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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Agreed. Disable all the plugins in your project to see if the noise disappears. Some plugins can generate noise even though the project is not playing. Guitar amp plugins and some Waves plugins can be guilty of this. One Waves plugin that springs to mind is Waves H-Delay which has an analogue option (which you should set to ‘off’), but there are others.
  2. Yes, looks like a wordclock issue.
  3. Have you tried combinations of: Mono track with stereo interleave on. Mono track with stereo interleave off. If you have a mono track with the stereo interleave button switched on it may confuse the mono plugin? Alternatively, try the stereo version of the plugin on a mono track with the stereo interleave on?
  4. You may have come across an issue that I was having a few weeks back. (I mentioned it on another thread somewhere in the forum) I was installing all my stuff on a new computer and was getting huge spikes on one of my CPU threads in the CbB performance module. The culprits in my case were (as far as I can see) plugins that use Open GL graphics. Within CbB, I had the performance module in the control bar set to show ‘system performance’ (not ‘audio performance’) and when I loaded certain plugins, one core would spike right up into the red. And would then remain there even though I disabled and/or remove said plugin and sometimes had to close out of CbB completely. (Task manager also showed the same) Some of the problem plugins with which I was able to resolve the issue were Oeksound Soothe 2 and Spiff because in their ‘settings’ option I was able to disable the use of Open GL. Also a couple of the Soundradix plugins had the same option. Some of my Leapwing plugins, I had to roll back to an earlier version (in their release notes, an update had added Open GL.) However, the SSL X-EQ-2 plugin, I just had to abandon, because I couldn’t find a way to disable Open GL (I’m assuming that the plugin does use Open GL – but it is an assumption) I can’t recall off the top of my head if the same thing was happening with other SSL plugins, but I can check if you want (I think I have the SSL flex verb) My graphics card is an Nvidia, which should be fine with Open GL, but I’ve not found that to be the case on my system (and it could, indeed be just my system even though I’ve updated Nvidia graphics card to the lates drivers) If you have any of the above plugins in which you can disable Open GL, try that and see if it resolves the problem.
  5. Have you tried removing all plugins, saving then closing CbB completely and reopening the project? (I had an issue with some spiky, troublesome plugins staying active even though the project was closed)
  6. Hi Bapu I think the UAD Spark plugins (i.e. UADx) are VST3 only. I don’t think there is a VST2 option unless you have the hardware?
  7. Hi Tulamide Thanks for your reply. I downloaded and installed the latest drivers today (from Nvidia) but the same situation still occurs. When Open GL is enabled in the plugin settings, the spike into the red happens (core 11 I think) and stays when I close the project. I’m not too concerned about it as when I disable Open GL in the settings, everything is fine. It might just be something particular to my computer set up.
  8. Another update. There were certain plugins causing a major core spike and I think I’ve narrowed it down to something to do with Open GL. I have no idea of the ins and outs of Open GL (except that it’s something to do with graphics), but some plugins have an option in their settings to enable or disable this feature. Since I’ve been doing a clean install with the latest versions of plugins, it would seem that some have ‘Use Open GL’ as their default. A few plugins in this category I’ve discovered so far which have this are Soothe 2, Spiff, Soundradix. On my computer, these plugins work fine if Open GL is disabled in settings, but if enabled cause one core spike to shoot up into the red. Also, Leapwing Audio’s Dynone with the latest version, causes the same spiking behaviour. I therefore downloaded an earlier version prior to the point where Open GL was implemented (according to their website release notes) and the issue disappeared. Another culprit was SSL Native X-EQ2, which didn’t seem to have the option to disable Open GL (I’m assuming it does use Open GL, but, of course, I can’t be sure) But worth mentioning too is that when this plugin was deleted from the project, the spike remained until I completely closed CbB and reopened. Not sure if the UADx plugins use Open GL or not. At some point I’ll try reinstalling them but I’m just thankful to have my new computer working as it should now. Hope that’s of help if anyone else is experiencing the same issue.
  9. Thanks Glenn. A bit of a breakthrough, I think. I completely removed the native UADx (Spark) plugins. I remembered that there had been issues around them causing spikes a while back, although the problem had supposedly been resolved a few weeks ago with an update. I had the latest update installed (the only one available anyway as my computer is new) So on a hunch, I uninstalled them including the UAD Connect app and the spiking has lessened and the CPU returns to normal after the project is closed. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but it seems to have helped. UAD-2 plugins still work flawlessly so I don’t really need the UADx versions and they are free anyway as I have UAD hardware. I’ll see how things go.
