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Everything posted by craigb

  1. No, I think his eyesight is spot on! (No dog references intended. ?)
  2. Kenny? With a Chapman Stick??? Whoda thunk it?! I upgraded this with some Zakk Wylde EMG's and used it as my travel guitar (packed one of the old Line 6 kidney bean POD's with it). You could have a stewardess store it in the closet near where you sat on the plane and didn't have to check it in (and hope it survived the flight). Not sure if they still let you do that or not... Light and a lot of fun! About as wild as my guitars got.
  3. So the old Kramer's with the metal necks aren't for you, eh? ? First guitar I ever tried where the neck weighed far more than the rest of the body...
  4. Apparently Focusrite gear is hit or miss. I know some that love theirs, but I had to get rid of mine (a Twintrak Pro preamp) because it got so hot I was afraid it would catch on fire! You literally couldn't touch the case unless you wanted to get burned.
  5. Or be lucky enough to have someone create a beautiful custom guitar WITH Line 6 Variax guts in it! ?
  6. It must take extra fiber for a Multipoo, ya? ?
  7. Been there, seen that! But, considering the topic title doesn't say anything about it and it was lingering on page 2, you're excused! ?
  8. He stole Kenny's dentures too??? ?
  9. Better to hire someone to use the treadmill for ya. Safer that way! ?
  10. Fans are important so mine are even more powerful (and I have two, one on each side of my monitor). ?
  11. Well, pretty much the same thing, ya? Bits can only be "On" or "Off!" ?
  12. I took bass lessons several years ago to learn how to play the bass like a bass player, not a guitarist. I can't help but laugh now, however my first several lessons consisted solely of trying to get me to have better timing!
  13. That was my point, it's not! Lots of people think it means to randomize the timing, but the software was smarter than that and could be used to add intelligent timing differences. In other words, it could add 30 to 50 ms to a MIDI track (or less if desired) to make it sound more human but it was done consistently ahead or behind not both! Randomizing definitely doesn't sound human and, IMO, sounds worse than fully quantizing.
  14. Song aspects not-withstanding (meaning speeding up for the chorus, etc.), I recall a study being done where a drummer tends to always be something like 30-50ms ahead or behind the beat. Not ahead on one hit and behind on the next like some people think. Cakewalk used to have a couple of tools (which I still have somewhere) that could be used to "humanize" an entered drum track to make it sound more like it was done by a human. This would obviously help the solo guitarist (for example) who doesn't play drums.
  15. I'll have to watch it later, but it's a well known thing that continuing until something is perfect never produces anything! ?
  16. My condolences S.L.I.P.! Sounds like he had a good life. 93 is a much more appropriate number than a lot of friends and acquaintances of mine have made it to lately (at least four in the last year and a half between 46 and 63...). My Mom will be 90 on Mother's Day next month (my Dad passed away in 2003 at 76).
  17. You should know that Dave HATES the word becan. ?
  18. Nope, it's very true! I also intend to be 70 and 80 in December. Maybe YOUR birth month changes around, but mine doesn't. (Maybe you read it too quickly and thought I had said "this December?"?)
  19. I'll be 90 in December (if I live that long). ?
  20. Purility encapsulates needlessly immature silliness. Parmigiana excites noodles in sauce.
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