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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I've got the tab for Cage's 4:13 if anyone's interested (the lyrics too!).
  2. It's the Old Skool term for a "Selfie." ?
  3. Everyone knew Steve was different even from a young age! ?
  4. Love that banjo lead! Does anyone have the tab for it? ?
  5. I thought Blue Ray was a singer out of the South back in the 70's...
  6. Beware of Greg's baring Greek???
  7. Now we just need Steve to finish an album to put the image on! (I'm guessing it will be a Neo-Punk masterpiece called "Can I Say P**** Here?" ?)
  8. Wow, not only do you guys have gear, but walls too!!! ? *Jealous...*
  9. Proper English needs its syntax! (Right Steve? ?)
  10. See??? All the more reason to get more gear IMO!!! LOL. ?
  11. Unlike your genetics, my family tends to live several decades past their usefulness! LOL! ?
  12. In my v-drum picture, you'll notice that I have a sampler right in the middle (good for wood blocks, gongs, chimes, etc.). Can you guess what setting #97 was used for? Yep! ?
  13. What??! Do you expect to only live for a few months more??? I would have said "This will more than likely be the last computer I buy this decade" instead!
  14. Haven't seen either of those for a long time. I don't mind replays (if they're good)! ?
  15. Now THAT'S the Bill I remember! ?
  16. Without a fourth octave this is useless!!! ?
  17. Me thinks you've run afoul and are fishing for replies. ?
  18. I really enjoyed mine. Awesome stress relief too. Just realize that he will NOT be satisfied with the basic kit! That's how mine started out, but I ended up expanding it to the max.
  19. Kirlean photography is awesome, but are you referring to Aura-imaging?
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