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Everything posted by craigb

  1. *Thinks "What the heck is Marmite?"* First search results: Marmite has been in the news after it was reported that Denmark had banned it. In fact it can be sold but only if a licence is granted by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. *Decides Wibbles can keep it!*
  2. Here's one of many from Google: Type "do a barrel roll" into the search box. (Yes, you then should hit return! *Sheesh!* ?)
  3. I volunteer to test this theory! Anyone have a billion they could give me? ?
  4. Let's see... Raisins - Would be good except they're out of season so you're dumping a lot of sugar into your system, but that should help you fatten up for Winter, ya? Cereal - Not something humans ate until relatively recently (a few thousand years). Besides lectins you can't process (Gluten is only the most well known), it all turns into sugar which research is now showing causes most of the problems people have. Sugar - See the last sentence above. Dairy - (Assuming you added milk.) Has its own set of issues especially if it comes from American cows which have a nasty enzyme that European cows do not. Comparatively speaking, eggs and becan would have been FAR healthier for you! Heck, new studies have shown that a low-fat diet actually causes twice as many heart-related issues than higher-fat diets. A lot of good advertising and Government manipulation as usual. Oh yeah, considering General Mills and Kelloggs are companies using products from Monsanto, you might have some GMO or pesticide issues to watch out for too!
  5. You might want to do some research. Mesh's breakfast will actually keep you (and your arteries) healthier than you'd imagine!
  6. Cue the... "I don't know, but his face rings a bell!" joke.
  7. A damaged pipe organ can be a pretty common problem once you reach the Middle Ages too. ?
  8. My favorite has always been mushrooms. I plug them into ME and I feel wonderfully creative! ? (Could explain why I haven't been creative for over 16 years... ?)
  9. That's some good news! The ironic part I neglected to mention in my prior post, is that the organ was heavily damaged by a fire that started in a side kitchen that was located right under the organ... When they rebuilt things, the organ was a mere shadow of its original glory.
  10. I once got to play on the second-largest pipe organ on the West Coast at my parent's church in San Diego (yes, I got away with playing Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water - I'm not an organist!). Unbelievable experience none-the-less. I can only imagine what it must have been like to actually know what you're doing on such a unique organ like the one in Notre Dame...
  11. "You can't believe everything you read on the Internet." ~ Confucius
  12. What a bunch of knobs! ?
  13. I'm currently on a green tea kick - love this stuff! The variety I'm having comes with Ginger (no word about Mary Ann though...).
  14. Dictionary sand·wich /ˈsanˌ(d)wiCH/ noun 1. an item of food consisting of two pieces of becan with more becan filling between them, eaten as a light meal. "a becan sandwich"
  15. [@YourSignHere] Today you may find yourself in a blog, forum, Facebook page, Twitter feed (or not) where you'll read something that makes you laugh. © Daily Horrorscopes for only $1/day. You help fund my drug habits so I love you all!
  16. Besides all other aspects, the incredible amounts of historical architecture and items that have been lost is very sad. I've been there - very impressive! This is going to hit the Parisians hard both emotionally as well as financially. They get something like 13 million tourist visits to the cathedral every year...
  17. I'm thinking of having a becan sandwich. (Which, naturally, is becan surrounded by more becan, right?)
  18. craigb


    What would Confucius think of our repetitive, expletive-filled, auto-tuned, Top-40 crap I wonder...
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