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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. I would edit your post with a name like "Maximize space in the Console View" or something like that. FWIW, I love your idea. I've been waiting for this for over 3 years now. I use a large 40 inch TV and im left with a huge open space to the right of the strips using Narrow strips. It would be nice to have larger strips fill out that area.
  2. Ive heard that SSD drives wont last as long because of writing to disk but I've owned one for 4 years now and yet to see issue with it. I have a 256GB and probably 70GB are project files. I have them all backed up just incase but so far so good with that theory. now watch my SSD will die tonight because I said this FWIW, I find leaving the audio files on the SSD drive, they load lightning fast. Totally different animal compared to when a I ran my projects off an HDD. Samples too.
  3. It sure is. I do this after each project is complete. (midi tracks and audio tracks). I use Bounce to clips. Its the same thing as Render. you can select multiple tracks to do this as well.
  4. This is brilliant. On a side note, I cant believe this was 7 years ago. Scary.
  5. +1 You might even be able to narrow down the frequency using the QC EQ (Pro Channel)./ Just set a very narrow notch and start sweeping. Mark has the sweet spots above (50-60 cycle) but I find with active Basses, it's higher. 50-60 is what I typically see in "Stratocasters". Single coil pick ups.
  6. You didn't mention you had multiple takes on a track in your OP. I wouldn't have recommended automation. Take lanes are totally different and the fades should be applied easily and almost automatic. What part of comping the track are you having issues with, you shouldn't need the mute tool as much as you simply promote the other clip.
  7. @Jeremy Jensen For now the CNTRL+Shift+A works to deselect all, then you can timeline zoom.
  8. Yea I've become pretty fond of the timeline drag / zoom technique as well. I also hope they rethink an option to turn this off, along with that measurement box attached to Aim Assist that obscures the timeline.
  9. I would use Automation in a situation like this. I mean a fade in/out in theory should work fine as well, but if your receiving a pop doing a fade, Automation will probably eliminate that. I could explain how to do that but it might be easier just watching it instead.
  10. Its up to you really, but I would use Bandlab. Only because X1 needed like 4 patches (updates) and its 10 years old compared to a new product that's being updated and less is apt to go wrong. What you really need to make sure is you have done your house cleaning on previous Sonar tracks. IE- Bounced all your clips to tracks (made all your tracks one whole clip Vs. 20 little clips in one track) Then drag your files to the desktop or Browser for storage. Audio files can be retrieved from the Projects audio folder, midi files can not. Thus those need to be dragged to a folder somewhere. You wont need to register it again per say, but you will need to complete the Serial/registration codes in order to use the program (those should be in your account or hopefully you have them written down some where.) Its the same thing. I've loaded Sonar X1 projects in Bandlab, they open fine. Not sure I would say they are ready to go, because plug ins are missing at times, exc. but all you need it for is to load the Wave and midi files.
  11. Not sure when the last time you updated the Bandlab app itself, but I would start there first. Don't forget the simple things we often over look, like a reboot after Visual/C++ installers are complete. What are you using Java for ?
  12. Cakewalk should import OGG File>Import > Audio Here are the supported formats http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.32.html
  13. Very good advise @mettelus. I think this video explains loopback functions for your interface.
  14. You can probably just send the project file without the audio (and the dump). That should slim your 2GB to a few MB's.
  15. @Trevor Is it for latency purposes ? I could be wrong but I think this is like PDC over ride. I read up on Abletons feature here https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209072409-Delay-Compensation-FAQ This seems to be similar or the equivalent https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Recording.23.html
  16. I could have sworn I read a similar topic here recently that was solved by plugging in an Audio interface. That doesn't mean you should have to use one, because you shouldn't. But it might be worth giving it a test. This is definitely a reach but.. The only other thing I can think of here (because it is happening in Sonar as well ) is "Ease of access". There is a way to lock/unlock the space bar in Windows, thus no worky on playback. Try this How Do I Unlock the Space Bar on My Computer Keyboard
  17. Slight misunderstanding possibly. After I edited my comment, I realized, we had posted the same link. Last thing I want to do is confuse someone looking for help.
  18. I personally would love to see a shortcut added to the Aim Assist On/Off (shortcut = "X"). Something like CNTRL+X = Turns off the current value/delta value (difference between the original position and current position). That value read out is in my way as well.
  19. I don't use Versioning personally, I never have. I've done the old school "Save as" and saved those CWP files in the same folder. Just another way of doing it that's all.
  20. Mix Recall is more for configuration settings (Gain, Fader, Pan, Sends). Mix Recall warning from the documentation... Caution: If you insert or delete time/measures in a project, you might experience unexpected results if you load an old Mix Scene that contains automation envelopes. The automation envelopes will no longer be aligned properly with the project’s timeline. You might need to manually move the affected portion of the envelopes by a corresponding amount. I would use versioning of projects (can be found in preferences>File>Advanced). Enable Versioning of Project (.cwp) Files. Checking this check box causes SONAR to save successive versions of a project with the date the project was saved in the file name. The most recent version has no date in the name. Number of versions to keep. If you enable the versioning option, you can use this field to choose how many versions to keep. When the maximum number of files is reached, the oldest file is deleted.
  21. If the guy wanted real shakers he wouldn't be on this forum asking if Cakewalk had any included shaker sounds.
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