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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Want strong passwords, but don't want to remember different ones for different places? Try this: https://www.lastpass.com/
  2. A couple. Just look for the poorly spelled words and stupid grammar. ?
  3. Man it's been a long time since I saw a tape room like that! Miss it? Nope! Now we know where Stephen Hawking got his speech synthesizer from. ?
  4. "My eyes are up here Bill." ~ That girl probably ?
  5. Ya, it's too big to be useful, unlike the older Mac's...
  6. "That" folder wasn't good enough for ya? ?
  7. "I don't clean the house. I threaten to demolish the house with round-house kicks and the house cleans itself." ~ Chuck Norris
  8. Duke knows who his only real competition is for your attention! ?
  9. I bet Ed uses a special version of NagBap with him. ?
  10. SSD's? *Pfft!* I prefer 3D, holographic crystals farmed from Atlantis. ?
  11. I see it twice in your original post. One's larger than the other.
  12. The forum can upload the image from any link you provide. I didn't change anything to your link in my reply above except to add the missing "g" then it worked.
  13. That 'ol thought experiment. If you were to suddenly be able to relive your life, but with the knowledge you've gained, what would you do differently? #1 would be to put as much money into Microsoft when it was first created that I could (and sell it all in August of 1999). Sure, there are other things, but all of those are only enhanced (or become possible) with sufficient funding!
  14. Aww... He's surrounded by plenty of love he'll do just fine! Those pups sure didn't think he was "different" (except maybe nicer to them). ?
  15. I think you missed the obvious! Great Value Guitars! ? Not like it matters, they'd probably always be out of stock on the ones you'd really want. ?
  16. I somehow missed out on paper tape (NOT complaining! LOL), but also had a class that did the punch cards. The fun prank was to rubber cement two of the cards together about 2/3's of the way back and put everything back in someone's deck (but weren't those boxes cool?). They would load their program into the hopper and it would chug along just fine until it hit our "surprise" - hehe...? Coleman had both IBM 370's and a nice 4341 mini-mainframe that was prominently placed right in the middle of the school (and named Kermit). I actually saw one of the techs fix it with a soldering iron! Fortunately, I'm NOT old enough to have ever seen (or performed) true debugging which is where a tube (or valve for you Brits) has attracted and killed a moth or two so someone has to go in there with a feather duster and "de-bug" the workings!
  17. Nice try, and we already know about the new browser they just released. ? (Besides, it's "psyche!" not "sike!") ?
  18. The "bits" have chimed in! ? I wonder if kids are even taught there's such thing as registers... Or if they even know what a nibble is!
  19. I have two, 250 GB Samsung EVO's that are two and four years old. Both have had ZERO issues (but I also have Carbonite so my files are safe if one should die). With the lower prices, I definitely will be getting an M2 next time, and larger too, probably 1 TB. I'll keep using the 250's as OS drives.
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