  10. I’m having the same problem. One core is basically maxing out. It’s a new computer and I’m trying to work out what’s going on before I get in touch with the supplier. I’ve been experiencing spikes. For example, earlier today, I opened CbB and all was well, but when I inserted around eight empty audio tracks, the one core started to rise dramatically. I opened a project which had around 30 tracks (all audio), 10 busses with, say around 50 plugins. The project played without dropouts, but that one core (core 17 I think?) was in the red and stayed there when I closed the project. Disabling the plugins in the project made no difference. I’ve only just seen this thread, so will investigate some more tomorrow. RME Fireface 802 (I run it via firewire, but will try USB tomorrow) ASIO 2 UAD Octo USB satellites ASUS Z790-A WIFI INTEL i9 13900K - 24 Core, 3.0 GHz (13th Gen) 64Gb DDR5 5600Mhz Kit Nvidia GTX1650 Windows 11 Professional 64Bit Any help appreciated!
  11. Thanks so much for this John. I love it! ?
  12. Thanks Scook. Exactly what I was looking for. Cheers! ?
  13. I agree and have asked for the same in the forum at some point. It’s the element that makes Cakewalk by Bandlab a tad old fashioned looking. The track name font needs an update and I too would like the option to be able to make the font size of the track/instrument names smaller enabling the minimum track size to be reduced so more tracks can be viewed simultaneously. It would really freshen up the UI. On another aspect of the UI, I count my lucky stars that the tracks in the UI can be manipulated vertically and horizontally at will with all the track information there to hand … meters, effects, sends, phase, peaks, solo, mute, archive, freeze, ins and outs etc. When I tried other DAWs during the demise of Sonar Platinum, I was astonished that none of them offered this flexibility.
  14. Thanks very much for the FLATWHITE theme Colin. Really enjoying it!
  15. Hi Noel Thanks so much! That workaround will do fine in the interim. (Yet another feature I never knew existed). Another reason why I use my mouse mostly while listening back to a project is because of the wonderful ability to easily adjust the height and WIDTH of the track headers and get an instant picture of what’s going where: outs, ins, sends, fx rack, phase, mono, stereo et al. (I don’t use the Inspector much) When CbB (Sonar Platinum)’s future was in doubt and I tried a few other DAWs, I was gobsmacked that they didn’t have that fluidity i.e. that the track header widths couldn’t be adjusted and that precious little information was visible with height adjustment. It’s a USP and feature that Cakewalk by Bandlab should be shouting from the rooftops about! I’m so happy.?
  16. Hi David, I use a mouse, not touchscreen. It’s a workflow thing. When I’m listening to something, I tend to sit back in my chair and just have my right hand on the mouse. My mouse is more or less hovering around the transport module controls or clicking around on the screen. I don’t even generally use the space bar to start/stop. So it’s super handy for me to be able to stop wherever, rewind to loop start then play. So it’s very irritating that I set up to loop say, take two of a song (the takes being spread along the timeline). I stop halfway through take two, click the RTZ to go back and have another listen and find myself back at bar 1. The original RTZ was: one click to go back to the beginning of the loop, then click again to go right back to bar 1.
  17. Hi Chuckebaby Thanks again for your replies. So it’s as I feared. I can’t use the transport RTZ to go back to beginning of a looped section. I hope that can be changed in that we have the option to rewind to the beginning of the looped section using the RTZ button in the transport module same as the ‘w’ landmarks options. Please DEVs?
  18. Hi Chuckebaby Many thanks for your reply. It’s not quite what I’m looking for. I already discovered the On Stop, Rewind to Now Marker and disabled it, so when I click Stop, the transport stops there. So, when I click ‘Stop’ in the transport module all is fine. But then when I click the Return To Zero button in the transport module after having stopped, it goes right back to the beginning, whereas before, it would go to the beginning of the looped section. I know that ‘w’ still takes me back to the beginning of the looped section, so that’s all good. But I’ve always found it more convenient to click the Return To Zero in the transport module with my mouse. So basically I’m looking for the Return To Zero button to be the same as hitting the ‘w’ key when the transport is stopped.
  19. I don’t know if this has changed with the latest update or not as I may have missed a couple. Previously, if a section of a project was looped and you stopped in the middle of that loop or after the looped section, when clicking the ‘return to zero’ (in the transport module), it would return to the beginning of the looped section. But now, the ‘return to zero’ button always returns right to the very beginning (bar 1). The keyboard shortcut ‘w’ still returns to the beginning of the looped section, but the ‘return to zero’ in the transport module doesn’t. Is there a way to change ‘return to zero’ back to how it was? In that clicking ‘return to zero’ takes you back to the beginning of the looped section?
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