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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Weird timing! I just played this (which is sometimes called Chess!).
  2. And that, is what makes the joke funny. ? (I suppose you've never heard of the dyslexic porn star either... Her motto was "Hey, if life gives you melons..." )
  3. A bunch of dyslexics thought they would show they have a sense of humor and created some joke t-shirts. They read "Dsylexics of the World Unite!" (Actually heard that one at one of our IT clients, a private school for dyslexic students.)
  4. I'm still not seeing 1903... Oh well, I guess I can wait!
  5. I also use Notepad but I've been working on my first song for over 20 years now... (Hey, it takes a long time to type in all those 1's and 0's!)
  6. Rumor has it Steve was always a bit different, even as a young lad... ?
  7. Just "Pause updates" (for up to 35 days)! Simples. ??
  8. Did you know your brain automatically translates WTF but not LOL???
  9. Proper excitement needed - It's Steve! ?
  10. This is my weapon, this is my gun...
  11. One must commend you on your annual observance of your expulsion from the maternal fecundatory oven! ?
  12. Let me guess... You live in the dessert near lots of Mescaline cacti, ya? ?
  13. But still much better than moose knuckle.
  14. You sound like a friend of mine Bill. She's terrified of negative numbers and will stop at nothing to avoid them!
  15. Personally, I've got a laminator so I just make cheat-sheets for everything, laminate them and put them up near the computer. Works a lot cleaner than stickers (and my memory - lol!).
  16. Apparently you can have your Cakewalk and Edith too! ?
  17. You really are a Vantucky Hillbilly, aren't you Kenny??! ?
  18. Upon further reflection, perhaps "Guerra Chimica" or "Promesse Governative" would be more appropriate? ?
  19. Bitten??! ? As if getting stung by one isn't bad enough!
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