stick with WASAPI. Don't fix what isn't broken, if its working use it. ASIO will give low reported latency's but ive seen WASAPI making huge leaps in the past 2 years. Especially within Cakewalk. The only other suggestion I can give is...Buy a dedicated USB Interface/soundcard. They are far more reliable and universal than an onboard soundcard. It would help if we knew what you were trying to record (Audio, Midi, Both )? You can buy a new or used Focusrite interface for around 100 bucks. Considering what you probably paid for this laptop, that's a pee in a pot (nothing). Ive always been baffled by someone buying an expensive PC to use for digital audio but forget the most important part... The soundcard. Its like having a body with no arms. Not to say this is you, im just making comparisons like I typically do.
  13. Im all for Marker enhancements. Love to see some changes, especially an "Export" markers that are linked to tempo/meter key changes. Using a midi track this would be totally doable. This used to work great. unfortunately The latest timeline changes (Selection markers) have made the hit zone a lot smaller and its hard to click on markers on 1st try.
  14. This is very important to a user who is new to tempo changes in Cakewalk.
  15. very important what @Promidi recommended here. All new laptops come with pre bundled bulls#$% that should not be installed and at all cost removed if possible. The most likely candidate in your cause could be the Anti virus protection which is typically McAfee. Open up preferences in your AV software and put in an exception for the whole Cakewalk running program folder (including the VST scanner).
  16. I don't believe that's right. You should be using the driver that came with the device.
  17. Runnng sonar from an SSD would help but not with the latency issues you are experiencing. My advise is to install the Behringer ASIO driver and see if that remedy's your main issue
  18. I do like your ideas though. They have already done some great improvements on take lanes in the past 2 months. Keep the good ideas coming @LittleStudios.
  19. Are you using Drag+Drop from the media browser ? you can do that with takes as well and its super fast.
  20. I don't think presets are erased, I think its configurations. From the documentation- Note: if you configure an audio effect as a synth, this setting will be erased and you will need to reapply the setting. Please keep this in mind when performing the below steps. You can also try Rescan failed plug ins in the VST preferences. Also as @HIBI Mentioned, make sure your getting those plug ins from the VST-I listed and not VST listed plug ins.
  21. The plug ins are stored in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins. Just do a rescan after installing them. The what now ?
  22. I believe with the last update (build 70) you can now drag in multiple takes to take lanes Import directly to Take lanes File > Import > Audio and double-clicking to import from the Media Browser now respect the selected Take lane.
  23. Good list here. A little too much to be honest, its overwhelming. Might have been better to split these up in separate threads. But im not sure how you could without it looking like you created 20 threads. This is pretty good info for the bakers. Its appreciated. You can drag one clip on top of another and bounce to clips. this merges clips in 3 clicks. I would agree a merge button might be nice but where to put it in an already bogged down menu. I was able to crash cakewalk for the first time in probably a year after following your recipe. As far as Staff view goes, im not sure. Hopefully they show some fixes but that thing has been simply "only maintained" since it's inception, not improved. - Hey..This is helpful man. As a user of cakewalk, thanks for posting this detailed list. I'll write up the crash in lyric view later on today and hopefully its fixed by next release. Unless you already have. We might not always see eye to eye on issues but I have to respect this list you have compiled.
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