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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Although, I must admit, its tough to analyze anyone's problems without sufficient information on ones Audio set up. Are you using onboard audio card or do you have an audio interface ? if you using onboard audio, see the new hotfix just released
  2. Ive seen a few instances of this in the past week or so and
  3. Also check the headphone adapter (if your using one) Gerry. Those things tend to get flakey when wiggled, totally messes with the stereo spectrum. Other than that, I assume its an I/O (input/output) issue. Make sure your output is going to a stereo bus or the master bus.
  4. Sonar is useless to everyone, it was discontinued over a year ago. If you are indeed referring to Bandlab by Cakewalk, What kind of controller are you using ? Is that device plug and play or require drivers ?
  5. Does anyone really see a huge benefit in using a graphics card Vs. onboard graphics ? Of course its necessary in cases where one might need multiple displays/monitors and onboard doesn't support more than 2 or (3 display ports=2 DVI/1 HDMI). But in terms of typical DAW use, I see no real benefit. The CPU's, RAM it saves is minimal and most times not worth the extra money, hassle with graphic driver conflicts, exc. Unless one is also wanting to do some gaming, video editing, exc. But IMO, that seems to be the only exception.
  6. So in other words, I think your going to have to use the W shortcut.
  7. This is the new changes as far as transport controls are concerned. Hope this helps. Updated transport behaviors Go to Start and Go to End buttons now accurately seek to project beginning and end, and do not stop playback. The W (rewind) key always seeks backwards in time to the prior "landmarks". There are 3 landmarks: the original playback start time the loop start time the project start time (time 0, or 1:1:0) Note: The RTZ command has been renamed to Rewind to Landmarks The Go to Beginning (1:1:0) command has been renamed to Go to Start (RTZ) The Go to Start transport button uses the CTRL+HOME shortcut
  8. You are telling forum users to... "stop making insulting posts directed at him" but in the very next paragraph you, yourself insult forum users insinuating they have "Stockholm syndrome" ? That sound about right I suppose one could argue bumping a 2 week old thread (that all of us wished had gone away) is trolling in its own.
  9. You mean this "double sided arrow/S thing ? They are the new Selection markers and can not be turned off https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.28.html You can however, Press- CNTRL+SHIFT+A to select none. This will temp remove them until another selection is made.
  10. If you stop playback while looping is enabled, the Now time jumps to the Now time marker. If you disable the On Stop, Rewind to Now Marker option in the Track view Options menu, the Now time stays wherever you stopped playback.
  11. Here is an updated version from S.O.S on Workspaces https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/cakewalk-customisable-workspace
  12. You only have to install the Bandlab app "manually" (all 20 MB of it). You only need to update the Bandlab app every six months to avoid demo mode. Small price to pay for a competitive DAW you are receiving free.
  13. This might help http://support.antarestech.com/support/solutions/articles/26000014407-sonar-platinum You'll probably have to rescan failed plug ins. And make sure "Hide related VST2 plugins" is not checked in preferences.
  14. I would like to make a suggestion though if I may. IMO, Clip gain is not what it used to be when plug ins had no way of controlling their input stages, back then clip gain was essential to "how hard you hit the compressor" with your first path (the gain stage input). If you need to adjust gain in large increments weather it be bring down/bring up gain levels, then your recording wasn't done properly. Sure there are those vocal phrases that need to be evened out. But this can be done using volume automation in one whack ! We are all set in our ways, in the way we have been working for years but when you use volume automation, you bypass having to use clip gain automation which saves time. There are those extreme times where clip gain automation should be used, but as I said earlier, those are typically times were the recording level was not properly maintained. All the popping P's, the snaking S's, the K's CA's can all be leveled out using volume automation.
  15. Yea, I was going to break the bad news to you yesterday when I saw this post, but it isn't possible to see waveform changes in real-time using clip gain. It would be a nice addition though no doubt.
  16. Then I assume you are running Windows 10 ? Anything is better than MME my friend. This is how you set it up... https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=AudioPerformance.29.html To enable WASAPI mode in SONAR 1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Audio - Playback and Recording. 2. In the Driver Mode list, select WASAPI Exclusive or WASAPI Shared. 3. Select the Audio - Devices page tab (Edit > Preferences > Audio - Devices). 4. In the Input Drivers and Output Drivers lists, select the desired input and output ports. 5. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
  17. If you are running Windows 10 I would suggest trying WASAPI instead of MME. It will produce much lower latency. I suppose if you are just playing back tracks, you should be fine using MME (except for the occasional 1 sec delay after pressing play). But you might find much better results using anything but MME.
  18. Your only other option is to create a region FX using Melodyne first, then close it. If you leave it as a region fx Melodyne and not render it, then double clicking will open the clip in Melodyne by double clicking.
  19. Make sure the clip is highlighted and then press = CNTRL+M
  20. Try using the VST 2 version. I seem to remember something about the VST 3 version not working or crashing cakewalk. From what I recall its the plug in, not Cakewalk. Also does this use Ilok ?
  21. If the clip is already a region FX clip using Melodyne, then double clicking on that clip will open Melodyne by default. Weather or not it is full screen, depends on your Multi-Dock size. Pressing CNTRL+D will resize the Dock.
  22. This is the correct answer for sure.. This happens as well here with my Focusrite if I don't set the Mix control software to "DAW Monitoring". Scarllet's are supposed to remember routing changes and keep those presets stored but there has been a known issue (I believe within the hardware itself) that prevents presets being loaded upon power up. Before each session its the first thing I typically do.
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