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Everything posted by craigb

  1. You've got to be kidding me! I just finished reviewing the Event Log for my system failure and the error that occurred right before the critical failure had a "source" of "googlehaxm!" ? Say WHAT?????!!!!
  2. This basic honesty is needed in MANY areas of media!
  3. LOL! Right at the end of my prior post, my entire computer shut down with a "CRITICAL PROCESS DIED" error! ? I guess I'm not supposed to bag on Google, ya? ?
  4. The short story: Google has been not-so-quietly deleting vast areas of the internet. There are many videos talking about this. Try a search for something simple like "pizza" and it will reply with "About 2,830,000,000 results (0.46 seconds)" but will only show up to 500 results with many of those being repeated if they are sponsored! Besides that, it will heavily favor results that match the agenda they (as part of the propaganda wing of our corrupt government) wants you to see. The second reason (that many of us believe), is to prepare everyone to use their new AI as a replacement search engine similar to how Bing now does this. The pendulum is just swinging towards a new extreme. In the beginning of the internet, it was impossible to find anything and links took you places but you never knew how to get back (this is where the term "surfing the internet" first came from). Then, for a time after decent search engines became the starting point for pretty much everyone, it became awesome! Now, it's devolving into crapola, censorship and controlled information... ?
  5. I'm just thinking (for the hundredth time), what an interesting playlist this thread would make! ?
  6. Well, at least we know you're not a hippy Bob! ?
  7. Well! Look what Kenny wrote! Ok, here's your edumacation! ? And, so far, besides phone calls, buying albums and selling gear, I haven't met anyone from this forum in "real life..." (mostly because I'm even more like me in person than I am here! ?). That said, I spend whatever little extra time and money I have at the Bula Kava House in Downtown Vantucky (on C Street). I host a Psychedelic Renaissance group on Thursdays, but am often there after 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays until closing (they close at midnight). One of the Kava Tenders is a very good guitarist, but I'm sure you could show him some tricks! It's too bad you missed out on their every-other-month Open Mic which was last Friday. It's a very chill, mostly psychedelic crowd. All the fun of a bar without any of the negatives (kava is awesome stuff!). The worst thing I've seen was an argument over a chess game. ? There's no booze (and many of the regulars are in AA), but there are two bars right across the street. Just know that if you show up with Milo, you'll mostly become known as "Milo's owner!" Dogs are loved there and we have a few regular woofers that come and chill out with us. Let me know if that sounds interesting! I'd love to meet Milo! a real guitarist! ? Just note that there's also a guy in our "group" (Terra) who's been a drummer for over 30 years that shows up with his Mom, Meridien (daughter of well-known folk guitarist Bob Gibson who has albums and toured herself as well) and his son, Anthony (who's just learning guitar). You've been warned! ? Let me know! It would be great to meet you (and Milo)! Vancouver Bula Kava House ???
  8. Sorry Kenny, I can only give you a C for that effort! (Though you can think of it as a B+ if you wish! ?)
  9. Probably still won't stop Bapu from buying it, if it's a plug-in! ?
  10. "Theology is useless. Philosophy is worse?" ?
  11. The first 14 seconds...
  12. I bought this thesaurus yesterday... Not only was it useless, it was USELESS!!!
  13. I didn't see Kylie so I had to stop watching. ?
  14. And more Jokers than ten decks of cards! ?
  15. The below comment by Byron in the Deals area made me decide to make a thread on what I've been doing for the last six months! (Only Rain knew about this prior.) Side-plug! ? I just finished the huge project of bringing this well-known Philosophy website into this millennium! Over 400 pages spanning 23+ years that was mostly written using old tools like Frontpage, so converting it to use normal HTML, CSS & JS was a lot of fun. The site owner insisted I do it from scratch too (no tools or templates), so I did! He was VERY exacting in how he wanted things to be. Philosophical Society.com Feel free to let me know what you think about it! (Er, provided you DO think that is! ?)
  16. Side-plug! ? I'm going to use your quote Byron and start a separate thread in the Coffee House. Don't want to pollute "Larry's" ? area more than normal!
  17. Those often secretly satisfy people's offensive thoughts!
  18. Puzzling Entertainment Needs Immaturity Steve! ?
  19. AdBlock Plus. It's free and I haven't had an ad since I added the extension years ago!
  20. Very familiar with that! I used to live in Camas Washington (first in the Holly Hills area, and then on Prune Hill). The paper mill in Downtown Camas would often smell like a full baby diaper! ? It's not bad now. I've heard that they use a new process to break down the wood than the original enzymes.
  21. I don't know about them being more analog, but I know I enjoyed the fact that I didn't have to tune my digital synths each time before playing them! Plus, since I'm not a keyboard player, being able to make all the white keys into whatever key I needed was very helpful!
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